Legislative Branch Senate House of Representatives

Legislative Branch
House of Representatives
Requirements for Office
Requirements for Office
Terms and Membership
Terms and Membership
Only 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection
every 2 years
Senate is to be a more stable body, expected
to prevent quick unwise changes in the law
Special powers
California has 53
All of the HOR is up for reelection every 2
years – held more accountable to the
Special Powers
Ratify _________(2/3 vote)
Elect ________________________ is there is
no majority
Act as the __________ in impeachment trials
______________ presidential appointments
Filibuster – talking a bill to death
Introduces __________________________
___________________________ if there is no
Starts impeachment
Introduce _______________ in Congress (AKA
– Power of the People)
Congressional Benefits
Salary –
Trips to home state paid for
Given discounts on many series
____________________________ - Send job related mail without postage
Given _______________ for minor crimes
Expulsion –
______________ - Wrong doings are made public (can be very embarrassing)
Congressional Districts
If a state has more than 1 representative, ____________________ are drawn
________________________________ - drawing of odd shaped districts for _____________________
All districts must have the same number of _____________________________(voters)
Congressional Leaders
Which party is the majority party?
Which party is the minority party?
Floor leaders –
Party Whip –
Speaker of the house –
President pro Tempore –
According to the Constitution, who is the official leader of the Senate?
Congressional Committees
When “Congress is at work”, what are they doing?
Standing Committee
Select Committee
Joint Committee
Conference Committee
Committee Membership
Majority party has the majority on all committees.
What determines membership?
Seniority system –
Expressed or Implied Power
What is the difference between expressed powers and implied powers?
Non-Legislative Power
Powers that make the government run more effectively
What does congress have the power to do?
Limits on Power
What can’t congress do?
What interferes with congressional power?
How a bill becomes a law
In the _____________________________, a bill is dropped into the __________________________ and
assigned to a committee
In the _________________, a senator submits a bill to the _______________ for a reading and
committee assignment
Committee Action
They can _____________________________
They can ___________________________________
They can ____________________________________
They can ____________________________________________________
Floor Debates
Representatives in the house have a ____________________________________
Senators can _________________________ (talk it to death)
_____________________ - limit the time senators may talk – requires a ___________________
Roll call - ___________________________ given after name is called
Voice vote – used on __________________________
Standing vote – person stands until counted
Presidential action
_______________ a bill into law
_______ a bill (reject)
Pocket Veto – Take _________________________________________. If congress is in session after 10
days, the bill becomes a law. If congress is not in session after 10 days, the bill is ___________________