Name __________________________ Points __________/100 Grade _____ BUSINESS EDUCATION—CAPITAL HIGH SCHOOL Leadership LEADERSHIP FRAMEWORK: The mission of teaching Leadership will be to develop skills that empower students to assume and model responsible roles in family, community, and work. Identify appropriate leader characteristics and styles. Identify the purpose of various professional organizations. LEADERSHIP TRAITS/HABITS FOR EMPHASIS Dependability (e.g., attendance, punctuality, tools, deadlines). Self-discipline (e.g., correct technique, working with distractions, paying attention, respect for equipment). Following oral instructions. Following written instructions. Problem-solving techniques. GRADING SCALE [100 points possible; 100+ - Extra Credit points] GRADE A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF (Attempted) F (Not done) PERCENT 98 - 100 92 - 97 90 - 91 88 - 89 82 - 87 80 - 81 78 - 79 72 - 77 70 - 71 68 - 69 62 - 67 60 - 61 0 - 59 0 ACTIVITY Attend an FBLA meeting Pay FBLA Dues by September 30 Pay FBLA Dues by October 31 Pay FBLA Dues by state deadline for conferences Hold an FBLA officer position Participate in CHS club fair for FBLA Attend CoffeeFest Trade Show Participate in CHS Open House Attend FBLA Regional Fall Leadership Conference Attend FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference Attend FBLA Pro Sports Career Day(s) Bring cans for Canned Food Drive Salvation Army Bell Ringing w/Westside Rotary Bring cans/items for Adopt-A-Family Wrap presents for Adopt-A-Family Sell Papa Murphy cards Attend FBLA Regional Winter Leadership Conference Compete in FBLA Regional competition(s) Attend WA CPA Career Symposium Attend “What Employers Want” conference @ SPSCC Bring items for community service comp. w/Rotary Run for an FBLA State Officer position Attend FBLA State Leadership Conference Compete in FBLA State competition(s) Attend Career Day at the Zoo Bring cans/items for Change-for-Change Run for a CHS FBLA officer position Attend FBLA National Leadership Conference Compete in FBLA National competition(s) Dress in business attire Dress in spirit attire (pep assemblies, holidays) Invite a speaker to class Introduce a speaker Write a thank-you letter Write an article about a class activity or a field trip Take pictures at an event Attend a field trip Register for SPSCC Tech Prep credit TOTAL POINTS SEMESTER Both Fall Fall Fall Both Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Both Fall Fall Fall Fall Both Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both TIME PERIOD Activity Periods September October October Yearly September September October October November December, February and/or March (Trailblazers); May (Rainiers) December December [2 shifts] December December As available February February February or May March March April April April May May May/June June/July June/July As designated As designated As available As needed As needed As needed As available As available As available by approved course POINTS POSSIBLE 5/meeting 20 15 10 20/semester 5 10 10 10 20 10 5/can 15/shift 5/can/item 5/present 5/card 10 10/event 20 20 5/item 20 20 10/event 20 5/can or item 5 30 10/event 10/day 10/day 10 5/event 10/letter 15/article 15/event 20/trip 10 POINTS EARNED