Ch. 5 Part 1 Quiz Review Sheet

Ch. 5 Part 1 Quiz Review Sheet
1. Simplify.
(x – 7)2
(x – 7)3
2. (-2x3y2)5
3x 4 45x 2 y
(3x) 4
xy 3
4. (x3 + 7x2) – (6x3 – 1)
5. Factor. x4 + 4x2 - 5
6. Factor. 8m3 + 27
7. Factor.
5m3 + 2m2 – 45m – 18
8. What are the solutions of
x4 – 13x2 + 36 = 0?
9. Describe the endbehavior of y = x4 + 8x2 + 3.
10. Why is (y + 8)3 NOT
equivalent to y3+ 512?
11. What is the lowest
degree of the function in the
12. Analyze the graph below.
As x  +, f(x)  ______
As x  - , f(x)  ______
How many turning points?
Relative maximum(s):
Relative minimum(s):
# of turning points: ______
Lowest degree: _____
13. Multiply (x + 4) (x4 + 3x2 – 5x + 2)
16. Divide Using Long Division.
(2x3 + x2 -8x + 5) ÷ (x + 3)
14. Factor
x4 – 8x2 – 9
17. Divide Using Synthetic Division.
15. In the function f(x) = -3x3 + 2x – 1,
(X3 + 5x2 – 7x + 2) ÷ (x – 2)
What is the degree?
How many turning points?
What is the end behavior?
(Even or odd? Positive or negative?)
Sections covered in quiz:
5.1 – Exponents
5.3 – Polynomial operations (add, subtract, multiply)
5.2 – End behavior
5.4 – Factoring
5.5 – Long Division and Synthetic Division
*Study your notes, examples, homework worksheets, and practice activities!!