MIAMI DADE COLLEGE EAP 1101 Speech/Listening Level 1

ESL & Foreign Languages
Professor: Marta Menendez
Office: Room 7322-6
Hours: TBA
Term: 2005-3/4
Office phone: 305-237-1284
EAP 1101 Speech/Listening Level 1
Course Description:
Students develop the ability to understand frequently used words in
oral contexts and understand and respond appropriately to simple
phrases and questions. 3 credits
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Course Competencies:
Competency 1:
The student will use grammatical structures consistent with level 1.
Competency 2:
The student will use present tenses in sentences and demonstrate
the ability to:
Describe daily routines.
Talk about the weather.
Describe possessions.
Talk about likes and dislikes.
The student will use present tenses in questions and demonstrate
the ability to inquire about basic subjects such as locations, prices,
dates, times, and friends.
Competency 3:
Competency 4:
The student will demonstrate the ability to interact in basic
social situations such as introductions, greetings,
appreciation, and apology.
Competency 5:
The student will demonstrate limited oral control over “s” forms
including plurals, possessives, 3rd person singular, and
Competency 6:
Competency 7:
The student will demonstrate the ability to clearly pronounce the
letters of the alphabet and numbers.
The student will demonstrate the ability to follow simple
Competency 8:
The student will demonstrate the ability to receive and record
simple messages.
Competency 9:
The student will demonstrate the ability to take dictation of words
and simple sentences.
Author: Steven J, Molinsky & Bill Bliss
Newbury House Dictionary
4th edition
(CD-ROM included)
Pens: Blue or Black ink only
#2 Pencils
Notebook, Folder & Scantron
Attendance in this class is mandatory.
The only excused absences accepted in this class are:
a) court date or b) immigration date
1. After three (3) consecutive absences without notification, the instructor will
drop you from this class.
If you know you are going to be absent when homework is due, you must
make sure that the instructor receives all assignments on time.
2. If you are absent, you are still responsible for:
a. turning in assignments
b. getting copies of handouts (ASK!)
c. get the name and number of two (2) classmates that you can call if
you are absent and need homework info.
* The instructor reserves the right to give unannounced quizzes or tests. There
are no make-up sessions for these tests; therefore, you will receive a grade of
“O” for that test.
Tardies in this class are unacceptable. They are a distraction to both your
classmates and the instructor.
If you have an emergency and must be late, before entering make sure the
class is not taking a test. If so, wait until the instructor tells you to enter.
Continual tardies will affect your grade:
Every three (3) late tardies will count as 1 absence. There will be
deduction of two points from your final grade for every two (2) absences.
All assignments must include name, date, course and reference number.
All in-class assignments must be written in blue or black ink only.
All assignments must be double-spaced.
***If the instructor returns homework to be re-written the grade will
drop one complete grade.
The instructor will not accept late assignments. IF you are going to be absent
Have a classmate hand in the work for you, or leave it in the instructor’s mailbox
the night before.
NOTE: In the mailroom there is a clock, make sure the assignment is stamped
or it will not be accepted.
Dropping or withdrawing from the class is the student’s responsibility. The
instructor may initiate drops for no-shows and non-attendance
Drop Date:
The student is responsible to officially drop this class within the allotted time.
Please refer to the college’s Academic Calendar available at our website:
Student Records:
The instructor will keep information on students for one additional semester.
Any questions regarding grades must be presented within this timeframe.
Final Exams:
These exams will not be administered early under any circumstances.
Please make sure your trips and vacations are scheduled around the College’s
schedule. NO exceptions will be made!
100 – 90
89 – 80
79 – 70
69 – 60
Grading Scale:
= 35%
Homework = 35%
Final Exam = 30%
Final grades are based on:
quizzes, exams, homework, participation, attendance and final exam.
Academic dishonesty:
We will adhere to the rules and guidelines delineated in Miami-Dade College Student
Handbook Procedure No. 4074 in dealing with academic dishonesty. The ramifications
for cheating or any other form of academic dishonesty may include: a grade of ‘F’ for
the course, a student being placed on academic probation, suspension, or dismissal from
the college. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with this document. The College
policy for dealing with Academic Dishonesty is located at:
* In this class, if you are caught cheating: you will automatically fail the course,
***** NO EXCEPTIONS *****
NOTE: Students who receive a grade of D, F, and W must repeat the course.
Cell phones:
 When you enter the classroom, please make sure that all pagers and cellular
phones are turned off—not vibrate!
 Do not leave the classroom to answer your phone, or send text messages during
 If a cell phone rings during class, the student’s final grade will drop by 1 grade.
 A student is not allowed to leave the room to answer or make a call during a test.
 If you leave the room you must hand in the exam and not return.
NOTE: Though I understand that to many they are a necessary part of life, they are also
a distraction. In addition, the disruption they cause is a sign of disrespect to your
The following is a guideline for this semester’s work. The instructor reserves the
right to make any changes necessary. These are only GUIDELINES.
Week 1
Introductions, Orientation in lab
Syllabus overview, and diagnostic
“EXIT” ONE Expressways
Meeting and Greeting People
Week 2
“EXIT” TWO Expressways
People and Places
Week 3
“EXIT” THREE Expressways
 information hunt (North)
Week 4
“EXIT” THREE Expressways
Week 5
“EXIT” FOUR Expressways
Housing and Food
Week 6
“EXIT FIVE Expressways
At Work
Week 7
Review Chapters 1-5
Week 8
“EXIT” SIX Expressways
Health and Emergencies
Week 9
“EXIT” SEVEN Expressways
Week 10
“EXIT” EIGHT Expressways
Week 11
Week 12
Final Exam
Classroom Etiquette in the United States
Arrive on time to class. However, if you arrive late, sit down quietly without
greeting your classmates. The fact that you are late is already an unacceptable
behavior in this culture.
Cellular phones are off. Also, alarms on watches are turned off.
You must have your own materials in class. This means having your own
book, pencils, erasers, dictionaries, etc.
When the professor is talking, the students listen.
Pay attention to the instructions your professor gives you during class.
If you have a question, you need to ask the professor. His/her purpose for
being there is to help and guide you in your learning process.
There is complete silence when taking a test. Do not ask to borrow erasers, paper,
pencils, or dictionaries during the exam. If you have a question, you must raise
your hand. Do not speak out loud in class.
If you talk during an exam/tests the professor has the right to ask you to leave the
room, and you will get a zero.
When you are taking a tests and the professor advises you that it is time to hand in
the tests, YOU MUST DO IT! If you keep your paper longer, or continue to write,
the professor may decide not to accept it.
Do not bring guests or to class unless you’ve made prior arrangements with your
Keep the classroom clean.
Tell your friends to wait for you away from the classroom. They should not knock
on the door to get your attention or come into the classroom to get things from
you while the class is in session.
You must follow the rules explained by your instructor regarding absences, tests,
homework, exams, and makeup policies if any. Each professor has different rules
and these are listed in your syllabus. Be familiar with them.
Ignorance of the above rules does not exempt you from paying the consequences.