Stone Bridge High School Student Council Association (SCA) 2016-2017

Stone Bridge High School
Student Council Association (SCA)
SCA Officer Application Packet
The mission of the Stone Bridge SCA is:
 to provide a means by which the principles of democracy and good
citizenship may be learned and practiced
 to promote the general welfare of the school and the Stone Bridge
student body
 to join together Stone Bridge High School and the administration and
serve as one voice
 to provide opportunities for members and students to serve the local and
global communities through public service
SBHS Student Council Association Officer Application 2016
Important Campaign Dates:
Wednesday, March 30th: Packets made available to students online and in the main office.
Wednesday, March 30th: Interest meeting for all potential SCA candidates in room 405 at 8:30 AM.
Tuesday, March 12th and Thursday March 14th: During these two days any potential candidates will
interview with Ms. Guerrero during 5th block in room 307.
Friday, April 8th: All applications are due to the SCA box in the main office. Typed campaign
speeches need to be emailed to the Student Council advisors and no later than 4:00PM.
Monday, April 18th: All potential candidates should plan to meet in the back of the auditorium at
8:15am to review the campaign dates and regulations, the campaign speeches, and the election
date. Be sure to be present for this meeting! Absolutely no campaigning may take place until after
this meeting with the candidates has occurred.
Monday, April 11th – Wednesday, April 20th: Campaign speeches taped during the school day.
Wednesday, April 27th: Election Day during Homeroom. All campaign materials must be down
before lunch begins.
By Friday, April 29th: Winners of the election will be announced
Best of luck in your campaign! We look forward to having you on board next year as part of Stone
Bridge High School SCA.
SBHS Student Council Association Officer Application 2016
*Anyone not abiding by these rules may be disqualified from the election.
1. You may display only three posters to promote your campaign. No posters may be larger than
a sheet of poster board. We suggest that you use lightweight paper rather than heavy poster
board. Using only masking tape to mount your posters. Tape should go diagonally across the
corners of your posters or in an “L” shape in photo corner style. You must get all posters
approved during the Monday, April 18th meeting. Any posters not approved at this meeting
may not be hung up on school walls. Posters cannot have any references to social media
outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc) nor emails.
2. You may only hang your posters on the designated areas for election posters. Do not hang
posters from the ceilings.
3. You may also display only 7 flyers to promote your campaign only on the school bulletin
boards. The flyers may not be larger than a standard sheet of paper (8½ x 11). You must get all
flyers approved during the Monday, April 18th meeting. Any flyers not approved at this meeting
may not be hung up on school walls.
4. You may not use the school computers to print any campaign materials.
5. You are responsible for removing your campaign posters by lunch on Wednesday, April 27th.
6. You may NOT give any favors to your fellow students during the campaign. Absolutely no
favors (money, candy, gum, etc.) are allowed. Campaign stickers, flyers, brochures, and
pamphlets are also prohibited.
7. You must campaign in a positive, fair spirit. Negative campaigning is prohibited! Any personal
references about your opponent, any derogatory remarks about school or any group, all
types of profanity, and any inappropriate language or messages (e.g., references to drugs or
alcohol) are examples of negative campaigning and are strictly forbidden.
8. The Student Council Advisors, Ms. Guerrero & Ms. Thomas, will count ballots.
9. Elections are student elections; therefore, every aspect of the campaign must be studentcentered. Parents are not permitted to participate in any part of the on-campus
campaigning, including the displaying of any campaign posters, signs, or materials.
SBHS Student Council Association Officer Application 2016
The President will
prepare written agendas for each general assembly and executive board meeting;
preside over all general assembly and executive board meetings;
call special sessions of the general assembly or executive board, with consent of the advisor(s);
create ad hoc committees as needed; and
perform other duties as directed by the Advisor(s).
The Vice President of Community Service will
work with the advisor(s) in developing and implementing at least one community service event in each of the months of
September, November/December, February, March/April;
work with the Advisor(s) in assisting with recognition events during American Education Week and National Teacher Appreciation
Week, appreciation events for school administration and support staff;
chair the community service and recognition committee effectively to ensure that all members are working to achieve these
stated duties; and
perform other duties as directed by the Advisor(s).
The Vice President of Finance will
act as the treasurer of the SCA;
work with the Advisor(s) and the school bookkeeper to coordinate the collecting, recording, and spending of the SCA’s money;
prepare a report to be given at the General Assembly meetings;
coordinate SCA fundraising events during the year;
chair the Fundraising Committee effectively to ensure that all members are working to achieve these stated duties; and
perform other duties as directed by the Advisor(s).
The Vice President of Governance and Operations will
assume the President’s duties in the event of absence;
act as secretary of the SCA;
take roll call at each of the meetings;
keep minutes of all the General Assembly and Executive Board meetings and enter them into the official record;
enter other items into the official record as directed by the Advisor(s);
accurately tall the votes of any voting done during a General Assembly or Executive Board meeting;
alert the President(s) and the Advisor(s) when Constitutional issues arise, including violations of Robert’s Rules of Order;
alert the President(s) and the Advisor(s) when issues/questions/concerns (including proposed Amendments) are brought forth from
any member of the Stone Bridge High School community;
chair the Parliamentary Procedures Committee effectively to ensure that all members are working to achieve these stated duties;
perform other duties as directed by the Advisor(s).
The Vice President of Public Relations will
be responsible for producing and sending announcements for the morning announcements delivered to the school;
act as the PTSO Student Rep;
produce and send (with Advisor(s) approval) regular communications for the PTSO’s distribution via email;
produce and send (with Advisor(s) approval) regular communications to the school newsletter and newspaper;
produce and send (with Advisor(s) approval) regular communications to local papers;
work with the Advisor(s) to maintain the SCA calendar;
work with the Student Activities Coordinator to maintain SCA events on the school calendar;
maintain timely bulletin board(s) with SCA information;
maintain the SCA page on the school website;
chair the Public Relations Committee effectively to ensure that all members are working to achieve these stated duties; and
perform other duties as directed by the Advisor(s).
The Vice President of School Spirit and Pride will
organize school-wide spirit activities;
organize school-wide clean-up activities;
work the Advisor(s) in making sure that the Spirit rock is painted for school activities;
work with the Advisor(s) in planning and executing school pep rallies and assemblies as needed;
work with the Advisor(s) in planning and executing Student Orientation, Opening Week, seasonal spirit weeks, and other events as
perform other duties as directed by the Advisor(s).
The Vice President of Student Activities and Events will
organize the school student activities and events;
work with the Advisor(s) in planning and executing the school 5K;
chair the Student Activities Committee effectively to ensure that all members are working to achieve these stated duties; and
perform other duties as directed by the Advisor(s).
SBHS Student Council Association Officer Application 2016
DUE DATE: Friday, April 8th by 4:00PM
TURN IN TO: SCA box in the main office or to Ms. Guerrero or Ms. Thomas directly.
Home Phone________________________________ Cell Phone __________________________________________
Email address ____________________________________________________________________________________
For the 2016-2017, I will be a (circle one): Senior
Position desired (circle one):
VP of Community Service
VP of Finance
VP of Governance and Operations
VP of Public Relations
VP of School Spirit and Pride
VP of Student Activities and Events
As a Student Council Officer, you will be required to attend class daily as well as regularly-scheduled meetings.
These will be scheduled during the school day when possible, but they may also need to be scheduled before
or after school, as needed. As events are planned and executed, there may be times when Student Council
officers are required to participate on the weekends (Homecoming decorating, fundraisers, etc.). While your
academics are to be your priority at SBHS, as a Student Council officer you will be asked to make the Student
Council a high priority, too. To remain an active member of the Student Council, students must remain in “good
standing,” as determined by the Student Council Advisor(s) and the administration. Finally, students must bring
at all times!
List other activities & major time commitments you will be involved with next year (clubs, sports, etc):
Please list all activities you have contributed to and attended during this academic year:
SBHS Student Council Association Officer Application 2016
To be eligible to campaign a Student Council position, a student must maintain a B- average. Please record
their approximate average to date. By signing this petition, the teacher acknowledges that this student
demonstrates the necessary character traits of leadership, integrity, responsibility, and work ethic. The teacher
feels that this student would be a good addition to the SBHS student government as an officer.
Teacher (name printed)
Current Average
Each candidate must have a teacher recommendation from TWO Stone Bridge teachers.
The recommendations must be signed, sealed and placed in either Ms. Guerrero’s or Ms.
Thomas’s mailbox or hand delivered by 4:00pm on Thursday, April 14th 2016.
SBHS Student Council Association Officer Application 2016
Potential Candidate Needs to Obtain the Following Signatures:
 Parent or Guardian:
I understand the commitment that my son/daughter is undertaking by becoming an elected Student Council
officer and I support that decision. I understand he/she may be required to come to school early, stay late,
and be available on weekends.
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________
 Guidance:
To be eligible to campaign for Student Council, a student must have maintained a 3.0 weighted GPA for the
year. Please sign below and record their GPA.
Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ GPA______________________
 Administration:
This signature verifies that this student who is campaigning for a Student Council office has not been suspended
(OSS or ISR) during the current school year. Any exception would have to be approved and signed off by Mr.
Signature _______________________________________________________________________ Date______________________
 Attendance Secretary:
Please list this potential candidate’s number of tardies to school and the number of absences this year and
# of tardies
# of absences
 Student Candidate:
I fully understand that if I am selected to be a Student Council officer that I am held to a standard expecting
me to model positive leadership and high moral standards at school and in the community to ensure they
reflect positively on Stone Bridge High School. I sign this form with the intent of being the most upstanding,
mature, and responsible student during all aspects of the campaign and election. I intend to maintain these
characteristics if I am elected to office. Also, I have not been suspended (OSS or ISR) during the current
academic year. Any exceptions will require the principal’s final approval. In addition, I understand that if I am
suspended, assigned ISR or face other disciplinary action after submitting this petition, I may be disqualified
from the election. Finally, violation of school policies, poor academic performance (not maintaining a
minimum 3.0 weighted GPA, failing courses, etc.), unsatisfactory SCA/class involvement during the 2014-2015
academic year, or unacceptable community behavior will result in consequences including removal from
office by advisors or the principal.
Signature_______________________________________________________________________ Date______________________
SBHS Student Council Association Officer Application 2016
Teacher Recommendation for SCA Officer Position
Directions for Teachers: Please complete this form and return in a sealed envelope to Ms. Guerrero’s
or Ms. Thomas’s mailbox with the students name on the envelope by 4:00PM Friday, April 8th. Please
be sure to sign over the seal of the envelope. This recommendation will be kept confidential, so
thank you in advance for your honesty and candidness.
Student’s Name (please print clearly): _____________________________________________________________
Teacher’s Name: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
List the course(s) you have taught this student and circle the year you taught them:
___________________________________________________________ (circle one) 9th
___________________________________________________________ (circle one) 9th
Disciplined Work Habits
Academic Integrity
Personal Integrity
Leadership in Classroom
Ability to Work Well With Others
Overall Character of Applicant
How strongly do you
recommend this student for
admission into the Stone
Bridge High School Student
Council Association?
Recommend with
Additional Comments: (We encourage you to elaborate on any of your answers from above,
especially if you think it would be helpful in evaluating their application)
Teacher’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
SBHS Student Council Association Officer Application 2016
Teacher Recommendation for SCA Officer Position
Directions for Teachers: Please complete this form and return in a sealed envelope to Ms. Guerrero’s
or Ms. Thomas’s mailbox with the students name on the envelope by 4:00PM Friday, April 8th. Please
be sure to sign over the seal of the envelope. This recommendation will be kept confidential, so
thank you in advance for your honesty and candidness.
Student’s Name (please print clearly): _____________________________________________________________
Teacher’s Name: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
List the course(s) you have taught this student and circle the year you taught them:
___________________________________________________________ (circle one) 9th
___________________________________________________________ (circle one) 9th
Disciplined Work Habits
Academic Integrity
Personal Integrity
Leadership in Classroom
Ability to Work Well With Others
Overall Character of Applicant
How strongly do you
recommend this student for
admission into the Stone
Bridge High School Student
Council Association?
Recommend with
Additional Comments: (We encourage you to elaborate on any of your answers from above,
especially if you think it would be helpful in evaluating their application)
Teacher’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________