Welcome to Curriculum Night Survivor Kit Ingredients The items in this bag has a special meaning: • The cotton ball is to remind you that your house is full of kind • • • • • words and warm feelings. The chocolate kiss is to comfort you and to remind you that your child needs a hug when you read with them. The tissue is to remind you to help dry your child’s tears. The eraser is to remind you that we all make mistakes, and that it is okay. The tea bag is to remind you to take time to relax daily and go over the list of blessings. The mint is to remind you that your hard work will pay off one day. Mission Statement •We are here to increase our English language vocabulary in speaking, listening, reading and writing. We will learn by listening, following directions, sharing, trying our best, and working together to make learning experience fun and success. Classroom Norms • • • • • • • • • • • No playing Keep your hands and feet to yourself Be respectful and be on time Be nice to your team Listen to others and take turns Listen and follow directions Listen to your teacher Don’t talk when the teacher is talking Don’t push Don’t copy others Don’t laugh at others if they get the wrong answer What is ESL Class? • In ESL class we focus on academic language and vocabulary development to equip ELLs with the language that facilitates classroom interaction. The vocabulary is thematic, content-based instructions to ELLs that is transferable to regular classroom. I differentiate instructions for language to support progress in daily instructions in speaking, listening, reading and writing. I use formative and summative assessments to measure learning growth. Standards for English Language How do we focus on academic language and vocabulary development? • We focus on academic language and vocabulary development by following and believing Dr. Robert Marzano quote: “Teaching specific terms in a specific way are probably the strongest action a teacher can take to ensure that students have the academic background knowledge they need to understand the content they will encounter in school.” To apply Marzano’s quote I follow the six steps vocabulary process: • • • Explain: I will provide a student- friendly description, explanation, or example of vocabulary term. Demonstrate understanding: Students nonverbally demonstrate their understanding of the vocabulary term and then verbally restate the meaning of the term. Show and write: Students construct a picture , symbol, or graphic representation of the term and ten label or write about the vocabulary term in their vocabulary journal. Discuss: In response to prompts, students discuss the vocabulary term to sharpen their understanding of it. • • Reflect and Refine: Students think about what they have learned about the vocabulary term and revisit their vocabulary journals to add to their entries. Apply in Learning: Students apply their knowledge of the vocabulary term by engaging in a learning game. What are thematic, Content Based Instructions? • Thematic, content based instructions are to build science and social studies vocabulary and concepts through standards- based contents that are linked to themes. These themes are based on national standards for each grade level. Students are building knowledge that is transferable to mainstream classroom. For example Grade K Theme: at school. How I differentiate language instructions for ELLs? • I differentiate language instructions in base of the language stages and acquisitions. The three language stages are: • Beginning, stage 1 and 2, ELLS who speak only a few English words or simple phrased: I will provide words for the photos on poster. Help students match the words to the picture. • Intermediate, stage 3, ELLs who speak complete English phrases and short sentences: I will encourage students to contribute ideas by completing the sentence frame. For example: I know that there are_______ in the ___________. • Advanced, stage 4 and 5, ELLS who speak some complex English sentences: students will provide expanded responses by including details and examples. • Students benefits from differentiating daily instruction in oral language, reading and writing by increasing exposure to and practice with new strategies, minimize students’ anxiety and familiarize student with known expectations. How do I measure student growth? • At the end of each unit there is Unit Progress Test provide information about students’ mastery of skills and strategies taught in each unit. Levels of English Language Proficiency Writing • I remember a capital letter beginning of my sentence and proper nouns. • I used punctuation at the end of all the sentences. • I have finger spaces between every word. • My writing makes sense to me. How to read with your child? Look at the picture Look at the words from left to right Point to each word as you read Look at the picture. Look at the first letter. If you don’t know the words in English, ask. Look for words you know. Get your mouth ready for the sound of the first letter. Think about what comes next and if it makes sense. Sound it out. Check for a pattern. Look at the end of the word. Skip the word, read on to the end of the sentence, and reread. Does these words look like another word you know? Dolch words A In She Am Like Up he see and it to go no an is the do my at I so can me we Does it sound right? Use your strategies. When you come to a word you don’t know you can: Are you using punctuation as you read? ! . “ ? “, Reading Hand Reading Hand Alphabet Games Why? • Help them understand that our written language is logical. • Help them develop an awareness of how the alphabet works. • Help them learn that letters typically represent particular sounds. Fun activities to do with your child whenever you have a few spare time • Use dry erase markers to write on the side of the refrigerator. • Fill a tray, or container with sides with sand, salt, rice, finger paint, and make patterns or write letters or words. • Create a letter book for children to copy or trace using illustrations from magazines, catalogs, and news papers. • Sort plastic or magnetic letters bysize,shape,color, and upper and lowercase.