By Vergie M. Wingate H.H. Beam School Fifth Grade

By Vergie M. Wingate
H.H. Beam School
Fifth Grade
Analyze the formation of clouds
and their relationship to
weather systems.
There are three basic types of
clouds: stratus, cirrus, and
cumulus. All other clouds are a
combination of these three.
How can these cloud types be
used to predict the weather.
Clouds form when air
rises and cools .Clouds
are made of tiny drops of
water. These drops stick
to dusk and other tiny
particles in the air.
These clouds are formed when a
mass of warm air is slowly
pushed up over a mass of
cooler air or over a mountain.
Stratus means “layer,”
and these clouds form
layers. These clouds can
produce rain or snow.
On clear days when the surface
of the earth cools more quickly,
a stratus cloud or fog will form
close to the ground.
These clouds form when large
bubbles of warm air rise rapidly
into the atmosphere. Cumulus
clouds have flat bottoms and
puff tops. Small white cumulus
clouds mean fair weather.
Cumulus means “hump.” Although
these clouds usually mean fair
weather, they can produce light
rain or snow showers.
Cumulonimbus clouds are big
dark tall cumulus clouds that bring
Cumulonimbus Clouds or
thunderheads will sometimes
produce a hail storm.
Cirrus clouds form high in the
sky. They look thin and you can
see through them. They are
made mostly of ice crystals.
Cirrus means “curl of hair” .
Cirrus clouds usually mean good
weather. However they may signal
a that a change in weather
conditions is coming.
A. Rain or snow
B. thunderstorm
C. Fair weather
A. Usually fair weather, but it
may rain or snow.
B. Thunderstorm
C. Dust storm
A. Hail storm
B. Snow
c. Fair weather
A. Fair weather
B. Thunderstorm
C. Light rain
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