Team Handball History

Team Handball
The Team Handball game as we know it today was formed by the end of the 19 th century in Northern Europe.
However, it has origins reaching as far back as ancient Greece and ancient Rome. There are also records of
Handball-like games in medieval France. The first international Team Handball game played was in 1925 between
Germany and Belgium, and in 1946 the International Handball Federation was formed. In 1936, Team Handball
was played for the first time in the Olympics, in Berlin, at the request of Adolf Hitler. Since then, Team
Handball has grown and the International Handball Federation now reports having 150 member federations
representing approximately 800,000 teams and more than 19 million sportsmen and women. Team Handball can
basically be considered soccer with hands.
Team Handball is a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a combination of Soccer, Basketball, and
Hockey except in Handball you use your hands. The object of the game is to throw the ball into the goal.
Players move the ball up and down the court by throwing it to their teammates. Each team has seven players
on the court. Six players and one goalie. The job of the goalie is to deflect shots so that the other team
doesn’t score. Team Handball can be played recreationally or as a competitive sport in a league. Either way it is a
great source of exercise and fitness.
Equipment/Playing Area
The ball used in Team Handball should be soft enough that it will not hurt someone when they are hit with it. It
should be able to bounce off the floor just less then what a basketball would. Each team will wear different color
uniforms and the goalie should have a different color shirt on then their team or opposing team. The goals
used in Team Handball should be standard Floor Hockey goals. The playing area for Team Handball should be 40
meters by 20 meters.
A player may take no more then 3 steps and 3 dribbles with the ball, otherwise it is turned over to the
other team.
Intentional body contact is punishable by a 1 minute penalty and loss of the ball.
Unintentional body contact will result in the other team getting the ball.
Both goalies must wear different color jerseys then what their team has on.
Only the goalie is allowed in the goalie box.
Players can only score from outside the goalie box area by throwing the ball in the goal.
The ball is allowed to hit off the floor before going into the goal.
Players can leave contact with the floor while throwing the ball outside the goal box and throw the ball
while in the air and then land inside the goal box, but then must immediately exit the goal box.
Games will begin with rock, paper, scissors to determine which team starts with the ball.
The game starts with one player at the center of the court with the ball and their team behind them.
At the blow of a whistle the player with the ball must throw it to a teammate.
Defensive players must give the person with the ball three feet of space, and the offensive player
with the ball has five seconds to get rid of the ball.
Offensive players move without the ball in order to get open so your teammate can pass the ball to
When shooting make sure you have an open shot and are not defended heavily.
On defense, guard you man or area and defend the ball.
After defending the ball, find another teammate to advance the ball to.
The goalie needs to be ready for a shot at all times. Always be in an athletic position with your
eyes following the ball at all times.
Use the idea of give and go screens in order to advance the ball more efficiently.
Mix in the bounce shot to throw off the goalie.