World History Syllabus Welcome to Social Studies with Mr. Womick!

World History Syllabus
Welcome to Social Studies with Mr. Womick!
We will be exploring the: who, what, when, where, and why’s of historical people, places, and
events throughout early civilization, the middle ages, and beyond in hopes of gaining a further
understanding of our own surroundings and how what we do relates to our distant past. We
will do this by making comparisons of our past with the present. We will then use the
connections we make with the past to make informed decisions in the present and predict what
might happen in the future if events continue in a similar pattern.
Student Expectations
a. Stay in your seat, unless permission is given, or an emergency occurs ( or fire-drill)
if you are not sure if it is an emergency, ask before leaving your seat.
b. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking unless otherwise
directed (i.e. Class discussion or group work).
c. Turn in all work fully completed and on time. There will be grading penalties for late
work; and will eventually become an automatic failure for the assignment unless makeup work is pre-approved by me.
d. Students will be given a 3-day grace period for missed work after an excused absence or
illness. After this grace period all work not made up will start to decay as if it was “late”.
e. ALL school rules apply in addition to class expectations.
a. 1st Quarter
i. Geography & Early Civilizations
ii. Ancient Civilizations and Middle Ages
b. 2nd Quarter
i. The Renaissance
ii. The Enlightenment
c. 3 Quarter
i. Revolutions
ii. Imperialism/ Nationalism
d. 4th Quarter
ii. The Cold War Era
a. Tutoring/ make-up time is available for students after school upon request. All students
staying after school must first arrange transportation home, prior to their participation
in afterhours instruction.
b. Additional help can be acquired through in school remediation, all requests will be
considered based on the need of the student and circumstances of each student (ie. I
am not assigning a student with behavior issues to another teacher whom is trying to
help students in academic need). Students may also be assigned in-school remediation
based on unsatisfactory scores.
a. Requests for conferences should always be set up through the school, please contact
the front office in addition to any contact you wish to make with me per school policy.
b. Please feel free to e-mail me any questions or concerns, I will get back to you as soon as
possible. My school email address is:
I look forward to a great class and a wonderful year/ semester!
Please sign and return.
Sincerely, David Womick
Student Signature: _____________________________
Date: __________________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________
Date: ___________________________