Personal Marketing Plan Marketing I Quarter 4 Assessment 100 Points Components of Personal Marketing Plan • Mission Statement • Current Marketing Situation • SWOT Analysis • Objectives (SMART Goals- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bound) • Strategies (Marketing Mix) Product, Place, Price, Promotion • Summary- How will you stand out in the crowd? Mission Statement A statement (may be 3-5 sentences) that identifies the following: • Core values • Provides clarity and identity of who you are and what is important to you • Will help to brand you • Needs to be honest and authentic • Will evolve and change over time Current Marketing Situation • Summarizes the current job market/employment opportunities • What career do you want to pursue? • What is the current salary range and educational or training requirements for this job? • What is the competition for jobs – and WHO is your competition? SWOT Analysis • What are your strengths for the job/goal you want to achieve? • What are your weaknesses? • What are the opportunities that exist currently? • What are the threats? • Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors about YOU • Opportunities and threats are external factors about your environment Objectives (SMART GOALS) • Personal objectives- Goals that relate to your personal growth and development. • Professional/career objectives- Goals that relate to gaining employment, career development Marketing Mix • Apply the marketing mix to yourself • Create strategies around the 4 P’s for marketing yourself PRODUCT: What are the features and benefits of YOU? Focus on your strengths and positive aspects to “sell” to a potential employer • Features- education, abilities, skills, “competencies” such as collaborative, critical thinker, creative, etc. • Could also include ways to modify yourself as a product….what would you change or improve? PLACE Where to you want to work? • Are there any geographic considerations? • Are there any specific locations where you want to work? • Are there any locations that you find unacceptable? PRICE How much will you cost the employer? What is essential to you in pricing your talents? • What salary expectations are reasonable? • What fringe benefits are important to you? • 401K plans? Insurance? (Medical/Vision/Dental/ Promotion • How will you market yourself? • How can you network appropriately? • How can you modify or improve your current marketing channels? (Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat....all of these images and “words” are branding you….Do you need to change any of these?) People • Who is the target market to whom you will market yourself? Standing Out from the Crowd • Briefly summarize “who you are” • What are you outstanding features • What makes you marketable above everyone else? • What can you do to stand out from the crowd? • Why should you be hired? Quarter 4 Assessment • Work individually to complete a personal marketing plan. • Prepare and summarize in a PPT. • Present marketing plan to the class • Date of presentation on Q4 Assessment day • Includes all of the components of a Personal Marketing Plan. • Use the PPT information as guide • Format slides appropriately- use graphics is possible • Use bulleted points (fewer words and more talking) • 100 Points