Chapter 15-17: Change Over Time Notes Early History • Probably very hot from meteorites hitting Earth • Atmosphere lacked oxygen • Gases from volcanic eruptions – Water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, and ammonia – Helped form an early atmosphere • Oldest rocks formed 3.9 billion years ago • Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago Oparin’s Hypothesis • Life began in the oceans • Sun’s energy, lightning, and heat from Earth triggered chemical reactions – Produced small organic molecules from elements in atmosphere • Rain washed molecules into the oceans to make primordial soup Miller and Urey • Simulated conditions of early Earth in a lab • Mixed water vapor with ammonia, methane, and hydrogen gases • Sent an electric current through mixture then cooled it – Found amino acids, sugars, and other small organic molecules • Experiment supported Oparin’s hypothesis • Earth may have cooled around 4.4 billion years ago – Water in atmosphere condensed resulting in a lot of rainstorms for millions of years • Scientists estimated life began in the oceans 3.9-3.4 billion years ago Origin of Life • Abiogenesis (spontaneous generation) –Life comes from nonliving material Francesco Redi (1668) • Disproved spontaneous generation of larger organisms – Nonliving material cannot produce life – Did an experiment involving meat and maggots Louis Pasteur (mid-1880’s) • Disproved spontaneous generation of microorganisms – Completely isolated a culture medium with no outside influence like spores or eggs • Boiled culture several times • Observed no living organisms appeared • Biogenesis: living organisms come only from other living organisms • Sidney Fox: heated solutions of amino acids to produce protocells (large, ordered structure enclosed by a membrane that carries out life activities) Origin of Cells • First cells probably prokaryotes (anaerobic): 2 billion years ago • Unicellular • Heterotrophs • Archaebacteria – Live in harsh environments (deep sea vents and hot springs) • Development of photosynthesizing bacteria –Released oxygen from water –Oxygen turned into ozone by sun’s rays made ozone layer Endosymbiont Theory • Proposed by Lynn Margulis in the 1960’s • Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells through a symbiotic relationship • Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain DNA similar to DNA in prokaryotes – Prokaryote ingested aerobic bacteria (produced energy for the cell) – Over time the aerobes became mitochondria – Some prokaryotes also ingested cyanobacteria (blue/green algae) that contain photosynthetic pigments – Cyanobacteria became chloroplasts when ingested Geologic Time Scale • Divisions based on organisms that lived during that time • Begins with the formation of earth • Calendar of Earth’s history • 4.6 billion years • divided into eras and periods –Precambrian: 87% of Earth’s history • Paleozoic: Cambrian explosion of new diversity –Largest mass extinction 90% of life disappeared • Mesozoic: mammals 1st appeared and age of the dinosaurs – Extinction of the dinosaurs and 2/3 of all living species – Pangaea: 1 large land mass • Was split apart due to plate tectonics: continually moving land masses • Cenozoic: era in which we live in today Mass Extinction • entire groups of organisms disappear from the fossil record almost at once Ch. 15-17 Bell Ringer #1: 1. Evidence shows that certain species have disappeared, or become _____. 2. We are currently living in the _____ era. 3. Humans of today would not be able to survive in Earth’s early atmosphere because it contained little or no ______. Evolution • Thomas Malthus: proposed that the human population grows faster than Earth’s food supply • Gradual change in populations over time • Proposed by Charles Darwin –Observed plant and animal life on the Galapagos Islands (ex: finches, tortoises) –Wrote On the Origin of Species • Species evolve, not individual organisms • Occurs by Natural Selection: “Survival of the Fittest” – Process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than other members of the same species 3 Factors that Affect Natural Selection • Overproduction • Species produce far more offspring than can survive • May not be enough resources (food, water, living space) • Competition • Members of a species must compete with each other to survive • Does not usually involve direct physical fighting (usually indirect) • Lack of finding food • Predation • Variations – Differences between individuals of the same species – Can make individuals better adapted to their environment (more likely to survive and reproduce) – Offspring may inherit helpful characteristics – Environmental changes • Can lead to selection – Genetic variation • Can result from the shuffling of alleles during meiosis or mutations • Over time natural selection can lead to change in populations – some individuals have differences that permit them to adapt and increase their chances for survival – Organisms with favorable variations survive, reproduce, and pass their variations to the next generation – Organisms lacking favorable variations less likely to survive and reproduce – The ability to survive and reproduce in an environment is an organism’s fitness. Evidence for Evolution Adaptations • any variation that aids an organism’s chances of survival in its environment – Develop over many generations – Can be structural or behavioral Mimicry • one species can resemble another species • Can provide protection from predators • Can look harmful or look like another harmful species Camouflage • Allows species to blend in with their surroundings • Used to avoid predators survive to reproduce Physiological Adaptations • Changes in an organism’s metabolic processes – Bacterial antibiotic resistance – Resistance to pesticides • Used to kill harmful insects • Some insects have traits that protect them from the pesticide and can survive • Surviving offspring inherit the pesticide protection • Pesticide becomes ineffective over several generations Fossils • studied by paleontologists – Used to learn the history of life – Evidence of an organism that lived a long time ago – 99% of species have become extinct • Can analyze structures of ancient organisms • Can also be used to find out about ancient climate and geography Fossil Formation • Can form in many ways – Organisms die and become buried in sediments (particles of soil and rock, mud, sand, or clay) – Become compressed over time which hardens into rock • Many found in sedimentary rock – Oldest fossils in the deepest layers – Can show a gradual series of changes in form of a species through layers of sediment Types of Fossils • Petrified fossils: minerals replace hard parts of an organism • Trace fossils: footprints, trials, burrows • Molds: decayed organism leaving an empty space • Casts: minerals fill spaces • Preserved remains • Hard parts: bones, teeth, shells, leaves • Imprints • Amber: resin from trees • Tar pits Relative Dating • Used to determine age of fossils in layers of rock • Compares a fossil’s location relative to other fossils in nearby rock layers • Cannot tell actual age • Look at rock layers oldest closer to the bottom • Diagram: Radiometric Dating • Used to determine specific age of rocks and fossils • Radioactive isotopes in rocks (decay over time giving off radiation) • Half-life: decay rate of a radioactive isotope Homologous Structures • Structural features with a common evolutionary origin • Similarity in body parts of different organisms due to a common ancestor • May differ in function but are similar in structure • Ex: human hand, bat wing, amphibian leg, bird wing, whale forelimb Analogous Structures • Body parts that do not have a common evolutionary origin but are similar in function and appearance • Structures with different anatomy but similar function • Ex: flippers of dolphin, shark, and penguin, bird and insect wings Vestigial Structures • No current function presently but are similar to functional structures in related organisms • No longer serves its original purpose but was useful to an ancestor • Still inherited even though it is no longer needed • Ex: whale pelvic bone, snake leg bone, human appendix and tail bone Embryology • Embryo: earliest stage of growth and development of plants and animals • All embryos have similar anatomy • Comparing early development of different organisms • Proceed through similar stages of development • Ex: fish, turtles, chickens, mice, humans all look the same • Gill arches and tails Biochemistry • Cytochrome c sequence • Amino Acid sequence similarities • DNA Similarities – Inherited similar genes from a common ancestor – Compare the sequence of nitrogen bases in DNA of different species to determine how closely related they are – Can compare the order of amino acids in a protein to compare relatedness Ch. 15-17 Bell Ringer #2: 1. A human’s appendix and snake legs are examples of ___. a. Vestigial organs b. Fitness c. Adaptation d. Struggle for existence 2. Another phrase for natural selection is “____”. 3. What conditions could force organisms to compete in a struggle for existence? Populations and Evolution • Evolution occurs as a population’s genes change over time – All genes together in a large gene pool: all of the alleles in a population’s genes – Evolution occurs when there is a change in the gene pool • Mutations –Environmental or by chance • Genetic drift: the alteration of allelic frequencies by chance events – Can affect small populations • Movement in and out of a population – Transporting genes (Gene flow: movement of genes in and out of the gene pool) • 3 different types of natural selection that acts on variation – Stabilizing selection • Favors average individuals in a population • Diagram: • Directional selection – Favors one of the extreme variations of a trait – Diagram: • Disruptive selection – Individuals with either extreme of a traits variation are selected for – Tends to eliminate the intermediate phenotypes – Diagram: Evolution of Species • Species: group of organisms that look alike and can interbreed • Speciation: the evolution of a new species – Members of similar populations can no longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring – Changes in allele frequencies that can result in the formation of a new species from a parent species – Ex: Darwin’s finches • Creation of a new species – Form when a group of individuals remains isolated from the rest of its species long enough to evolve different traits – Isolation occurs when they are cut off from the rest of the species • Geographic Isolation: physical barrier divides a population – Bodies of water – Volcanoes – Mountain ranges – Island formation • Reproductive isolation: organisms can no longer mate and produce fertile offspring –Influenced by different genetic material and behavior patterns Patterns of Evolution • Charles Darwin observed different species of finches • Adaptive radiation – An ancestral species evolves into a variety of different species to fit a number of different habitats • Divergent evolution – Species that once were similar to an ancestral species become distinct or different – Populations change as they adapt to new/different environmental conditions – Results in new species • Convergent evolution –Distantly related organisms evolve similar traits –Occupy similar environments in different parts of the world Ch. 15-17 Bell Ringer #3: 1. The combined genetic information of all members of a particular population is called a (an) _____. 2. Genetic drift is more likely to occur in ___. a. Large populations b. Medium-sized populations c. Small populations d. One individual 3. What is the formation of a new species called?