SCANS Inventory Worksheet


SCANS Inventory Worksheet

Directions: Check the boxes to the left of each SCANS competency, skill, or quality that you’ve developed, and circle the portions of the detailed descriptions of each item that apply to you. (SCANS refers to the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. The U.S. Department of Labor published

SCANS to identify the transferable competencies needed for career success in the 21st century.)

Part 1: Workplace Competencies

Resources: Identify, organize, plan, and allocate resources

 Manage Time: Choose relevant, goal-related activities; rank them in order of importance; allow time for different activities; understand, prepare, follow schedules

 Manage Money: Use budgets, keep records, make adjustments to meet objectives.

Manage Material and Facilities: Acquire, store, allocate, and use materials or space efficiently

 Manage Human Resources: Assess other people's skills and distribute work accordingly; evaluate performance and provide feedback

Interpersonal: Work well with others

 Work as a Team Member: Contribute to group effort

 Teach Others New Skills

 Serve Clients or Customers: Work to satisfy customers’ expectations

 Show Leadership: Communicate ideas, persuade others and inspire action

Negotiate Decisions: Work toward agreements involving an exchange of resources; resolve conflicts

 Work with Diversity: Work well with people from diverse backgrounds and orientations.

Continued on the next page

SCANS Inventory Worksheet

Portfolio Builder CD, Project 12: Showing Your Portfolio

© 2004 South-Western, Cengage Learning


Information: Obtain and use information

 Acquire and Evaluate Information

 Organize and Maintain Information

 Interpret and Communicate Information

 Use Computers to Process Information

Systems: Understand complex social, organizational, technological systems and interrelationships

 Understand Systems: Know how social, organizational, and technological systems work and operate effectively with them

 Monitor and Correct Performance: Spot trends, predict impacts on system operations, diagnose deviations in systems' performance and correct malfunctions

 Improve Systems/Design New Systems: Suggest modifications to existing systems; develop new or alternative systems to improve performance

Technology: Work with a variety of technologies

 Select Technology: Choose procedures, tools, or equipment including computers and related technologies

 Select Technology: Choose procedures, tools, or equipment including computers and related technologies

 Apply Technology to Task: Understand goals and proper procedures for the setup and operation of equipment

 Maintain/Troubleshoot Technology: Prevent, identify, or solve problems with equipment, including computers and other technologies

Continued on the next page

SCANS Inventory Worksheet

Portfolio Builder CD, Project 12: Showing Your Portfolio

© 2004 South-Western, Cengage Learning


Part 2: Foundation Skills and Personal Qualities

Basic Skills: Read, write, perform arithmetic/mathematical operations, listen, speak

Reading: Locate, understand, and interpret written information including material in documents such as manuals, graphs, and schedules

 Writing: Communicate thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing; create documents such as letters, directions, manuals, reports, graphs, and flowcharts

Arithmetic/Mathematics: Perform basic computations and approach practical problems by choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques

Listening: Receive, attend to, interpret, respond to verbal messages and other cues

Speaking: Organize ideas and communicate orally

Thinking Skills: Think creatively, make decisions, solve problems, visualize, know how to learn, and reason

Creative Thinking:


Come up with new ideas

Identify goals and obstacles, offer alternatives, consider risks, evaluate and choose the best alternative

Problem Solving: Recognize problems and form and implement plan of action

Knowing How to Learn: knowledge and skills

Use efficient learning techniques to obtain and apply new

Reasoning: Discover a rule or underlying principle that explains a relationship between two or more objects and apply it when solving a problem

Continued on the next page

SCANS Inventory Worksheet

Portfolio Builder CD, Project 12: Showing Your Portfolio

© 2004 South-Western, Cengage Learning







Personal Qualities: Display responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and honesty



Sociability: politeness

Put forth a high level of effort, persevere toward goal attainment

Believe in own self-worth, maintain a positive view of self

Demonstrate understanding, friendliness, adaptability, empathy, and

Self-Management: show self-control

Asses self accurately, set personal goals, monitor progress, and

 Integrity and Honesty: Choose ethical ways to act

Directions: Review all the items from the SCANS inventory worksheets that you checked. Then choose the five strongest competencies related to your current job target.

SCANS Inventory Worksheet

Portfolio Builder CD, Project 12: Showing Your Portfolio

© 2004 South-Western, Cengage Learning

