David J. Schroeder Professor, M-DCC Kendall Campus ENC 1101 Syllabus

David J. Schroeder
Professor, M-DCC Kendall Campus
ENC 1101 Syllabus
Journal: Three ring binder. Sections will include: handouts,
class notes, free-writing, a reading log, graded papers and
revisions, and scholarship and occupation research. Quantity and
organization are the basis of your grade. (1 grade)
Library Exercise and Tour. (1 grade)
Query Letter. (1 grade)
ClassComp exercises/ averaged grades. (1 grade)
Assignment # 1 In class. The well-written paragraph: focus, unity
and development. (1 grade)
Assignment # 2 Description.
vivid images. (1 grade)
Describe a place, creating a mood with
Assignment # 3 Description.
Describe a person’s quality, suggesting its source. (2 grade)
Assignment # 4 Narration/Process Analysis.
Narrate the process of eating a food. (2 grades)
Assignment #5 The 90 Second Story.
Tell a story using only words of sounds and dialogue. (1 grade)
Assignment # 6 Exposition/Definition. (amnesty/ 1 grade)
All essays written at home will be 1 1/2 – 2 pages, typed and
double spaced. No cover page: name; course, days and starting
time; and assignment in the upper left hand corner.