Mrs. Jones Class January 18 -29

Mrs. Jones Class
January 18th -29th
Reading Targets
Math Targets
January 21-22- 2.MD.7- I can use a.m. and
p.m., quarter after and quarter till, half
past, half hour, 30 minutes before, and 30
minutes after.
January 25-29- 2.OA.4- I can understand
a rectangular array. I can use an array to
find a sum.
January 21-22- Review of reading skills
as we read The Mitten and The Hat by
Jan Brett and complete comprehension
January 25-29- 2.RI.1- I can answer who,
what, when, where, why and how question
about a nonfiction text.
Spelling Words
January 21-22- No words due to short week
January 22-25-woods, blew, true, clue, understood, blueberry, knew, jewel,
football, bookshelf, argue, few, shoes, through
There will be no school on Monday, January
18th. This is Martin Luther King Holiday.
There is no school on Tuesday, January 19th
and Wednesday, January 20th. These are
teacher workdays.
Our class is in much need of pencils,
erasers, and glue sticks. Thank you to all
the parents who have sent in supplies or
gift cards throughout the year to help
provide for our class!
Science and Social Studies
We are beginning a unit on weather in
Science! We will learn about the different
types of clouds and the different tools that
we use to measure the weather.
In Social Studies we are beginning a unit on
history and culture. We will learn how to
use timelines to understand about historical
famous people and how those historical
people influenced our communities, state,
nation, and world!