PSC 1515 Exercises Chapter 14

PSC 1515 Exercises Chapter 14
1. a. The continuation of our equator is called the _____________________. b. The continuation
of our north pole is called the _____________________.
2. The Sun is said to be an average star in terms of:
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
d. _______________________
3. What are the three sections of stars from the center out?
a. _____________ b. _______________ c. __________________
4. What is the densest section of a star? ___________________.
5. How do stars get their light? By undergoing ________________ reactions where the element
___________ is converted to the element _____________________. This occurs in what
section of the stars? _____________________
6. Initially, before a star is born you start out with a(n) ___________________, which then
becomes a(n) _______________. Finally you have a star.
7. Which stars have a longest lifespan, large stars, medium stars, or small stars?____________
8. The brightness of stars depends on:
a. __________________ b._________________ c._________________
9. The lower the apparent brightness the _____________________ the star.
(brighter, dimmer)
10. What is the color that is perceived for the smallest stars? ___________________.
11. What is the color that is perceived for the hottest stars? __________________.
12. A catastrophic explosion involving large stars is called a(n) ________________.
13. A grouping of stars is called a(n)_______________. The Sun belongs to the grouping which is
called the _____________________.
14. What is present in the space between stars? What do these particles give rise to?
a. ___________ gives rise to _________ b._______ gives rise to ___________.
15. The closest large galaxy to us is called _________________.
16. It is concluded from the Big Bang theory that celestial bodies are moving _____________
closer, further
to one another continually. The faster moving ones are _______________ to us.
closer, further
17. We are able to obtain pictures of many celestial bodies because of __________________
which is located in orbit outside of the atmosphere of the Earth.
18. Distances in space are measured in terms of _________________________, the time that it
takes for ___________ to travel in one __________.
1. celestial equator, north celestial pole 2. brightness, size, age, temperature
3. the core, the radiation zone, and the convection zone. 4. the core
5. fusion, hydrogen, helium, core.
6. nebulae, protostar 7. small stars
8. size, distance, amount of light produced. 9. brighter 10. red 11. blue
12. supernova 13. galaxy, Milky Way 14. gases, stars, dust, planets.
15. Andromeda 16. further, further 17. the Hubble telescope 18. light years, light, year.