Senior English Class Syllabus Ms. Johnson

Senior English
Class Syllabus
Ms. Johnson
As your teacher, it is my responsibility to ensure you the opportunity to learn. You can expect that I will be
fair, consistent and hold you accountable. I believe it to be both my responsibility and yours to teach and learn.
We are in this together. In Senior English we will explore reading and writing through poetry, film and
Class Standards
 Be respectful of yourself, your classmates and me.
 Come prepared to learn.
 Behave in an appropriate manner.
These classroom rules are simple and self-explanatory. Basically, we are a learning community and we need to
support one another in a way that provides the opportunity for all to learn. Any actions or behaviors that
compromise that goal will not be tolerated.
My grading is based on the point system. Each assignment will be worth a certain number of points,
contributing to a grand total at the end of the semester. The scale is used school-wide and can be viewed on
Skyward. I do not give extra credit under any circumstances. Instead, I expect my students to always put forth
their best effort for quality work on each assignment.
You must attend class and participate in order to learn. Your attendance is mandatory. In the event of an
excused absence, it is your responsibility to obtain the assignments you missed. Ignorance is no excuse for
missing work.
Missed Work/Late Work
It is important to check in with all teachers before or after school if you/your student has been absent. The first
few minutes before or between classes are a really bad time to discuss the complexities of any assignment. If
the absence is excused then school policy dictates the accepted framework for due dates so be sure to work
within those dates. Needing to make up work due to extenuating circumstances (“late work”) is possible after a
teacher conference. Please see me before or after school or email me if this situation applies to you!
If you are absent on the day of a schedule presentation and it is a group presentation, your group will be
expected to present without you, so all group work should be shared and not held by one person in the group. If
you are absent on the day of an individual presentation, the presentation must be made up before or after school
during regular office hours and arranged in advance.
The school policy for plagiarism will be adhered to for all levels of plagiarism.
Curriculum for Senior English
We will study the following units throughout the year: Poetry (“Dead Poet’s Society”), Poetry Out Loud,
Storytelling, Mythology and Film Studies (A permission slip will come home in the next few weeks with a list
of the films we will watch this year) and Independent Reading – students should always have a personal reading
How to contact me
Email is the best way to reach me; I do my best to check and respond daily. If this
is not convenient for you please leave me a phone message with the front office at 596-8000. Also, there is a
link to my webpage on the Capital High School website. You will find this syllabus and a link to my blog,
which I will do my best to update weekly with the lasted information regarding my classes. I have planning 1st
period, so the best time to conference with me is between 7:30 am and 8:30 am.
I look forward to a semester filled with discovery, learning, success and fun. Please don’t hesitate to call, email
or talk to me if you have any questions, comments or concerns – I can’t help if I don’t know you need it.
Please review this syllabus with a parent or guardian, sign and return to me by Monday 9/15.
Student’s Name (printed): ____________________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Email: ____________________________________________________________________
Daytime phone number: _____________________________________________________________________