College Algebra Textbook College Algebra 5ed by Robert Blitzer + CourseCompass access Meetings Tuesday and Thursday 8:25 - 9:40 AM in room 4-208 Pre-requisite Intermediate Algebra or equivalent. Instructor Maky Manchola (mmanch Consultation TR 7:30 - 8:15 AM in room 3-245 (Math Dept) Evaluation Four exams, including a cumulative final. Each exam is worth 100 points. Grade Scale [0, 60) = F [60, 70) = D [70, 80) = C [80, 90) = B [90, 100] = A To calculate the semester average, add the best three exam scores, then divide the result by 3: sum of the best 3 exam scores 3 Important Dates Exam dates will be announced approximately one week in advance. The drop deadline is Wednesday 17 March 2010. Attendance By institutional policy, any student who misses more than six meetings will receive а non-passing grade for the course (F or D or IW.) Any student who misses a meeting assumes the full burden of determining and obtaining all missed material, notes, assignments, announcements, etc. When a student is absent on an exam day, that student receives a zero-score on the missed exam. There are no make-up exams in this class - PERIOD 545857 © Maky Manchola