Name FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA (FBLA) Business Achievement Awards (BAA) “Business” Award Activities The Business Achievement Awards (BAA) are an aggressive, self-directed, results-based business and leadership national awards program designed to compliment academics while accelerating a student's leadership skills. The awards focus on the words surrounding the FBLA Crest: Service, Education, and Progress. There is a heavy emphasis on education with integrated classroom/FBLA projects. The individual recognition is a four-tier program aligned with the FBLA-PBL Goals, NBEA Standards, and Career Clusters. The BAA has four distinct award levels—Future, Business, Leader, and America. In order to attend the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in April, the Future award must be completed. In order to run for a state office position, the F and B levels are required (see “Running for a State Office” requirements for more details). You may complete as many levels as you wish within a one-year time period. Work and documentation will be completed online through interactive forms (see Mrs. McFadden for your login key and password). Your application form and this (Business) worksheet need to be turned in to Mrs. McFadden by February 18 in order to be processed by the March 1 deadline for the State conference. Activities on the worksheet need to be signed off by Mrs. McFadden as they are completed throughout the year. Activities not completed in one year may be carried over into the next year. Projects completed for each level must be different. Students who receive F, B, or L awards will be recognized at the State conference. Students who achieve the A award will be recognized at the National Leadership Conference (NLC) in the summer. In addition to receiving the “America level” pin, all recipients of this award who attend the NLC will receive “America” ribbons and certificates of recognition. These awards are great additions to your portfolio, resume, college applications, and scholarship applications! Future Award This award focuses on basic business skills, introduction to community service, and FBLA involvement at the local level. Pins will be awarded to the recipient at the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in April. Business Award Prerequisite: Future Award. This award focuses on local and district/regional and state involvement; intermediate business skills; and leadership in the community. Pins will be awarded to the recipient at the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in April. Leader Award Prerequisite: Future and Business Awards. This award focuses on local, district/regional, state, and national involvement; advanced business skills; and community leadership. Pins will be awarded to the recipient at the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in April. America Award Prerequisite: Future, Business, and Leader Awards. This award focuses on total association leadership, business skills, and involvement in community. Students qualifying for this award will receive pins at the National Leadership Conference (NLC) in the summer. Website: BUSINESS AWARD - SERVICE (Complete 5 activities from this section. The first 3 are required.) Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Description Make a 2-5 minute oral informational presentation about FBLA to a business, class, or at a chapter meeting. (Prepare and upload an outline of your presentation.) Design a poster encouraging students to join your local FBLA chapter. (Upload a scanned copy/sample of the poster design.) Research community service grants that are available. Present your findings and any recommendations on grants to pursue to the FBLA Local Officer Team and Local Adviser(s) in a onepage memo. (Upload the memo.) Prepare a print ad about American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week. (Upload a copy of the ad.) Participate in a community service project that your chapter is sponsoring. (Prepare and upload a news release for your school or local paper about this project.) Help plan and conduct the Emblem Ceremony at a local chapter meeting. (Prepare a meeting agenda listing this ceremony as part of the meeting.) Help organize an activity or event for your local chapter to promote American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week. (Create a news release describing this project.) Visit a kindergarten classroom and read the Dr. Suess book, 'The Lorax' to students. Help them plant sunflower seed in cups to take home. (Upload a scanned photo and a new release of this activity). Prepare a local calendar of activities for your local chapter with at least two ideas for chapter activities each month. (Upload the calendar of activities) Help create and present a Halloween safety skit to elementary children. (Upload a scanned photo of the activity and a copy of a press release). Required Required Required Required Activity Attempted Completed Notes Teacher Signature BUSINESS AWARD - EDUCATION (Complete 8 activities from this section. The first 4 are required.) Activity 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Description Technology. Complete the interactive Business/Internet Scavenger Hunt. Entrepreneurship. Prepare a resume, cover letter, and job application, applying for a fictitious job (Upload a copy of your resume and cover letter. Use the online job application form.) Complete the interactive Internet Ethics and Safety Quiz (Complete interactive quiz). Entrepreneurship. You have just been hired at the XYZ Corporation. Your first task is to develop a new green product/invention (Please review the project requirements and complete the interactive form. Create and upload a print ad for your new product.) Accounting. Explain the importance of high ethical standards in the preparation of financial statements. (Write and upload a one-page paper.) Business. Successfully complete one (1) grading period in a business course with a grade of 'B' or better. Communications. Prepare an agenda for two (2) chapter meetings. (Upload copies of the agendas.) Entrepreneurship. Visit/tour a business. (In proper business format, write a letter addressed to your adviser describing this experience.) Communications. Complete a one-page report on a local, state, or national business leader. Marketing. Describe how a company markets a product or service in other countries. (Write a one-page memo to your adviser of your findings.) Required Required Required Required Required Activity Attempted Completed Notes Teacher Signature BUSINESS AWARD - PROGRESS (Complete 7 activities from this section. The first 2 are required.) Activity 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Description Prepare a recruitment brochure for your local FBLA chapter (Upload a copy of the brochure). Participate in a competitive event at the district/regional or state level. (Enter the name of the event, the conference, and the date on the interactive form). Plan an icebreaker for your local chapter members and present it at a local chapter meeting or in a class. (Create and upload an outline of the icebreaker.) Recruit one (1) new Professional Division member. (Enter the name of the professional member and the date joined on the interactive form). Submit an article/news release about your chapter's activities using the interactive submission form. Participate in the Virtual Business Challenge. (Enter the names of the team members on the interactive form). Write a letter to your school superintendent or principal about the benefits of FBLA. Participate in a task that is assigned by your local chapter adviser. (Prepare a 100-word summary describing this activity.) Help organize a letter writing campaign for soldiers. (Upload a copy of one of the letters). Attend a community or school meeting (Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, School Board, Jaycees, Kiwanis, PTA, Etc. (Upload a one-page report about the meeting you attended.). Required Required Required Activity Attempted Completed Notes Teacher Signature