Lesson 2, The EDIT Strategy got my dug.

Lesson 2, The EDIT Strategy
Passage 1H
Hi, my name is Tiffany and I have am dog called Good Girl. I am going to tell you how I
got my dug.
One winter night, I was walking an a lake. Then I saw a dog and she was trying to swim
out of the cold water. I hlped the dog out of the ice-cold water, and broght her home.
When I braht the dog home, my mom said, “What are you doing with that dig?” I said,
“She broke her legg.” My mom said, “I will get her some hat water and a blenket to keep her
While my mom was getting the hot wtr, I thought about how much Good Girl barked, and
I wondered if she was not feeling wel. I stayed at home with her until she felt batter and stopped
brkng so much.
After a couple of days my friend Jenny called me end said, “Why are you not at school?”
I said, “Come over at two.” Jenny said, “OK.” At 2:00 Jenny came over. Seh said, “So wat is it?
Why don’t you come to sckuhll anymore?” I said, “It’s Good Girl, my dog.”
“Who is she?” asked Jenny. “You don't have a dog.”
“Yes, I do,” I sad. “Tell me how you got her,” Jenny said. So I didd, and told her the
same story I just told you.
Misspelled Words (S)
Misused Words (U)
x 100 =