EAP 1640 WRITING LEVEL 6 FALL 2014 16 WEEK SYLLABUS Professor: ______________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Office: _____________ E-mail: ________________________________ Office Hours: __________________ Textbook: Blueprints for EAP 1640 (Miami Dade College) by Folse, Mahnke, Solomon & Williams Note: This textbook is a custom text designed especially for EAP 1640 at the Wolfson Campus. In order to reduce costs, it only includes units from the original text that will be covered this semester. It is only available in the Wolfson Campus bookstore. Other suggested Materials: an English Dictionary a Thesaurus lined writing paper with wide margins and 3 holes a 3-ringed binder to organize your work a flash drive WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Overview of Course and Requirements Students write Diagnostic Essay of Cause or Effect (Review from EAP 1540) Review of Essay Organization - Unit 1 pages 8-28 (optional – based on needs of class) Grammar Error Correction Activity Students correct and rewrite Diagnostic Essay Cause/Effect Essays – Unit 5 pages 118 – 143 Students write Practice Essay of Causes + Effects Grammar Error Correction Activity Students correct and rewrite Practice Cause + Effect Essay 5 TEST: Cause + Effect Essay 6-7 Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Synthesizing – Unit 8 pages 201-216 Students practice paraphrasing and summarizing Finding and Documenting Information from Sources – Appendix 5 pages 247-249 TEST: Summary of an Article (Implementing Paraphrasing and Citation) 1-2 3-4 8 8-10 11 12-14 15 16 17 Reaction Essays – Unit 6 pages145 - 166 Students write Practice Reaction Essay #1 Grammar Error Correction Activity Students correct and rewrite Practice Reaction Essay #1 Students write Practice Reaction Essay #2 (to written prompt – implementing summary) Grammar Error Correction Activity Students correct and rewrite Practice Reaction Essay #2 (handout) TEST: Reaction Essay (to written prompt – implementing summary) Argumentative Essays – pages 168 - 199 Students write Practice Argumentative Essay #1 Grammar Error Correction Activity Students correct and rewrite Practice Argumentative Essay #1 Students write Argumentative Essay #2 Grammar Error Correction Activity Students correct and rewrite Practice Argumentative Essay #2 TEST: Argumentative Essay (optional) WRITING FINAL EXAM Final Exams for other classes This syllabus may be changed by the instructor. NO CLASSES FALL SEMESTER: Labor Day: S Aug 30- M Sep 1 Veterans Day: Tues Nov 11 Thanksgiving: R Nov 27 - U Dec 1 SPRING SEMESTER: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents Day Employee Retreat Spring Recess GRADING CRITERIA Practice Essays + Tests*: 66% of final grade FINAL EXAM: 34% of final grade GRADING SCALE * Percentages are at the discretion of the instructor A B C D F = = = = = 92-100 84- 91 75- 83 65- 74 0- 64 HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR WRITING Improving your writing is a continuous process. Your writing will improve if you know what kind of writing problems you have, and you work hard on eliminating them. Do all the assigned practice essays, on time. Correct each essay when it is returned to you, and return it to the teacher again. Learn from your mistakes. Try not to make the same errors again and again. Try out the new grammatical structures and vocabulary that you are learning in the Writing Lab, Grammar and Reading classes. Work on your writing outside of class. The more you write, the more you will improve. DEPARTMENT POLICIES 1. Attendance is obligatory. After 3 consecutive absences without notification, the instructor may drop the student from the class. If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to find out the work missed and to be prepared to return to class. 2. Punctuality is obligatory. 3. Homework is obligatory. Instructors have the right to assign work in class or as homework. 4. Make-up exams are given only with an official excuse (doctor, immigration, court, etc.) showing the time and date. Make-ups for quizzes are given at the instructor's discretion. 5. Students that receive the final grades of F, D, or W in a class will have to repeat the course. 6. Student grades will be kept for one additional semester. Inquiries regarding grades must be presented within this time. 7. Dropping is the student's responsibility. Instructors may initiate drops for no-shows and non-attendance. 8. Incomplete grades and withdrawal policy: as per college catalog. 9. The Department of EAP and Foreign Languages strictly prohibits the use of cell phones, pagers and other communication devices in class. The use of these devices interrupts the professor’s instruction and the learning process the students. The penalty for using cell phones and other communication devices in class is the decision of each instructor and may include asking you to leave the classroom for the rest of the period. For repeated violations, instructors may even refer you to the Dean of Students. EAP 1640 - WRITING LEVEL 6 COURSE COMPETENCIES Course Description: Students develop the ability to write a variety of college-level essays with sophistication, fluency, and accuracy and execute other academic writing tasks. Prerequisite: EAP 1540 or equivalent proficiency Co-requisite: EAP 1640L Course Competencies: Competency 1: The student will recognize and produce the type of essay each writing task requires. Competency 2: The student will exhibit increased fluency in writing and will plan and develop multi-paragraph essays (with some including analysis, synthesis, evaluation, etc.) using a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary, exhibiting clarity, coherence and substance, and the application of Standard English conventions appropriate to the level. Competency 3: The student will proofread and edit written work attending to grammar, mechanics, clarity, coherence, substance, audience, and purpose, etc. Competency 4: The student will gather information and integrate sources in written work where appropriate. Competency 5: The student will use reference tools to edit writing and appropriately credit sources in a basic manner. Competency 6: The student will refine computer word processing skills. Competency 7: The student will execute other academic writing tasks including: essay responses to test questions calling for higher-order thinking skills, written responses to reading selections, summaries, reaction papers (reflection of personal experiences as they relate to academic topics), and e-mail. Miami Dade College Learning Outcomes Purpose: Through the academic disciplines and co-curricular activities, General Education provides multiple, varied, and intentional learning experiences to facilitate the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills and the development of attitudes that foster effective citizenship and life-long learning. 1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 2. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data. 3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning. 4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives. 6. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society. 8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively. 9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities. 10. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment. PN/13-1, Edited by DG 14-1