Study Guide- Early Childhood 1 & 2 Mid term

Study Guide- Early Childhood 1 & 2 Mid term
Answer the Following True of False
A preschooler experiences increased hand eye coordination with age.
Following a set schedule at a preschool has no benefits for the children.
Preschoolers are learning to identify feelings with words instead of
Your Promethean lesson must be interactive.
The better you understand how children learn, the better able you are to create effective
6. A coloring sheet is an appropriate art activity.
7. Preschool is a NUT FREE zone.
8. Preschoolers have large appetites.
9. Giving children time for physical activity is important for their development.
10. Children ages 3, 4, and 5 are considered preschool age.
11. Physical growth during preschool years is slow and gradual.
12. A three year old knows more words than a four year old.
13. Preschool age children want you to do everything for them.
14. Preschool age children have very stable friendships.
15. Your practice activity can be a worksheet.
16. Watching a movie is considered “Dramatic Play” for children.
17. All preschoolers are on the same level developmentally.
18. A preschooler’s body appears less “baby like” because body fat is reduced.
19. A preschooler experiences increased hand eye coordination with age.
20. Preschoolers are learning to identify feelings with words instead of actions.
21. Children learn through trial and error.
22. Children’s books do not encourage children to read.
23. Preschoolers make moral decisions based on rewards or consequences.
24. Children become better artists if you strictly criticize their work.
25. It is most effective to say “Don’t run” to a child instead of “Please walk.”
26. If you give a child a choice when you want them to do something, you might get a “NO”
answer as a result and will need to honor that answer.
27. Keeping information about children private among parents and peers.
A. Confidentiality
B. Resourcefulness
C. Initiative
D. Communication
28. A willingness to perform tasks without being told.
29. A written description of a child’s behavior, word for word, action by action.
Rating Scale
Anecdotal Record
Frequency Count
30. The ability to guide one’s own behavior without help from others.
Positive Guidance
Self Discipline
31. The process of teaching children appropriate behavior without harming them physically
or emotionally.
Positive Guidance
Self Discipline
32. Language development begins…
A. At infancy
B. At 2 years old
C. At 3 years old
D. At 4 years old
33. Which of the following would be developmentally inappropriate to teach a preschooler?
A. Sorting pictures of pets and wild animals into two different piles
B. Sorting pictures of fruits and vegetables into two different piles
C. Matching uppercase with lowercase letters
D. Matching U.S. capitals to their state.
34. Once you are given your assigned lesson date, you need to check the following things:
A. The monthly and weekly theme
B. The weekly schedule to see what subject (Math, Science, etc) you are supposed to
C. Both A and B
D. The weather
35. The benefit of having centers is…
A. We don’t have to plan lessons
B. Preschoolers get to control their own learning
C. Preschool students get to explore, make choices, and interact socially.
D. Only B and C
36. Which of the following would be developmentally inappropriate to teach a preschooler?
E. Recognizing letters of the alphabet
F. Learning what a fire fighter does
G. Writing numbers 1-20
H. Spelling the word “January”
37. Which of the following would be developmentally appropriate to teach a preschooler?
A. Spelling the names of the planets
B. Discuss why Pluto is no longer a planet
C. Line up the planets from biggest to smallest
D. Learn about the properties of each planet
38. Which of the following would be developmentally appropriate to teach a preschooler?
A. Simple Multiplication
B. Appropriate punctuation in a sentence
C. The names of the bones in the body
D. Writing their first and last name
39. After a child draws a picture, you should say…
A. “Is that your mom and dad?”
B. “That is so great! What is it?”
C. “I can’t tell what that is.”
D. “Can you tell me about your picture?”
40. Science activities should do which of the following:
A. Nurture curiosity
B. Create opportunities for children to explore their world
C. Provide children with hands on experiences
D. All of the above
41. “Mary cried because she could not speak English” is a/an ______________ statement.
A. Descriptive and Objective
B. Interpretive and Objective
C. Descriptive and Subjective
D. Interpretive and Subjective
42. Children are able to learn math best when...
A. They can apply math concepts to real life
B. The teacher creates abstract lessons about math
C. They are at the age when they can sit still and listen for long periods of time
D. The teacher makes the children practice for hours and hours
43. What is the FIRST stage in art development?
A. Realistic
B. Symbolic
C. Scribbles
D. Zig Zags
44. “Jackson walked across the room and sat next to Judy” is a/an ______________
A. Descriptive and Objective
B. Interpretive and Objective
C. Descriptive and Subjective
D. Interpretive and Subjective
45. Which of the following is an appropriate method of positive guidance?
A. Redirecting children to a new activity
B. Calling a child “Stupid” for doing something wrong
C. Hitting a child
D. Embarrassing the child
46. What center would you find a prop box in?
Dramatic Play
47. Lesson plans are important for teachers to write for all of the following reasons EXECPT:
A. They help teachers focus on the goal (or objective) of the lesson
B. They can be saved and used again
C. They allow teachers to mentally rehearse a lesson before presenting it
D. They include documentation of each child’s progress in the skill being taught
48. The BEST example of how to tell parents of a child’s behavior problem is…
A. “David never lets anyone finish talking”
B. “We are working with David on waiting his turn to talk during conversation.”
C. “Haven’t you taught David that it’s rude to interrupt?”
D. “David is a little chatterbox.”
49. A child may demonstrate empathy by…
A. Helping set the table for a meal
B. Making a get-well card for a friend
C. Carrying a favorite toy while at child care
D. Climbing a high tree
50. When selecting toys for children:
A. Toxic paint on surfaces is acceptable for children under age four
B. Small removable parts are acceptable if you don’t think children would put them in
their mouths
C. Check for sharp edges and points
D. Use broken toys if taped back together properly
51. Problem behavior is most likely to occur when…
A. Children are bored
B. The teacher implements a fun and interesting lesson
C. There are enough puzzles for all children to play with
D. Preschoolers know the morning routine
52. Punishing a two year old for having a toileting accident illustrates…
A. A positive method of teaching about toileting
B. Limited understanding of child development
C. Natural Consequences
D. Redirection
53. Having a child clean up the milk after they spill it illustrates…
A. Limited understanding of child development
B. Natural Consequences
C. Redirection
D. Time Out
54. All of the following suggestions are helpful for speaking to children EXCEPT:
Stand tall so they must look up at you
Speak calmly and respectfully, even when angry
Use short and simple sentences
Call the child by name before speaking to him or her
55. The most supportive response to a child who is having trouble mastering a skill is:
A. “Keep trying—do you want to be the only one who can’t do that?”
B. “Keep trying—I know you can do it!”
C. “Don’t feel bad—some kids take forever to learn that.”
D. “Let me do that for you.”
56. A GOOD activity for art would emphasize all of the following skills EXCEPT:
A. Hand eye coordination
B. Making decisions
C. Observing
D. Following directions
57. The five areas of development include:
A. Moral, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Physical
B. Math, Science, Language, History, Art
C. Interaction, Development, Behavior, Cognitive, Spiritual
D. Listening, Hearing, Writing, Acting, Verbalizing