ESL and FL Department Main Office 1415 Phone (305) 237-8750 Chairperson: Maria W. Jofre Hialeah Campus Syllabus EAP 0440 - Writing Level 4 Reference # 529699 MWF 9:00-9:50AM Semester: Fall 2009-1 Instructor: Maria Vargas-O’Neel Email: Office Hours : TBA Office: 1415-9 Phone: (305) 237-8757 Mailbox: Room 1415 (#18) REQUIRED MATERIALS: 1. Textbook – Introduction to Academic Writing. By Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue. Third Edition 2. Dictionary – Standard English or Thesaurus. 3. Portfolio (folder), for writing exercises (paragraphs) and re-writes. Important dates this semester: Academic calendar: Last day to drop with a “W”: Last day of class: Final Exam week: Tuesday November 3rd, 2009 Friday, December 11th, 2009 December 14th-18th, 2009 Miami-Dade College General Education Outcomes As graduates of Miami-Dade College, students will be abler to: 1: Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society. 8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate the principles of academic writing as pertained to the following Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to use varied concise and coherent sentences and apply the structure in the paragraph form. The student will be able to use appropriate level four grammar i.e. verb tenses, adjectives, adverb and noun clauses, subject verb agreement, mechanics, transitions and word usage in a variety of themed topics. The student will recognize and apply varied rhetorical modes to the writing process i.e. Comparison & Contrast, Descriptive, Classification and Process to develop an extended paragraph using a clear topic sentence with a controlling idea, major and minor supporting points and concluding summary sentences related to the topic that can be applied in college level writing courses. The student will be able to brainstorm, organize, outline and apply the steps involved in the writing process this includes drafting editing and publishing the assignment using word processing skills. The student will be able to utilize information literacy and reference materials to create a paragraph which encompasses a variety of cultural, ethical and global topics. Course Description: Students develop the ability to use intermediate-level grammatical structures appropriate to classroom discussion, oral presentation, and writing of more sophisticated academic paragraphs with an emphasis on increased accuracy. Course Competencies: DEMONSTRATION OF PROFICIENCY Competency 1: The student will demonstrate proficiency when using the grammatical structures from Levels 1 – 3 (See competencies for these levels) SENTENCE STRUCTURE, CONJUNCTIONS, & CLAUSES Competency 2: The student will use a variety of sentence structure patterns (including questions) appropriate to the level and containing grammatical forms covered in this and previous levels. Also: a. Either/neither/so/too. b. Restrictive and non-restrictive adjective clauses with relative pronouns (who, whom, which, that, whose) Competency 3: Competency 4: PARTS OF SPEECH (N, PN, ADJ., ADV., PREP.) AND PHRASES The student will use the following grammatical forms in appropriate word order and context: a. Gerunds and infinitives after verbs b. Past participle c. Comparative, superlative, and equative phrases d. Intensifiers (e.g., very, too, etc.) VERBS (Tense, Aspect, Voice, & Mood) The student will use the following verbs in affirmative, negative, and question forms as indicated by the context of a passage or conversation: a. Present perfect b. Present perfect progressive GRADING POLICY: To receive a passing grade of (A,B,C) you are required to: 1. Pass all tests and quizzes given in class: No make-up exams allowed unless you have prior permission from me. If you are absent on the day of an exam with an excusable absence, please see me before the next class session to discuss possible make-up alternatives. If you do not contact me before the next class, your exam grade will be counted as an F. 2. Participate in class, exercises and homework. 3. Turn-in a complete portfolio prior to the Final Exam, at the end of the semester. [ANGEL Program: to be discussed in class] 4. Miss no more than three (3) classes. 5. You need to have at least two private conferences with your instructor. 6. Pass the final exam. 7. Homework : Homework must be done on the day that it is assigned. You may be required to turn it in or to use it for an in-class assignment or activity. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Final Exam……………………….. Tests and Quizzes………………… Portfolio [ANGEL] Homework/class participation 25% 40% 25% 10% GRADING SCALE: 100%-90% 89%-80% 79%-70% 69%-60% 59%-below A B C D F ATTENDANCE POLICY AND STUDENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES Welcome to this class. I hope to make it as interesting as possible to help you achieve your goal. The instructor allows you to have one (1) unexcused absence. More than three (3) absences indicate to me a serious lack of commitment on your part. Departmental research has proven that students who miss more than four classes in a semester have a considerably lower chance of passing the class/final exam. If you have more than three consecutive unexcused absences from class, you will be withdrawn (dropped) from the class, and receive a grade of “W” for the course, and YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM. Call me if your are going to be absent or late (Absences, tardiness or leaving class EARLY ) will be detrimental to your progress. It is still your responsibility to complete and if necessary turn in any assignment that may have been given as homework. Either by placing it in my mailbox (#18), my office, or by bringing it to your next class. (I will NOT accept any assignment after that, and you will receive an F for that particular assignment). Have a classmate’s phone number in case you are absent, so that you can be informed about the activities that went on in class. I want you to pass this course, but I cannot help you if you are not here. 1.classmate__________________ Phone #__________________ 2.classmate__________________ Phone #__________________ When you re-write your returned paragraph, attach it to the original and return it to me. It is your responsibility to re-write the paragraphs and for you to make the necessary corrections in order to be able to monitor your progress in class. Your final draft Must be submitted in the ANGEL Program. CELLULAR PHONES… No, no, no!!! for emergencies, keep it on “Vibrate” or “Silent Mode”. If you do have an emergency during the class, let me know and we shall take the necessary action. (If it is an extreme emergency, and you have the need to answer the phone, PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER IT IN CLASS, WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE OUTSIDE THE ROOM TO DO SO.) Keep in mind that the textbook is required, and homework is essential during the entire semester. Failure to acquire/purchase the book… may affect your grade. Ask questions in class. Be an active participant as much as you can. REMEMBER: There is never a dumb question … If you have any kind of special needs, make an appointment or see me after class. Tardiness: If you are late, please enter quietly and join in the class activities. For every three (3) times that you arrive late or depart early, this will count as one absence. Exceptions may be made if you provide documentation which demonstrates that you had a serious illness, injury, or court appearance. Student code of conduct: The college policy on the Student Code of Conduct is located at Please familiarize yourself with it. Academic dishonesty: The department affirms its commitment to treat cases of academic dishonesty according to Miami-Dade College Procedure No. 4074. Students are forewarned that academic dishonesty in any form will be penalized according to this procedure. The instructor has the option to award a grade of “F” for the course. Cheating or any form of academic dishonesty may also result in the student’s being placed on academic probation, suspended from school, or dismissed from the College. The College policy for dealing with Academic Dishonesty is located at CONCLUSION: I know it is difficult for many of you to practice English outside of the classroom; therefore, you understand that I emphasize that no language other than English is acceptable during class time. Because your jobs, families and other responsibilities make it difficult for many of you to practice English outside of the classroom, it is essential for you to attend class. If you find that this policy is not acceptable to you, come to see me and we will find you an alternative class. The purpose of EAP writing classes is to help make you successful not only in EAP 1441/EAP 1441L, but in all your future writing assignments as a college student. But the responsibility is yours, you are the captain of your own destiny. I will be here before class begins and after class to give you any assistance I can, to answer questions and/or to talk about individual concerns you may have. MOST IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that a grade is NOT GIVEN to you. YOU earn it!!! In addition, this semester you will be using the ANGEL program. More details to follow soon. Course Drop: It is your responsibility to drop this class within the time available. The College academic calendar is available at THIS SCHEDULE IS TENTATIVE AND MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME Week 1 Week 2 Introductions & Syllabus Ch 1 Pgs 2 -22 Week 3 Ch 3 Week 4 Ch 2 Week 5 & 6 Ch 4 Week 7 & 8 Ch 5 & Ch 6 Week 9 & 10 Ch 7 Week 11 & 12 Ch 9 Week 13 & 14 Appendix C&D Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Baseline Assessment Sentence Structure : Paragraph Format Pgs 68-87 The Parts of a Paragraph The Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences Making a Simple Outline Pgs 23 - 36 Narrative Paragraph Word & Phrase Order Pgs 60-75 Descriptive Paragraph Spatial Order & Expression Pgs 76 – Logical Division: 107 Paragraph Organization Unity and Coherence Process Paragraph: Time Order, clauses, complex sentences. Pgs 108Comparison & Contrast 121 Outlining Using Examples for Support Pgs 146 Classification Paragraph: 167 Topic Sentence & Supporting details. Pg. 187Summary Punctuation Rules. 191 Timed-Paragraph Practice Review FINAL Exam Portfolio (with re-writes) due Note: There will be a required Research thru LINCC done in the college library to be applied into your writing skills. Details will be given later on in the semester. .