Title of Course: Common Core Math 2 Honors
Email: wbeckham@iss.k12.nc.us
Website: http://www.iss.k12.nc.us/Domain/3588
Teacher: Wesley Beckham
Voice Mail: (704) 528-4536 EXT. 1347
Textbook: Core-Plus Mathematics by Glencoe
Supplementary Materials: Graphing Calculator (TI-83, TI-83 Plus or TI-84)
Other Materials Needed (Purchased by Students): 3 – ring binder, paper, pencil, 8 dividers, graph paper, binded index cards, and Graphing Calculator
Classroom Needs: Kleenex and Hand Sanitizer
Classroom Rules/Expectations: (see Student Handbook for details on behavior, tardiness, and attendance; also for details on suspensions and after school detention)
Students are expected to be in class and ready for work when the tardy bell rings. If they are being held over from their last class please have the teacher call the room.
Students are expected to come to class prepared (binder, pencil, calculator, and assignment).
Students are expected to respect others and their property.
Students are expected to follow the school policies and rules.
Group Work Rules/Expectations:
Every member of each group is responsible for all the work.
If there is a disagreement, form a consensus, not a majority rule. Be constructive and respectful.
Be open to other members’ ideas and encourage their participation. Make sure no one is left out.
Every member of each group is assigned a role that they are responsible for during the class period
Grading Calculations for each Quarter
Homework/Classwork – 20%
Final Grade Calculations
First Semester – 40%
Unit Tests
– 15%
– 35%
Second Semester
Final Exam
– 40%
– 20%
Projects – 30%
**A final exam will be given for the course. The Math 2 Final Exam is a NC Final Exam consisting of multiple choice and constructed response questions.
Late Work Policy: Late work will have a negative effect on a student’s grade. The due date will be a factor on every grading rubric. All items may be turned in later but will have a negative effect on the grade received.
Parent Communication: The best way to contact me is via email. There is also a way of receiving a text message update on upcoming tests or project information. The program is called REMIND101. This program allows me to send a mass text message or email (if you prefer) to everyone at one time. You can also choose to receive this message to more than one source, just let me know.
Student Signature: ________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________________________________________
Parent Email:
Parent Phone Numbers:
Which is the best way to communicate with you?
How would you like me to contact you through REMIND101?