Miami-Dade College ESL & Foreign Languages dept 2008-1 Instructor: Office/Tel: E-mail: Office Hours: EAP 1141 (Ref 481151 ) TR 5:40—6:55 Pm Prof. Steve Strizver Room 1415-5, (305) 237-8729 TBA Course Description In this course, students develop the ability to write appropriate phrases and short sentences on personal topics. The last day to withdraw with no penalty is ______, to withdraw with a “W” __________. The last day of Final Examinations is __________. Required Textbook and Materials Fundamentals of Academic Writing Level 1 (Pearson) Longman Photo Dictionary Longman Basic Dictionary loose leaf paper and folder to keep your assignments pencils, erasers, pens Course Objectives/Competencies produce basic sentences and phrases on personal topics develop writing fluency and vocabulary write simple sentences (appropriate to the level) attend to grammatical form and word order proofread and edit grammar and sentence structure use reference tools to edit writing Course work and Grades Students read and write in class and at home. At home, you will review the chapters and do the exercises. You must correct and improve your writing assignments and return the original and the corrected writing to your instructor. The final grade in the course will be A (100-90), B (89-80), C (79-70), D (69-60), F (59 or below): In-class writing, quizzes and tests 80% Final Examination 20% Note: Make up quizzes, tests or in-class writing assignments will not be given. The final examination cannot be taken early. Punctuality and Absences Students must arrive to class on time. If you are absent for 3 consecutive classes, you will be dropped from the class. More than 5 absences in a MWF class and 4 absences in a TR class can result in F or D. There is a penalty for absences. Two late arrivals will count as one absence. When you are late, you must see me after that class so that I mark you present. However, you will be marked absent if you arrive 20 minutes late. Cell phones Turn off your cell phones during the lesson. Phones and beepers may not ring nor be answered during the lesson. SYLLABUS & PROJECTED SCHEDULE* Week 1 Course Introduction & Syllabus Baseline Diagnostic Assessment Weeks 2, 3 Chapter 1 Weeks 4 Chapter 2 Weeks 5, 6 Chapter 3 Weeks 7 Chapter 4 Weeks 8, 9 Chapter 5 Weeks 10, 11 Chapter 6 Week 12 Chapter 7 Review & Examination Introducing yourself Simple sentences Nouns and verbs Subject Pronouns Simple Present “to be” Basic Sentence Patterns Descriptions Topic Sentence Adjectives Simple present Time order Simple sentence Adverbs of frequency Narrative Simple Sentence Patterns Present progressive Describing a place Prepositional phrases Compound Sentences “but”, like to/want to/ have to, * If necessary, I will change this syllabus and schedule for the benefit of the class.