Miami-Dade Community College

Miami-Dade Community College
Department of English for Academic Purposes & Foreign Languages
Office Hours:
Prof. Mercedes Mont
1415-19, (305) 237-8811
Course Description
In this course, students continue to develop the ability to understand frequently used words in oral
contexts, and understand and appropriately respond to simple phrases and questions.
Required Textbook and Materials
 North Star: Listening and Speaking—Introductory (with CD), Polly Merdinger & Laurie
 loose leaf paper and a folder to keep your notes, exercises, and assignments
 pen, pencil, eraser, highlighter
Course Objectives
Students will:
 use grammatical structures consistent with Levels 1-2
 describe personal background and describe/narrate past events and experiences (with limited
control of past tense endings and common irregular verbs)
 use “going to” to express, for example, plans, schedules, academic or professional goals
 ask questions about others’ past experiences or backgrounds and future intentions
 spell names and words, and understand and ask for the spelling of words and names
 understand shorts discourses and identify the topics
 take accurate dictation of simple and compound sentences
Course Work
In this course, students are ACTIVE and practice LISTENING and SPEAKING. Your contribution is
important to the progress of the entire class. This class is an ENGLISH ONLY space, and you must
speak English at all times during the lesson. Remember: ATTITUDE is everything! You can do it!
Your active participation in pair and group activities, and the questions and comments you make in class
will be considered in your grade. Listen to the CD at home and in the car. Also, your Speech Lab study
will affect your progress in listening and dictation. Listen to the textbook dialogues in CAN-8 and
improve your pronunciation and listening with “Pronunciation Power” in the Speech Lab.
Attendance and Punctuality
You must arrive for class on time and attend classes regularly. If you are absent for 3 consecutive
lessons, you will be dropped from the class. You are permitted 4 absences (T/R classes) or 5 absences
(MWF classes) in total; more absences will result in a drop or a failing grade. If you are not in class
when the attendance list is read, you will be marked absent. It is your responsibility to see me after the
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class so that I mark you late. In the final grade, 2 late arrivals will count as 1 absence. But you will be
marked absent if you arrive 20 minutes late.
The final grade will be A (100-90), B (89-80), C (79-70), D (69-60), or F (59 or below), computed on:
Attendance/punctuality/class participation
Assignments, quizzes/tests, and/or presentations
Final Examination
*Exceptional initiative and contributions in class may be awarded extra credit.
Make-up tests or examinations will not be given.
You must give your presentations on the day assigned to you.
NOTE: You cannot take final examinations ahead of schedule.
Cell phones
Turn off your telephones during the lesson. Cell phones and beepers may not ring nor be answered in
Student conduct
The college regulations on the Student Code of Conduct is located at Please read it.
Academic dishonesty
The College policy for dealing with Academic Dishonesty is located at The department will treat academic dishonesty according
to Miami-Dade Community College Procedure No. 4074. Students are advised that academic dishonesty
in any form will be penalized according to this procedure. The instructor may award a grade of “F” for
the course. Cheating or any form of academic dishonesty may also result in the student’s being placed on
academic probation, suspended from school, or dismissed from the College.
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1, 2
Course Introduction
Dictation/ Listening Quiz
Unit 1
3, 4
Rap Music & the Arts
Dictation/ Listening Quiz
Unit 2
5, 6
Special Possessions
Dictation/ Listening Quiz
Unit 3
7, 8
Dictation/ Listening Quiz
Unit 4
9, 10
Dictation/ Listening Quiz
Unit 5
Catch up
12, 13
Famous People
Dictation/ Listening Quiz
Unit 6
14, 15
Driving Problems
Dictation/ Listening Quiz
Unit 7
Catch up
Final Speaking and Listening Examinations
* I reserve the right to change this syllabus and schedule as necessary for the benefit of the class
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