How is Congress Organized? 1. Length of Sessions: Congress starts working on January 3rd until December or January and each session last for 2 years. Each “new” session is given a number. Last year, we started the 111th Congress. __________________________________________________________________ House of Representatives = 435 Members Senate = 100 Members *Length of Service 2 years *Length of Service is 6 years *Number of members chosen by state population (the more people in that state, the more reps they have) *Each state has an equal number, with 2 Senators for each state *Speaker of the House = Leader of the House ( Nancy Pelosi -D is the current speaker) *President Pro Tempore = Leader of the Senate (Daniel Inouye– D is the current president) In Both the House & the Senate Majority Party: the party where more than half of the members belong Minority Party: the party that has less than half of the members *The current majority party in both houses is Democratic Party Types of Committees Standing Committee: a permanent committee that continues from session to session (i.e. Senate Armed Services Committee) Select Committee: a committee created for a limited period Joint Committee: a committee which has members from both the Senate and the House (i.e. Joint Economic Committee) Conference Committee: a temporary committee which helps the House and Senate agree on the details of a bill. **Committee Leaders are known as committee chairpersons.