ZOO 1010 Study Guide Chapter 17

ZOO 1010 Study Guide
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 – The Early Tetrapods and Modern Amphibians
1. What is a tetrapod? What adaptations occurred to allow early tetrapods to live on land?
2. What is the linkage with sarcopterygian fish ancestry and tetrapods?
3. What are examples of early tetrapods exemplifying development of limbs for walking on land?
4. Characterize the basic traits of modern amphibians.
5. Characterize the caecilians (Order Gymnophiona aka Apoda).
6. Characterize the salamanders (Order Urodela aka Caudata).
7. How do salamanders reproduce? What is a newt?
8. What is paedomorphosis? What types of salamanders exhibit it?
9. Characterize the frogs (Order Anura aka Salientia).
10. Distinguish between frogs and toads.
11. How do frogs reproduce? Relate to the basic life cycle of a frog? What are some unique examples of frog
Key Terms – tetrapod, double circulation, Lissamphibia, cutaneous respiration, tympanic membrane,
spermatophore, direct development, paedomorphosis, axolotl, amplexus, spiracle
Note: This study guide may not be all inclusive of material covered. The student is responsible for learning all
material covered in lecture and as expected as part of this course.