ECO 2023 Microeconomics A Flexi Course

School of Business
Kendall Campus
Miami Dade College
ECO 2023
A Flexi Course
Instructor’s Information:
Professor Maria C Mari, CPA, CMA, CFrA
School of Business – Kendall Campus
Office: 6319 #29
Office telephone: 305-237-0341
Office email:
Office hours: MW 11am to 1pm or TR 12:30 – 1:30pm
Faculty website:
Course Description:
An introductory course in the study of micro economic theory as applied to the
United States. This course will introduce the students to micro topics such as
demand theory, production theory, industrial organization, and elasticity.
This course is an independent study course. Students are not required to
attend a formal class but must complete the assignments by the due date
stated. It is recommended that students meet semi monthly with the
instructor to discuss their progress, in addition, to weekly e-mail
School of Business
Kendall Campus
Miami Dade College
Course Competencies:
To understand the concept of opportunity cost and incentives and how
they affect human behavior.
To understand the production possibilities frontier.
To understand the theories of absolute and comparative advantage.
To understand the laws of demand and supply.
To understand elasticity and its effect on total revenue and demand.
To analyze the effect of government policies on equilibrium.
To analyze prices and its affect on product demand.
To determine the effect of production costs on supply in the short and
long run.
To examine the types of market structure and their role in the
To analyze businesses operating under perfect competition
To analyze businesses operating under monopoly.
To understand monopolistic competition and advertising’s role
To understand the dynamics of oligopoly.
To analyze the four market structures wit respect to allocative and
productive efficiency.
To understand the role of government regulations and antitrust policy
on producers.
By McConnell & Brue
17th Edition
ISBN-13 9780073273099
Evaluation Methods:
Article Summaries
Chapter Quizzes
Percentage of Final Grade
School of Business
Kendall Campus
Miami Dade College
Chapter Quizzes: Students will complete the chapter quizzes found in the
WEBCT site for the course. Each chapter will have one quiz that counts for
toward the final grade. The remaining quizzes are for extra credit. The chapters
to be covered are: 1 through 10, and 18.
Article Summaries: Students will find five articles having to do with economics.
They will post the link to the article on the discussion page of the website and
then summarize the article for the other students. Students cannot repeat any
article already posted on the site.
Examinations: Students will complete a cumulative final on campus. The test
will be available for the students during the seventh week of the semester.
Students need to make an appointment with the instructor to take the test. A
review for the final will be found at the WEBCT site.
90% – 100%
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
Below 60%
Grade Information:
 Students can view their grades online at
 Course name: ECO 2023 Flexi
 Username: Last name
 Password: first name
Student Responsibilities and Conduct:
Academic Dishonesty (as defined by the College) includes, but is not limited to
cheating on examinations; receiving help from other students (unless permitted
by the instructor) plagiarizing; submitting work from another course (unless
permitted by the instructor); and assisting anyone doing these things. Academic
Dishonesty is considered to be a serious offense and may result in failing an
School of Business
Kendall Campus
Miami Dade College
assignment, receiving an “F” in the course, or dismissal from the College. See
the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further information.
Students should make a special effort to arrive in class ON TIME. IT is disruptive
and discourteous to the instructor and to other students. If tardiness is
unavoidable’ please come into the class and sit quietly without bothering other
Cell phones, pagers, or beepers should be turned off when entering the
classroom. Please inform those who call you that when you are in class you are
unable to receive calls.
Due Date:
Last day to turn in work is
April 25, 2008
No exceptions will be made.
How to Enroll in WEBCT
Creating a myWebCT | Top
When you create a myWebCT, you are required to create a WebCT ID and password.
Each time you log in to myWebCT, you enter your WebCT ID and password.
Note: You can obtain the URL for the Entry Page from your school's WebCT
administrator. Depending on administrator settings, this feature may not be available
to you.
1. From the Entry Page, click Create. The Create myWebCT screen appears.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions. You must complete every field marked with
a Required asterisk.
3. Record your WebCT ID and password and store it in a safe place.
4. Click Continue.
If the Log in to WebCT screen appears:
a. In the WebCT ID text box, enter your WebCT ID, and in the
Password text box, enter your password.
b. Click Log in. Your myWebCT appears.
School of Business
Kendall Campus
Miami Dade College
If the Password window appears:
a. In the User Name text box, enter your WebCT ID, and in the
Password text box, enter your password.
b. Click OK. Your myWebCT appears.
What do you want to do next?
Logging In to myWebCT | Top
From the Entry Page, click Log in to.
If the Log in to WebCT screen appears:
a. In the WebCT ID text box, enter your WebCT ID, and in the
Password text box, enter your password.
b. Click Log in. Your myWebCT appears.
If the Password window appears:
a. In the User Name text box, enter your WebCT ID, and in the
Password text box, enter your password.
b. Click OK. Your myWebCT appears.
What do you want to do next?
Adding a Course that Allows Self-Registration |
Important: Have you created a myWebCT yet? If not, click here for Help before
continuing. Depending on administrator and designer settings, this feature may not
be available to you.
1. From your myWebCT, click Add Course. The Select the course to add to your
myWebCT screen appears, displaying all courses in the Default term and Main
category not currently listed in your myWebCT.
2. Select a view:
If you want to view courses by term, from the View by Term dropdown list, select a term and click Update.
If you want to view courses by category, from the View by Category
drop-down list, select a category and click Update. Category:
3. Locate the self-registration course you want to add and do one of the
School of Business
Kendall Campus
Miami Dade College
Under Course (ECO 2023 Microeconomics – Mari) click the course
name. The Add a Course to myWebCT screen appears.
Under Add course, click the Add course icon. The Add a Course to
myWebCT screen appears.
4. Click Register. The Course Added screen appears, and the course has been
added to your myWebCT. You can do one of the following:
add another course
go to the course
return to myWebCT