Wise Choices in College Learning College Customs Effective Note Taking Effective Studying

Wise Choices in College
Learning College Customs
Effective Note Taking
Effective Studying
Effective Test Taking
College Customs
Review your college catalogue on the college’s
web page.
See your Advisor.
Understand Prerequisites.
Complete your general education requirements
(36 credits)
Choose a major wisely.
Take a realistic course load.
Attend the first day of class on time.
Sit in class where you can focus on learning.
Study the syllabus.
Buy required course books and supplies asap.
Introduce yourself to one or more classmates and
exchange phone numbers and email addresses.
College Customs ….
Inform your instructor before an absence.
If you arrive late, slip in quietly.
Ask questions.
To hold an extended conversation with your
instructors, make an appointment during their
office hours.
Get involved in campus life.
Know the importance of your GPA.
If you stop attending a class, withdraw officially.
Talk to your instructor before withdrawing.
Keep a file of important documents.
Show respect to your classmates and instructor by
avoiding inappropriate behaviors.
Effective Note Taking
Before Note Taking
Create a positive affirmation about taking
Get note-taking supplies that fit your style.
Read and take notes on homework
assignments before class.
Prepare a list of questions based on
homework assignments.
Bring note-taking supplies to every class
and use them.
Effective Note Taking
During Note Taking
Use the outline method.
Use a concept map.
Record only important ideas in your notes.
Listen and look for cues.
Listen for answers to your prepared
Use Abbreviations.
If you can’t keep up, leave spaces.
Record the class.
Effective Note Taking…..
After Note Taking
Review your notes.
Talk about your notes.
Compare notes.
Revise your notes.
Talk about your notes.
Compare your notes.
Revise your notes as appropriate.
Review your notes periodically.
Rehearse your notes aloud.
Effective Studying
Before Studying
Create a positive affirmation about studying.
Create an ideal study space.
Make a list of important assignments.
Study your challenging subjects first.
Arrange to be undisturbed.
Tell yourself “I will remember what I’m about to
Do the data dump.
Form a study group.
Effective Studying…..
During Studying
Play soft, instrumental music in the background.
Change subjects after forty-five to sixty minutes.
Take short break every thirty minutes or so.
Studying during your prime learning times.
Create Q & A cards.
Use Graphic Organizers.
Create study sheets containing key math and
science formulas.
Review briefly every day.
Effective Studying….
After Studying
Review, Review, Review
Create an instant replay of your study
Discuss concepts often.
Have someone quiz you.
Teach what you learn.
Seek tutoring.
Effective Test Taking
Before a Test
Create a positive affirmation about taking
Find out what will be covered on the test.
Find out how you will be tested.
Set a study schedule.
Take a practice test.
Visualize success.
Get to the exam room early and find a
comfortable place.
Effective Test Taking
During the Test
Right before the exam is handed out, relax,
say your affirmation, and visualize your
success once more.
Skim the test.
Read and follow directions carefully.
Do easy questions first.
Review your answers.
Offer an answer for every question.
Match questions to the answer sheet.
After the Test
Reward yourself.
Get the correct answers to all
questions you missed and study
Analyze your errors.