ZOO 1010 Study Guide Chapter 12 Chapter 12 – Smaller Ecdysozoans

ZOO 1010 Study Guide
Chapter 12
Chapter 12 – Smaller Ecdysozoans
1. What characteristic(s) place certain animals into the Ecdysozoa clade?
2. Characterize the Phylum Nematoda.
3. What type of a coelom do nematode round worms possess? What type of body wall musculature do they possess
and how does that affect the way in which they move?
4. What is a cuticle? What comprises the cuticle of a nematode roundworm?
5. Characterize and be able to describe the life cycles of the various parasitic nematode roundworms as follows:
Ascaris lumbricoides (the intestinal roundworm), Necator americanus (hookworm), Trichinella spiralis (trichina
worm), Enterobius vermicularis (pin worm), Wucheria bancrofti (filarial worm), Dirofilaria immitis (dog heart
worm), and Dracunculus medinensis (the guinea worm).
6. Characterize the horsehair worm, Phylum Nematomorpha.
7. Characterize the water bear, Phylum Tardigrada.
Key Terms – cuticle, ecdysis, ecdysone, hydrostatic pressure, hypodermis, collagen, pharynx, spicule, nurse cell,
haplodiploidy, filarial worms, cryptobiosis
Note: This study guide may not be all inclusive of material covered. The student is responsible for learning all
material covered in lecture and as expected as part of this course.