Agricultural Mechanics-I Course Syllabus

Agricultural Mechanics-I
Jeff Parris
School Telephone: (704) 528-4536 extension 1392
Course Syllabus
Home Phone: (704) 528-8050
Course Description:
Agricultural Mechanics-I is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of agricultural mechanics.
Students learn basic terminology and skills used in the agricultural mechanics industry including safe work
practices, agricultural tools, electric wiring, concrete, carpentry, paints and preservatives, and metal working.
This is a shop/laboratory oriented course that emphasizes basic knowledge and application of shop safety rules
and proper uses of tools and materials. Skill and age-appropriate projects are constructed to give students
opportunities to apply agricultural mechanics principles. Agricultural Mechanics-I also includes agricultural
leadership and employability skills such as FFA and SAE.
Agricultural Mechanics-I Course Objectives: At the end of this course you should be able to…
● Recognize the importance of Agricultural Mechanics to our community and culture.
● Use the SAE project book to keep records and calculate finances.
● Demonstrate leadership skills such as parliamentary procedure.
● Identify and safely use various hand tools and power tools.
● Demonstrate electrical, concrete, carpentry, and metal working skills, including welding.
● Calculate a cost effective plan for a project.
Materials Required for Class:
 Three-Ring Binder (At Least 1”).
 Leather Boots (these can be kept in the shop)
 Coveralls/Change of Clothes That You Don’t Mind Getting Dirty (these can also be kept in the shop)
 Notebook Paper
 Writing Utensils (pens, pencils, markers)
 FFA Dues - $25.00 (Optional but highly encouraged)
Behavior: As a participant of this class, you are expected to do the following:
come to class prepared with notebook and pencil, be respectful to everyone at all
times, participate in all class activities and discussions, have a cooperative attitude,
follow directions when asked, maintain tools and equipment, and always put
Attendance: You must be present in order to receive a participation grade. If you
are absent, you will receive a zero for that day’s work unless you complete an
alternative assignment from one of the textbooks chosen by the instructor. It is
your responsibility to catch up on any notes or materials you may have missed
while absent and to make arrangements to make up tests as soon as possible.
Participation: In order to be paid by an employer, you must perform the task that they ask you to do on the job
site for that day. In order to receive a high grade, you must participate and complete the daily assignment(s).
Examples of non-participation include: texting on your cell phone, not following instructions, playing games on
your computer, etc. Participation grades reflect a student’s ability to follow directions, cooperate with others, and
complete the assigned task. Agricultural Education provides students with hands-on opportunities to learn new
skills and students are expected to dress appropriately and follow all safety rules so that they can enjoy the
learning experience while minimizing the risk of accidents.
Tests & Quizzes: Section and Unit tests will be announced and based on the NC Agricultural Education
Blueprint and test item banks for this course. All tests will be representative of the material covered in class.
Quizzes will be given periodically during the semester and may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes will be
based on material covered in class and/or in lab/shop. Quizzes may be oral, written or performance based.
Notebook: A 3-ring binder notebook with loose-leaf paper is required for this class. Any material given in class
should be recorded and/or placed in your notebook in a neat and orderly manner. It is important for you to take
adequate notes. You may write in pencil or ink. Notebook checks may be announced or unannounced.
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE): Each student is expected to have a Supervised Agricultural
Experience project approved by the instructor. This project will require work outside of the instructional day. In
addition to performing the various tasks needed to complete the project, students will be required to keep
accurate records regarding their activities.
Student Organization (FFA): All students are highly encouraged to participate in the FFA Organization. Some
opportunities offered by the FFA are local activities, career development events, travel, and awards. The local
chapter meets every month with a banquet in May. If chapter dues are a financial burden please let the advisor
know. Scholarships for FFA dues are available for those in need. No child will be excluded from participating
because of financial difficulties.
Laboratory/Shop: This course will require students to participate in shop activities, work experiences, and field
trips. Students must have a safety contract with the appropriate signatures on file with the teacher before
participating in shop activities. Each student must also pass a safety test before he/she will be allowed to
take part in shop activities. A school insurance policy or a private policy is required for students taking this
Textbook: You will have the use of a class textbook. These books cannot be taken from class unless you
obtain prior approval from the teacher. If you borrow a book, you will be responsible for returning it.
Bathroom Policy: You will be given 4 bathroom passes for each 9-week grading period. You can use these at
any reasonable time to go to the bathroom if you fill them out and turn them in when you return. Conserve your
passes so that you have one available in case of an emergency. If you still have them at the end of the grading
period, you will be given extra credit on your participation grade.
Classwork & Projects (SAE)
Notebook & Quizzes
This course has an End of Course Test (VoCATS) administered by the Department of Public Instruction in
Raleigh. This exam grade will count as 20% of your final semester grade.