Miami Dade College, Hialeah Campus School of Business Course Name: Principles of Business Course Number: GEB 1011 Reference Numbers: 701792 Semester: Fall 2012-1 Day/Time: MWF: 9:00 am - 9:50 am Room #1212 Instructor Contact Information: Instructor: Geoffrey Danzig, MBA Office Hours: Before class or by appointment Department Phone: (305) 237- 8753 Office Location Room 1415-24 Email: Course Description: Basic principles of ownership, management, marketing, personnel, finance, accounting, business research and law as they affect the operation of American business and industries. Required Textbook: Book: Understanding Business, 9th Edition Author(s): Nickels, McHugh and McHugh Publisher: McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York Learning Objectives and Course Objectives: 1. Improve critical thinking skills by learning to reflect, think, and write on Case Study topics 2. Demonstrate ethical thinking by examining and analyzing ethical dilemmas. 3. Students will understand the changing roles of business in a competitive global environment; ethical considerations and the impact technology have played in changing the nature of business. 4. Students will learn the importance of economics and finance in the success or failure of a business. 5. Students will learn the options for organizing businesses, important considerations for starting a business, and the changing importance of e-commerce and the Internet in business development. 6. Students will learn important issues of management, human resource management, developing an effective team, considerations for communication, the importance of strategic planning and quality control. 7. Students will learn the important elements of a business plan, application of principles to the real world, and develop important presentation skills throughout the course. Grading Scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D <60 F Grading System 10% Attendance and class participation. 3 Homework/Classroom Assignments @ 5% each 15% 1. Case Study (Team) - HW 1 2. Current Business Event (Team) - HW 2 3. Hypothetical Exercise - HW 3 Midterm Quiz (Ch. 1-6) 20% 2 Chapter quizzes (15% each ) 30% Final Project (Team Venture Capital Business Plan) 25% Written (20%) and Oral (5%) Note: At the instructor’s discretion, extra credit points will be awarded towards the final grade with prior agreement. Extra credit will not exceed 5 points. Quiz/Exam/Project make-ups are to the instructor’s discretion and will require prior consent. It’s the student’s responsibility to drop or withdraw this course – not doing so will result in an “F” grade to appear on final grade roll. No late assignments will be accepted unless prior approval granted by instructor (10% penalty). All assignments will be graded on the basis of content, quality, grammar, spelling, neatness and typed format. Keep in mind that writing is a necessity for the attainment of academic success. The mission of Miami-Dade College North Campus is to provide accessible, affordable, high quality education by keeping the learner's needs at the center of decision-making and working in partnership with its dynamic, multi-cultural community. Attendance: Class attendance is an essential part of this course and attendance will be taken every class meeting. If a student misses a class; they are still responsible for all work that was due for the missed class. The student may be dropped from the course for excessive unexcused absences. If a student misses more than 50% of the classes; their final grade will be lowered by a full letter grade. Academic Dishonesty / Social Responsibility (General Education Outcome #6) Academic Dishonesty is defined as an action inconsistent with the ethical standards of Miami Dade College. Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false representation with respect to a student’s academic performance. The following are some examples of Academic Dishonesty: A) Cheating on an examination. B) Collaborating with others in work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course. C) Plagiarizing, including the submission of others ideas, work or papers (whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained) as one’s own. D) Submitting, if contrary to the rules of a course, work previously presented in another course. E) Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in arrangement whereby any work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed. Classroom Policy: Cell phones and beepers must be turned off before students enter the classroom. If a student’s cell phone or beeper goes off during an exam, the student will receive a zero for that exam (including the final exam). Students that leave the classroom during an exam will not be readmitted. General Education Outcomes: 1) Communication – An open line of communication is critical in all areas of your life; whether school, work or home. The only “bad” question is the one you do not ask. 2) Numbers/Data Analysis - Whether you realize it or not, numbers are everywhere-from the calorie content of your favorite soda, to the popularity polls of presidential candidates. All students should be able to process, understand and accurately analyze numerical data. 3) Creative/ Critical Thinking – In the business world one must be able to analyze the numbers or general information you working with to project budgets and sales for future periods. 4) Information Literacy - Do you consider "Wikipedia a primary source of information? By the time you graduate, you'll know the pros and cons of information in internet resources and be able to rate information sources based on their relevance and accuracy. 5) Global, Cultural, & Historical Perspectives – For a business to be successful it must be able to look at financial projections and understand what outside influences there might be. Knowing that a products success can be affected by the aforementioned categories gives a business a head start on fulfilling customers’ needs and wants. 6) Social Responsibility - John Donne said, "No man is an island." Everything you do and say has an impact on those around you. While at MDC, you'll develop skills to fulfill not only your personal responsibilities, but also your roles as a citizen and member of a global community. 7) Ethical Thinking & Social Responsibility - It is not just a matter of how you interact with other individuals; but it also is how you act ethically and morally in a business situation. You must consider what the “best” overall is; this may not necessarily be what is the best for only yourself. 8) Computer / Technology Usage -You can probably surf the net and send e-mails already, but there are many other powerful tools at your fingertips. Before you graduate, you will learn how to use word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation programs. Distribution Date: 08/01/2011 Instructor: Geoffrey Danzig, MBA The mission of Miami-Dade College North Campus is to provide accessible, affordable, high quality education by keeping the learner's needs at the center of decision-making and working in partnership with its dynamic, multi-cultural community. Principles of Business (GEB 1011) F: 5:40P.M. – 8:10P.M. Reference: 646116 Dates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Please note: Activities and Assignments are subject to change Activities Assignment(s) for Next Class Welcome & Introduction Distribute & Discuss Syllabus/Calendar Read Chapter 1 Lecture: Course Overview Read Chapter 2 Lecture: Ch. 1 - Team Formation Lecture: Ch. 2 - Distribute & Discuss Team Case Study (Homework Assignment 1) - View Video Business Case Lecture: Ch. 3 - Case Study Assignment Oral Presentations (HW 1) - Administer Chapter Quiz 1 (Ch. 1 – 2) Read Chapter 3 Prepare for Quiz 1 (Ch. 1 & 2) Complete Assigned Case Study and Prepare for Case Study Oral Presentation (due 9/25) Read Chapter 4 Lecture: Ch. 4 Read Chapter 5 Prepare Current Business Event Presentation Distribute & Discuss Homework Assignment 2 (Current Business Event) Week 6 Week 7 Lecture: Ch. 5 - Team 1: Present Current Business Event. (HW 2) - View Video Business Case Lecture: Ch. 6 Team 2: Present Current Business Event. (HW 2) Week 8 Lecture: Chapters 7 & 8 - Team 3: Present Current Business Event. (HW 2) Read Chapter 6 Prepare Current Business Event Presentation Read Chapters 7 & 8 Prepare Current Business Event Presentation Read Ch. 10 Prepare for Midterm Quiz (Ch. 1-6) (10/30) Prepare Current Business Event Presentation - Midterm Quiz Review Week 9 Administer Midterm Quiz (Ch. 1 -6) - Lecture: Chapter 10 - Team 4: Present Current Business Event. (HW 2) - Distribute & Discuss Final Project Week 10 Lecture Ch. 11 Team 5: Present Current Business Event. (HW 2) Venture Capital Business Plan Lab (Business Resource Center) Week 11 Lecture Ch. 12 - View Video Business Case Read Ch. 11 Prepare Current Business Event Presentation Read Ch. 12 Continue work on Final Project Begin work on Final Project (Due 12/09/08) Read Ch. 13 The mission of Miami-Dade College North Campus is to provide accessible, affordable, high quality education by keeping the learner's needs at the center of decision-making and working in partnership with its dynamic, multi-cultural community. - Venture Capital Business Plan Lab (Business Resource Center) Week 12 Lecture: Ch. 13 -Administer Chapter Quiz 2 (Ch. 8, 10 & 11) Prepare for Quiz 2 (Ch. 8, 10 & 11) Continue work on Final Project Read Ch. 14 Continue work on Final Project Distribute Homework Assignment 3 (Ch. 6) Week 13 Lecture: Ch. 14 Collect Homework Assignment 3 Read Ch. 16 Continue work on Final Project Venture Capital Business Plan Lab (Business Resource Center) Week 14 Finalize Final Project (written) – Lecture: Ch. 16 - View Video Business Case Week 15 Week 16 Course Wrap Up - Collect Final Project (written) Oral Final Project PPT. Presentation Finals Week Prepare for Oral Final Project Presentation Best Wishes for Academic Success at MDC! The mission of Miami-Dade College North Campus is to provide accessible, affordable, high quality education by keeping the learner's needs at the center of decision-making and working in partnership with its dynamic, multi-cultural community.