ENC 1101 Essay Assignment #1 Requirements:

ENC 1101
Essay Assignment #1
1. Type of writing expected – Narration and Description
2. length requirements – 500 words
3. formatting requirements – MLA format
4. documentation format – No citations necessary
5. amount or type of research expected – No outside research necessary
Objective: The focus of this first essay will be on narration and description. You have
two options regarding the subject matter:
Option #1
Write a narrative essay about an event that has truly changed your life and discuss the
ramifications of your association with that event. The influence of this event can be either
positive or negative; however, it must have affected you in some significant way. Some
things you might want to think about:
What are some of the details of the event?
What was the setting of this event?
Who were the people involved in this event?
How can others view the event?
Option #2
Write a descriptive essay about a person who has had a profound influence on your life
and discuss the ramifications of your association with that person. The influence that this
person had on you can be either positive or negative; however they must have influenced
you in some significant way. Some things you might want to think about:
What are some of this person's physical characteristics?
How does this person communicate (including their choice of words and their
What is your relationship to this person?
How do others view this person?
Students will practice different types of invention strategies.
Students will appeal to the emotions of their audience in their own essays.
Students will write effective introductions.
Students will experiment with figurative language (including metaphor and
Students will practice narration and description.
Evaluation Criteria
The most important thing is that you fully describe the event or person and that
you fully explain the significance of your association with it/them. It will not be
enough to simply describe the event or person. Instead, you will have to utilize
your analytical skills to explain why this event or person affected you so
I will be looking to see how well you appeal to your audience and how well you
stress the emotional aspects of your association with the person/place. Also, I
will be looking for the use of opening and concluding strategies.
Although the style will be somewhat informal, I do want to see how well you can
utilize the standards of American Edited English.
I will be looking to see how well you incorporate figurative language and
description into your essay.
I will focus on the quality of your introduction.
I am not looking for grammatical perfection, but the essay must be readable and
free of mechanical errors that distract your reader.
All these criteria will be considered in light of the Gordon Rule Rubric.