Miami-Dade College EAP 0240L – Writing Level 2 Lab– Ref # 477576 Fall 2008 M, F 12:00-1:15 PM, Room 9207 Instructor: Anouchka Rachelson Contact: Tel: (305) 237 2549, E-mail: Faculty Web Page: Office hours: M, W, F: 8:30-9:00 am, M: 2:00 - 4:00 pm and by appointment Office and mailbox are located in 2204-5 Course Description: Students continue to develop writing skills in the context of guided discourse on personal topics with an emphasis on logical thought and mechanics. Prerequisite Successful completion of EAP 1141(L) or equivalent Co-requisite: EAP 1141 Text: Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs (2nd ed) by Folse et al., Newbury House Dictionary (red) by Heinle Important dates: Last day to drop with a “W”: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Last day of class: Friday, December 12, 2008 Teaching Methods: Class discussion, collaborative activities, lecture, e-mail, computer assisted writing Note: Writing labs are considered double-contact, which means that the same number of class hours (45) are required in outside writing activities (E-writing and homework). You need to spend fifteen (15) hours in the lab. Speak to Lab Manager at 237-2805 for appropriate writing software programs installed in the lab. The remaining twenty-five (30) hours should be spent with writing assignments. Grading: Lab Hours/E-writing 25 % Assignments 25 % Quizzes 50 % Scale: A B C D F 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 below 60 Student code of conduct: The college policy on the Student Code of Conduct is located at . Please familiarize yourself with it. Academic dishonesty: The department affirms its commitment to treat cases of academic dishonesty according to Miami-Dade Community College Procedure No. 4074. Students are forewarned that academic dishonesty in any form will be penalized according to this procedure. The instructor has the option to award a grade of “F” for the course. Cheating or any form of academic dishonesty may also result in the student’s being placed on academic probation, suspended from school, or dismissed from the College. Course Drop: It is your responsibility to drop this class within the time available. Tutoring: Available in the lab in room 6237 for students who have a paid registration to use the lab. Policies: All assignments should be double-spaced (black or blue ink) on white paper with margins. Assignments have to be submitted on time. Always present your own work. Copying from a book, a Web site or another person will result in an “F”. Be prepared. Always bring your textbook, paper, pens, a disk or memory stick (to save your work), and a dictionary. Keep your assignments and class work in a portfolio. Do arrive on time. You will be marked absent if you are more than 10 minutes late or leave before the end of class. Remember to turn off your cell phones. Attendance is mandatory and will be taken at the beginning of each class. Any student who misses more than three consecutive classes or a total of six classes per semester will be dropped. If you are late, enter quietly. For every three times that you arrive late or depart early, I will count one absence. Competencies: Competency 1: The student will develop writing fluency and produce a series of related sentences on personal and/or general topics with an emphasis on logical thought. Competency 2: The student will write simple and compound sentences in paragraph format appropriate to the level in Standard English focusing on accuracy and grammatical form and word order. Competency 3: The student will proofread and edit grammar, mechanics, and sentence structure appropriate to the level. Competency 4: The student will use appropriate reference tools to edit writing. EAP 0240L A. Rachelson Tentative Schedule Fall 2008 Week Date Topic Assignment 1 8/29 2 Access E-Writing via ESL Lab homepage “Virtual Lab” 201, 202 3 9/1 9/3 - 9/5 9/8- 9-12 4 9/15 – 9/19 Introduction to course Writing E-mail Labor Day – No School Definition of Language Terms, A1 Capitalization rules, A 3 Spelling rules for regular past, A4 Writing in the past tense, A 5 5 9/22 – 9/26 210, 211 6 9/29 – 10/3 7 10/6-10/10 8 10/13-10/17 9 10/20-10/24 Quiz 1 Writing in the present tense, A 6/7 Nouns and Possessive adjectives, A9/10, Quantifiers, A 11 Simple Sentences, Compound sentences, A 13 Quiz 2 Complex Sentences, A13/14 Complex Sentences, A13/14 10 10/27-10/31 Prepositional phrases, A 12 10 Lab hours due 11 11/3-11/7 232, 216 12 11/10-11/14 13 11/17-11/21 Using adjectives, A 15 Adjectives/Adverbs Quiz 3 Building better sentences, A 16 Writing in the future 14 Writing in the future Thanksgiving Day – No School Using Modals 220 15 11/24 11/28 12/1-12/5 16 12/8 - 12/12 Quiz 4 203, 204 213, 214 5 Lab hours due, 207, 231 233, 234, 235 236, 237, 239 240, 241, 242 244, 243, 245 218, 219 223, 224 15 Lab hours due