Chapter 26- Review Questions

Chapter 26- Review Questions
Section 26-1: Introduction to the Animal Kingdom:
1. True or False: The cells that make up animal bodies are eukaryotic.
2. What characteristics do all animals share? _________
3. Complete the table about animals:
Category Percentage
of Species
Animals without
Animals with
4. What are 7 essential functions that animals carry out?
a. ___________________ e. ______________________
b. ___________________ f. ______________________
c. ___________________ g. ______________________
d. ___________________
5. Complete the table about types of feeders:
Type of
Feeds on plants
Filter feeder
Feeds on decaying plant and animal material
6. Explain the difference between a parasite and a host.
10. Circle the letter of the process that helps a species
maintain genetic diversity:
a. Asexual reproduction
b. Movement
c. Response
d. Sexual reproduction
11. What does asexual reproduction allow animals to do?
12. What are 4 characteristics that complex animals tend to have?
a. ____________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________
13. Groups of specialized cells form _____________, which
form organs, which form _________________.
14. After a zygote undergoes a series of divisions, it becomes a
(an) ___________.
15. What is a protostome? ___________________________
16. What is a deuterostome? _________________________
17. Complete the table about germ layers:
Germ Layer
Develops into these body
Innermost layer
Middle layer
Outermost layer
7. What does an animal do when it respires?
8. What does the excretory system of most animals do?
9. What does it mean that an animal is motile? _________
18. Complete the table about body symmetry:
Type of
Body parts that repeat
around the center
A single plane divides the
body into 2 equal halves
19. Match the term with its meaning:
a. upper side
____ anterior
b. back end
____ posterior
c. front end
____ dorsal
d. lower side
____ ventral
20. What is cephalization? ___________________________
Section 28-1: Introduction to the Arthropods:
1. What is the basic body plan of all arthropods?
21. What is a body cavity? ___________________________
3. What is chitin? ________________________________
Section 26-2: Sponges:
1. Sponges are placed in the phylum _______________.
4. True or False: The appendages of arthropods are jointed.
2. What does it mean that sponges are sessile? ________
Section 26-3: Cnidarians:
1. Cnidarians are members of the phylum ___________.
2. A tough body wall that protects and supports the body
of arthropods is called a(an) ________________
Section 28-2: Groups of Arthropods:
1. What are the 3 major groups of arthropods?
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
Section 27-1: Flatworms:
1. Flatworms make up the phylum _____________.
2. What arthropods do arachnids include?
Section 27-2: Roundworms:
1. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about
3. True or False: Mites and ticks are often parasitic.
Parasitic roundworms live in plants and in animals.
All roundworms are parasitic.
Some roundworms are a meter in length.
All roundworms develop from 3 germ layers.
Section 27-3: Annelids:
1. Of what phylum are earthworms a member? _______
Section 27-4: Mollusks:
1. Mollusks are members of the phylum _____________.
2. Complete the table about groups of mollusks:
Description of
4. Centipedes, millipedes, and insects are all grouped as
Section 28-3: Insects:
1. How many pairs of legs does an insect have? ______
2. What is metamorphosis? _______________________
3. What is the main difference between complete
metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis?
4. The immature forms of an insect that undergo
incomplete metamorphosis are called ____________.
5. What are pheromones? _________________________
6. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about castes:
a. Each caste has a body form specialized for its role.
b. Most insect societies have multiple queens.
c. Groups of individuals in a society are specialized to perform
particular tasks.
d. The queen is typically the largest individual in the colony.
Section 30-3: Amphibians:
1. True or False: Amphibian adults are fishlike aquatic
animals that respire using gills.
2. Circle the letter of each characteristic of amphibians:
a. Scales
b. Claws
c. Moist skin
d. Mucus glands
Section 28-4: Echinoderms:
1. An internal skeleton is called a (an) ______________.
3. Circle the letter of each characteristic of salamanders:
Section 29-1: Invertebrate Evolution:
1. What are trace fossils? _________________________
4. Circle the letter of each characteristic of frogs and
a. Tail
a. Tail
Section 29-2: Form and Function in Invertebrates:
1. What is the difference between external and internal
fertilization? __________________________________
Section 30-1: The Chordates:
1. List the 4 characteristics of a chordate:
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________
Section 30-2: Fishes:
1. Complete the table about the groups of fishes:
No true teeth; skeletons
made of fibers and cartilage;
keep their notochord as
Ray-finned fishes,
such as flounder,
angelfish, and fly fish
Lobe-finned fishes,
such as lungfishes
and the coelocanth
b. No tail
c. Herbivore
c. Able to jump
d. Short body
d. Adults have gills
5. Circle the letter of each characteristic of caecilians:
a. Legless
b. Long legs
c. Able to jump
d. Some scales
Section 31-1: Reptiles:
1. List 3 characteristics shared by all reptiles:
a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
2. True or False: All reptiles are herbivores.
3. Circle the letter of each adaptation reptiles have for
a. Lungs
Sharks, skates, rays
b. Carnivore
b. Moist skin
c. Strong rib muscles
d. Gill slits
4. All reptiles reproduce by _____________ fertilization in
which the male deposits sperm inside the body of the
5. List the 4 living orders of reptiles:
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
Section 31-2: Birds:
1. Circle the letter of each characteristics of birds:
a. Feathers
b. Four legs
c. Wings
d. Scales
2. The single most important characteristic that separates
birds from all other living animals is _______
3. True or False: Birds have a low metabolic rate compared to
4. Match the type of bird bill with the type of food it is
adapted to eat:
a. flower nectar
____ short and fine
b. seeds
____ short and thick
c. insects
____ strong and hooked
d. animal prey
____ long and thin
5. Match the bird group with its characteristics. Use Figure
31-19 as a guide:
____ Birds of prey
____ Ostriches and their relatives
____ Parrots
____ Perching birds
____ Herons and their relatives
____ Cavity-nesting birds
____ Pelicans and their relatives
largest order of birds, which includes
fierce predators with hooked bills,
large wingspans, and sharp talons
flightless birds that move by running
adapted to wading in aquatic
colorful, noisy birds that use their
feet to hold up food
birds found in all types of aquatic
ecosystems; have 4 toes connected
by a web
multicolored birds that live in holes
made in trees, mounds, or
underground tunnels
Section 32-1: Introduction to the Mammals:
1. List the 2 notable features of mammals.
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
2. Circle the letter of each characteristic of mammals:
a. Breathe air
b. 3 chambered heart
c. Ectotherm
d. Endotherm
3. List 2 ways in which mammals conserve body heat.
a. ______________________________________
b. ______________________________________
4. True or False: Mammals have a low rate of metabolism.
5. Circle the letter of each way mammals are able to rid
themselves of excess heat:
a. Fat
b. Hair
c. Sweat glands
d. Panting
6. The ability of mammals to regulate their body heat from
within is an example of _________________
7. True or False: Animals that are omnivores consume only
Section 32-2: Diversity of Mammals:
1. List the 3 groups of living mammals.
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
2. The 3 groups of mammals differ greatly in their means
of __________________ and development.
3. Circle the letter of each mammal that is a marsupial:
a. Koala
b. Echidna
c. Platypus
d. Kangaroo
4. What is placenta? ____________________________
Section 34-1: Elements of Behavior:
1. How do biologists define behavior? _________________
2. Behaviors are usually performed when an animal reacts
to a (an) _______________.
3. What is a response? ___________________________
4. Circle the letter of each response:
a. Alarm ringing
b. Hunger pangs
c. Answering the phone
d. Swimming toward moving prey
5. Circle the letter of each stimulus:
a. Light
b. Sound
c. Heat
d. Odors
6. True or False: All animals can detect all types of stimuli.
12. True or False: Imprinting can be changed after it has occurred.
Section 34-2: Patterns of Behavior:
1. Match the behavioral cycle with its description
7. True or False: Animal behaviors are not influenced by
8. What is an innate behavior? ____________________
9. What is learning? __________________________
10. List the 4 major types of learning.
a. _____________________
c. ________________
b. _____________________
d. ________________
11. Identify the type of learning illustrated below. _________
a. What is the stimulus? _______________________
b. What is the reward or punishment that is
associated with the stimulus? ________________
sleeplike state that allows an animal to
survive periods when food or other
resources may not be available
B. behavioral cycles that occur in daily patterns,
such as sleeping at night and attending
school during the day
C. the periodic movement from one place to
another and then back again to take
advantage of favorable environmental
____ dormancy
____ migration
____ circadian rhythm
2. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about
a. Courtship behavior helps animals identify healthy mates.
b. In courtship, an individual sends out stimuli to attract
a member of the opposite sex.
c. Fireflies have an elaborate dance to indicate their readiness to
d. Courtship rituals always involve a single behavior.
3. True or False: Courtship is an example of a social behavior.
4. What are the advantages of animal societies?
5. What is a territory? ____________________________
6. Circle the letter of each resource that animals need to
survive and reproduce:
a. Odors
b. Mates
c. Nesting sites
d. Water
7. A threatening behavior that one animal uses to gain
control over animal is ___________.
8. What is communication? _______________________