September 15, 2015 Kerri Layne, Barb Strait, Lydia Wood, Jolene Yerger

September 15, 2015
Kerri Layne, Barb Strait, Lydia Wood, Jolene Yerger
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Guided Math & BUILD
Guided Reading & Daily 5
Weekly Tests
Reading 3D Levels
STAR Test & Reading Level Cards
5 * Sentence Structure
Science & Social Studies
Take-home Folder & Mailboxes
Behavior Log
Lunch Visits & Birthday Celebrations
Miscellaneous Notes…The Greatest Gift
1st Grade Essentials / 2015-2016
Below is a list of Common Core Essentials that will be introduced and/or concentrated on this quarter.
These Essentials will be built upon and expanded throughout the year.
First Quarter
(1.OA.5a) I can make a connection between counting and adding.
(1.OA.5b) I can make a connection between counting and subtracting.
(1.OA.6) I can fluently add and subtract within 10.
(1.NBT.1a) I can count to 120, starting at any number less than 120.
(1.NBT.1b) I can write to 120.
(1.NBT.1c) I can read numbers to 120.
(1.NBT.2a) I can understand and represent place value of tens and ones.
(1.NBT.2b) I can model numbers from 11-19.
(1.NBT.2c) I can model numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 , 90.
(1.NBT.3a) I can compare two numbers by knowing the amount of tens and
ones in each number.
(1.NBT.3b) I can use the greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=) symbols
to compare two numbers.
(1.NBT.3c) I can communicate my comparisons using words and/or drawings.
(1.RF.1) I can understand how a sentence is made.
(1.RF.2b) I can blend sounds to read words.
(1.RF.2c) I can say each sound in a word.
(1.RF.2d) I can segment the sounds in a word.
(1.RF.3a) I can read consonant diagraphs.
(1.RF.3b) Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
(1.RF.3d) I can count the number of syllables in a word.
(1.RF.3g) I can identify and read words that don’t have spelling rules.
(1.RF.4a) I can read smoothly and understand what I am reading.
(1.RF.4b) I can read aloud first grade books with accuracy and expression.
(1.RF.4c) I can use reading strategies to know or self-correct words.
(1.RL.1a) I can answer questions about details in a story.
(1.RL.1b) I can ask questions about details in a story.
(1.RL.2a) I can retell a story using important details.
(1.RL.2c) I can use details to describe the characters of a story.
(1.RL.3a) I can use details to describe the setting of a story.
(1.RL.7a) I can use illustrations and details in a story to describe the
(1.RL.7b) I can use illustrations and details in a story to describe the setting.
(1.RL.7c) I can use illustrations and details in a story to describe the events.
(1.SL.1) I can participate in conversations with a variety of people about
grade 1 topics and text in small and large groups.
(1.SL.1a) I can demonstrate following the agreed upon rules for successful
(1.SL.1c) I can ask questions to help me understand the conversation better.
(1.SL.4) I can talk about the details involving people, places, things, and
events clearly.
(1.SL.5) I can use visual displays to present descriptions about my ideas,
thoughts, and feelings.
(1.SL.6) I can speak in complete sentences.
(1.W.3a) I can write a story telling about two events in order.
(1.W.3b) I can write details about two events.
(1.W.3c) I can write sequencing words to show the order of events.
Teacher: Works with a small group of
students within the same math range to build
math skills.
Students choose from 1 of the following 5
1 – Buddy games
2 – Use of manipulatives
3 – Independent work
4 – Learning with technology
5 – Doing math
Teacher: Works with a small group of
students within the same reading range to
build reading skills.
Students choose from 1 of the following 5
1 – Read to Self
2 – Read to Someone
3 – Listen to Reading
4 – Word Work
5 – Work on Writing
Spelling pre-test
Fact Fluency Test (starts in October)
Reading & Challenge word test
Spelling test ( 10 words plus 2 dictated sentences)
Comprehension test (vocabulary & comprehension)
Math test
◦ Reading 3D (beginning, middle, end of the year)
◦ Letter recognition, phoneme segmentation (sounds),
nonsense words, word lists, oral/independent reading, oral
retelling, written comprehension, fluency
◦ Question stems
Benchmark assessment (BA) – beginning, middle, end
Cumulative assessment (CA) – beginning, middle, end
Bi-weekly tests
Fact fluency tests (starts in October)
Reading 3D/Guided Reading
Where your child should be?
PC or RB
Beginning of Kindergarten
Middle of Kindergarten
End of Kindergarten/
Beginning of 1st grade
Middle of 1st grade
End of 1st grade/
Beginning of 2nd grade
Middle of 2nd grade
End of 2nd grade
Mrs. Lerch or the teacher will give the class a
25 question vocabulary test on the computer.
The STAR test gives your child’s reading
range. (ex. 0.8 – 1.8)
STAR test printout is sent home.
We break the reading levels up on a card for
your child to use to select library boks on
their reading level.
Example: reading range 0.8-1.8
◦ 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8
This is very important for all students to
learn…basic sentence structure.
Starts with a capital letter
Spaces between words
Contains a “sparkle” word or adjective
Ends with punctuation
Makes sense when you read it
Scholastic News & Science Spin
Science experiments
Use the science lab
Integrate science in our lessons with reading and
Social Studies:
Scholastic News
Have guest speakers
Integrate social studies in our lessons with reading and
#1 means of communication
Be sure to check it every day for notes, flyers, homework,
The front page has your child’s student # (for lunch
money) and any classes they attend outside of the
Check and sign the behavior log
Read for 15 minutes and fill in the reading log every night
Study math addition facts for 5 minutes and fill in the
math log every night
Use the communication log
Transportation and absent notes need to be kept separate
in the front pocket/pouch
Students pack their own folders in the afternoon
Students are expected to follow the school, hall, classroom,
cafeteria, bathroom, and playground norms/rules at ALL
If a student does not follow the rules, the student will be
given a warning, then move to yellow, and then to red. 1st
grade students may move their clips/cards back to another
color during the day.
Consequences are given to students that do not follow the
norms/rules, such as: timeout in another classroom, walk
“thinking laps” during recess, and/or write a reflection piece
that will be sent home and signed by the parent/guardian.
Rewards are also given to students (and the class as a
whole) that follow the norms/rules, such as: verbal praise,
stickers, high-five, earn the trust to run errands, earn
“paws” to work towards a special treat (extra recess, extra
snack time, extra computer/iPad time).
E-mail – This is the best means of
communication for questions, concerns, etc. We
try to check it periodically throughout the day.
Take Home folder – Send sick and transportation
notes separately. Communication logs for
questions or concerns.
Website – Lots of information (weekly spelling
lists, newsletters, calendar, etc.)
Weekly newsletters – Upcoming events, wish list
items, curriculum updates, etc.
Monthly calendars – Upcoming events
Friendly reminders – In case you forget, we will
send out reminders via e-mail
Lunch is from 12:00 – 12:30. Please check in at the office and meet us
in the cafeteria. We ask that you sit at the end of the table with your
child only.
If your child forgets their lunchbox in the classroom when we leave for
lunch, they will be asked to purchase a cafeteria lunch. We do not have
enough adults to supervise students going back to the classroom.
If your child likes to pack their lunch, please send items that are in easyto-open packages. Teachers cannot spend the lunch period opening
packages, like Go-Gurts, fruit cups, Lunchables. Please do not send
those items in if your child cannot open them.
“Extras” (ice cream, flavored water, chips, cookies) should be limited to
no more than 1 a day. If you want to limit what days your child
purchases an “extra”, please contact the cafeteria manager, Mrs. Sears.
A food allergy table is available for those that need it.
Birthday treats may be sent in the morning of your child’s birthday or
you may bring them to lunch. All treats must be store bought. Please
check with your child’s teacher ahead of time for food allergies.
Box Tops: Collect and send to school in your child’s take
home folder in a plastic baggie or envelope.
Money: Send in a sealed baggie or envelope and marked
with student’s name, student id#/lunch #, and what the
money is for. Correct phone # needs to be included on
your checks and written in blue or black ink only. If
paying with cash, exact change must be sent in. We
cannot make change.
Snack: Each day we have snack in our classroom. Please
send in a healthy snack every day along with a water bottle
or thermos already filled with water.
All 1st graders should be learning how to tie their own
Progress reports will be coming home on September 23rd.
Conferences will take place from the end of September
through October. We must meet with each
parent/guardian at least 2 times a year.
One of the greatest gifts we can ever give our kids
With a class full of students with a limited teacher
assistant time, papers to grade, folders to check, money to
receipt, e-mails to return, and so on, we need your 1st
grader to be independent by:
Listening while teacher is talking
following simple directions
to not interrupt
open their own lunch items
turn in their work
go to the bathroom
talking with their child about school behavior and expectations
helping their child learn to tie their shoes
offering their child opportunities to follow directions (chores)
working on not interrupting
letting their child open items at home
Parents can help by:
Thank you for your help and support!
tie their own shoes
line up in an orderly fashion
staying in their seat and raise hand
be responsible
make good choices