Miami Dade College – Kendall Campus Social Sciences Department SLS1505 COLLEGE SURVIVAL SKILLS Thursdays, 5:00 – 6:40 pm Room G306 Aug. 26 – Oct. 14, 2010 Course Description: This one credit course is intended for students who place into one college preparatory course. It offers students an introduction to college life and self-discovery leading toward a successful career path. Also, it exposes students to methods and techniques for mastering learning skills. This course will have a mathematics module designated for students that place into a college preparatory mathematics or algebra course. (1 hr. lecture) Credits: 1 (cc) Textbook: Cornerstone, Creating Success Through Positive Change Robert M. Sherfield, Patricia G. Moody. Concise Sixth Edition. ISBN#: 978-0-13-704804-5 ANGEL Course Site We will use ANGEL for course content, resources, activities and quizzes. Logon to Use your Regular mymdc logon and password Maximum Number of Absences: 2 --- This is the MAXIMUM number of classes you are allowed to miss. Remember…this is College—there are normally no excused or unexcused absences. If you exceed this number of absences you may be dropped WITHOUT NOTICE by your instructor. See your instructor if you have questions about this policy. Date / Time of Final Exam: 10/14/10 – 5:00 pm Instructor Information: Rhonda Berger Faculty Web Page - Twitter - By Appointment Building 6, Room 6324 305-237-0971 Department Information: Social Sciences – Kendall Building 6, Room 6206 305-237-2215 Grading: You will have 2 tests, each worth 20 points for a total of 40 points You will have several Activities for a total of 50 points - (must be turned in on or before due date for full credit consideration). – After one week, assignments will not be accepted. Participation Grade – up to 10 points. A = 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 F= Below 60 MDC’s General Education Outcomes: As graduates of Miami Dade College, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment. SLS 1505 Course Competencies Competency 1: The Student will demonstrate utilization of effective study skills by: assessing his/her personal learning style and study skills applying effective study skills applying active reading and comprehension skills developing strategies for critical thinking, memory enhancement and test-taking identifying math and test anxiety triggers and applying successful coping strategies Competency 2: The Student will demonstrate knowledge of the dynamics of success by: identifying personal values and interests through selected inventories examining the role of short, midterm, and long-term goals in success examining issues critical to life-management, including: time management, physical and emotional well-being, personal and civic responsibility, and the impact of cultural diversity developing informational literacy and technology skills effectively Competency 3: The Student will demonstrate an understanding of the process of making appropriate career choices by: matching knowledge about one's own characteristics and abilities to information about job or career opportunities comparing various career choices and related requirements developing an educational plan for meeting graduation requirements Competency 4: The Student will demonstrate knowledge of college matriculation processes and procedures by: demonstrating knowledge of college procedures including registration procedures, degree requirements, advisement services, financial aid, and the Standards of Academic Progress identifying resources available at the College for successful academic progress developing strategies for working effectively with professors in and out of class expressing his/her academic needs to the appropriate support resources . Tentative Schedule/Due Dates: (This information is subject to change) See ANGEL class for more detail and any changes to the tentative schedule below. Week 1 - 8/26/10 Week 2 – 9/2/10 Week 3 – 9/9/10 Week 4 – 9/16/10 Week 5 – 9/23/10 Week 6 – 9/30/10 Week 7 – 10/7/10 Change Introductions and overview of Syllabus Overview of Textbook Bloom’s Taxonomy Read Textbook –Chp. 1 Act. – email assignment Engage and Communicate ANGEL Overview, Courtyard field trip Read Textbook – Chp 2 and 3 Act. – ANGEL Discussion – Meet and Greet and Text review of topics Think MDC Resources/Web tour Read Textbook – Chp 4 Act. Group Scavenger Hunt and Display board Prioritze - Learn Chp 5 and 6 Class and HW activities to be assigned Read Quiz 1 – Chp 1-6 Chp 7 Library HW activities to be assigned Record – Understand Chp 8 and 9 Class and HW activities to be assigned Prosper – Plan Chp 10 and 11 Week 8 – 10/14/10 Class and HW activities to be assigned Quiz – Chp -6-11 Class Rules / Guidelines: 1. ABSENCE/TARDINESS POLICY: Roll is taken at the beginning of every class meeting. It is your responsibility to attend class meetings and to arrive on time to be counted on the roll. There are generally no “excused” absences in College beyond a court summons, military deployment, or brief hospitalization (documentation will be required). You are considered either PRESENT or you are ABSENT from class at the time roll is taken. If you leave class early, it is the instructor’s prerogative to mark you as being absent for the full class meeting. See your teacher if you have questions about whether or not your absence may be deemed as excused 2. You are not allowed to sign the roll for a student who is absent. This is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. You may be referred for disciplinary action if you do this. NOTICE: IF YOU MISS MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ALLOWABLE ABSENCES, YOU WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE CLASS BY THE INSTRUCTOR WITHOUT NOTICE AND MAY NOT BE READMITTED. 3. CELL PHONES/PAGERS/TEXT MESSAGING/MP3 Players/Music Devices: All cell phones, pagers or text messaging devices should be muted or turned off during class. Please do not answer your phone in class or repeatedly leave class to answer your phone/send a text message. You may be asked to leave by the instructor if you interrupt class and may not return until you have been cleared by the Dean of Student Services. Sending text messages or listening to an MP3 player/music device of any type during class is distracting and considered inappropriate classroom behavior. If you are seen texting or listening to a music device during class, you may be asked to leave the class by the instructor and may not return to the class until you’ve been cleared by the Dean of Student Services. Proper classroom etiquette requires you to not use any features of your cell phone during class. You are also not allowed to use a cell phone during a test. You must put the cell phone away, out of sight, during a test. 4. IF YOU ARE DROPPED FROM THE CLASS: If you are dropped from this class by the instructor or by the College for non-payment of student fees, you will no longer be allowed to attend the class. You will also not receive a grade for the class and the instructor will not accept your assignments, papers, or tests. The instructor can only allow a person to re-enroll in a class for two reasons: 1) The student was withdrawn due to instructor error, or 2) The student was withdrawn due to a financial aid issue (documentation may be required). The instructor has the discretion whether or not to allow a student to re-enroll in his/her course. If you are dropped from the class and the instructor allows you to re-enroll, you must submit the paperwork to the Registrar’s Office and receive a receipt showing that you’ve been re-enrolled in the class BEFORE YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO RETURN TO CLASS. You must provide proof of registration and payment of fees from the Registration Office before the instructor will let you attend the class. TO RECEIVE A GRADE IN THE CLASS, YOU MUST BE PROPERLY ENROLLED PRIOR TO THE START OF FINAL EXAM WEEK. WE WILL NOT RETROACTIVELY RE-ENROLL A STUDENT AFTER THE FINAL EXAM WEEK HAS BEGUN OR PASSED. 5. LATE/MISSED WORK/MAKE-UP WORK: You are responsible for submitting work by the due date/time. The instructor may impose a penalty for work submitted late. If you should miss class due to an absence or from being temporarily dropped from the course, you (not the instructor) are solely responsible for making up the work/ material/tests missed. The instructor is not responsible for reminding you about missing work/test. The instructor does not have to accept any late work or to allow you to make-up missed work! Unless an incomplete is arranged through the instructor, ALL COURSEWORK IS DUE BY THE END OF THE ACADEMIC TERM BEFORE THE START OF FINAL EXAMS. WORK SUBMITTED AFTER THE END OF THE TERM OR AFTER THE START OF FINAL EXAMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND YOUR GRADE WILL NOT BE CHANGED. 6. PLAGIARISM/CHEATING: All plagiarized papers will receive a grade of zero and the student will not be allowed to redo the assignment. Cheating is the deliberate act of GIVING OR RECEIVING unfair assistance or help on a test or assignment or the submission of someone else’s work as your own. Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s work without properly citing it in a bibliography or putting appropriate quotations around the work. Should an instructor determine that a student has plagiarized or cheated on an assignment, you will receive a grade of zero for the work and not be allowed to make-up the grade. The student may also be referred to the Dean of Student’s Office for disciplinary action.. 7. EXTRA CREDIT POLICY: The instructor may only grant extra credit opportunities to the entire class. No one student or select group of students will be allowed an extra credit opportunity any different than what has been offered to the entire class. Please do not ask for special exceptions as none will be granted. 8. DISRUPTING CLASS: Any student who intentionally disrupts the teaching/learning process or who acts in a disrespectful, threatening, or intimidating way toward the instructor will be asked to leave the class. Campus Security will be called if the student refuses to leave. The student will be referred to the Dean of Students and must receive his/her approval before returning to class. Any student who deliberately causes a class to be cancelled due to his/her inappropriate actions will be immediately reported to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action. An inquiry may be made by the academic department and the responsible student may face suspension or expulsion. 9. PRESSURING/INTIMIDATING/BEING VERBALLY ABUSIVE/USING PROFANITY WITH THE TEACHER OR ANOTHER STUDENT IN THE CLASS: Any student who participates in pressuring or “ganging up” on a professor with other students as a means to get him/her to change a grade or course requirement will be dismissed from the class and not allowed to return to class until he/she has been cleared to return to class by the Dean of Student Services. The student may also face disciplinary action by the College. The appropriate way to handle a disagreement or personal grade issue with an instructor is to meet with him/her one on one during his/her office hours. Any student who uses profanity toward, intentionally verbally insults, or becomes verbally aggressive with a teacher or other student in a class will be dismissed and not allowed to return to the class until he/she has been cleared to return by the Dean of Student Services. The student may also face disciplinary sanctions by the College. 10. Can’t Afford The Textbook? Two copies of all Social Sciences textbooks are on file at the reference desk of the MDC Kendall Library. You cannot remove these books from the Library and are limited to 2 hours of use per visit. 11. EMAILED CORRESPONDENCE: Our teachers make heavy use of email to share class information and correspond with students. You are responsible for regularly checking your MDC email account while enrolled in this class. Your instructor is not responsible for the student’s failure to regularly check his/her MDC email or to respond in a timely manner. We will be using the ANGEL Learning Management System in this course for class discussions and to access learning material. ANGEL can be accessed from any computer with Internet, including Courtyard Computers. Contact the instructor if you have trouble accessing ANGEL. YOU SHOULD LOG ON TO ANGEL at least 2 times between classes. RESOURCES TO HELP YOU WITH THIS CLASS: ACCESS Services (Services for Student with Disabilities) Room 2121 305-237-2767 Campus Counseling Services Room 3166 305-237-0529 Computer Courtyard (Computer / Internet Access for Students) Room 2100 305-237-2502 Natural & Social Sciences Media Ctr Room 2125 305-237-0812 (Computer Help, Study Areas, Social Sciences Computer Tutorial Packages, Internet Access) College Prep Writing Lab Room 6337 (For students in College Prep Reading, Writing) 305-237-2062 English Writing Center Room 2207 (For students who are taking or have passed ENC 1101) 305-237-0677 Reading Lab (For students in College Prep Reading) Room 6334 305-237-2832 Math / Science Study Center Room 3326 305-237-2233 Kendall Campus Library Bldg 2, 2nd Floor 305-237-2077 / 237-2292 Public Safety Room 5118 305-237-2100 Testing Services Bldg 5, 2nd Floor 305-237-0892 EMERGENCIES: Miami Dade College has a text-messaging ALERT system in place for your cell phone. We strongly recommend that you subscribe to this service to stay abreast of emergency broadcasts by the College. To subscribe, go to on your computer and enter your cell phone information. This information is used for emergency alerts only and will not be sold or distributed to other parties. FIRE ALARM Leave the building immediately. Remain outside of the building at a safe distance until cleared to re-enter the building by authorities. SHOOTER/SNIPER Once notified, comply with instructions from authorities. If you are instructed to remain inside, stay away from doors and windows. If you see a person wielding a gun on campus, immediately call Public Safety at 305-237-2100. Know your location! HURRICANE THREAT Tune to local television and/or radio stations for information about MDC class cancellations or call 305-237-7500. MEDICAL EMERGENCY Know your location on campus before you call! Call Public Safety at 305-237-2100 and report the emergency. If an Ambulance is needed, tell the dispatcher. Stay with the injured person until released by a Public Safety Officer. FIGHT / DISRUPTION Know your location on campus. Call Public Safety at 305-237-2100 and report the emergency. Do not intervene in the conflict. STALKER Immediately report your situation to Public Safety at 305-237-2100.