Latin II – Stage 19 Big, Ole Grammar Quiz!!!

Latin II – Stage 19 Big, Ole Grammar Quiz!!!
Imperatives – answer the following questions.
1. To form the singular imperative, you remove the
________________ from the _______________________.
2. To form the plural imperative, you add the letters
_________ to the singular imperative.
3. All singular imperatives end in a ____________________.
4. Another word for an imperative is a ________________________.
5. To form a singular NEGATIVE imperative in LATIN you would write:
________________ + _______________________!
6. To form a plural NEGATIVE imperative in LATIN you would write:
__________________ + ______________________!
7. In an exclamation using an imperative, the person being
addressed is in the ____________________case in Latin.
Imperatives – make each SINGULAR imperative PLURAL and each
PLURAL imperative SINGULAR. Vocabulary is provided.
pereō, perīre – to die
mittō, mittere – to send
excitō, excitāre – to wake up
dō, dāre – to give
fugiō, fugere – to run away
1. perite - _________________________
3. noli dāre - ______________________
5. excitā - _________________________
2. mittite - _______________________
4. noli fugere -____________________
6. nolite excitāre - ________________
Choose the correct form of the imperative to complete each sentence and write
it on the line provided.
____________1. ancillae, (nolī, nolite) ferre cibum ad servōs!
____________2. serve, (portā, portate) statuam ad templum!
____________3. Quinte et Barbille, nolite (sede, sedete, sedēre) in lectō!
___________4. (venī, venite) ad pompam mecum, amicī!
___________5. nolī (narrā, narrate, narrāre) fabulam ad librōs!
Demonstrative/Reflexive/Personal Pronouns & Adjectives – choose the
correct form of each pronoun or adjective to complete each sentence
and write the LETTER of your answer on the line provided.
_________1. ______femina est Helena.
a.) ille
b.) illae
c.) illa
_________2. Clemens________ sacerdotēs saepe adiuvabat.
a.) illōs
c.) illud
___________pompam vidī cum mē.
a.) tū
b.) illās
b.) egō
c.) nōs
tibi________florēs tradō.
a.) hās
b.) hīs c.) hae
_________5. ________stolae sunt sordidae!
a.) hic
b.) horum c.) hae
_________6. pecunia mercātoris ____________cepit.
a.) illīus
b.) ille
c.) illorum
_________7. Quintus togās emebat ____________.
a.) suī
b.) sibi c.) sē
_________8. dō pecuniam _______________.
a.) tē
b.) tū
c.) tibi
______&______9. spectate _________ interficī ____________leonēs!
a.) egō b.) meī c.) mē
a.) illīs b.) illōs c.) illī
Culture – choose the correct answer about the worship of Isis.
_________1. Egypt’s oldest and most important goddess
a. Serapis
b. Isis
c. Juno
_________2. Worshipped for her power to…
a. bring in a good harvest b. bring rain c. bring new life
_________3. Roman name for Osiris
a. Serapis
b. Isis
c. Juno
_________4. This goddess is also responsible for the annual…
a. flooding of Nile b. monsoons
c. snowstorms
_________5. During the procession honoring the goddess, the high priest
would wear garlands and shake a sacred rattle called…
a. sistrum
b. horus c. castanet
_________6. The goddess is often portrayed as a loving _______& _______.
a. priestess/goddess b. sister/daughter c. wife/mother
_________7. Latin name for the sanctuary of the temple…
a. cellar b. narthex c. cella
_________8. followers of the goddess were called…
a. Isiaci b. Osirites c. Philo
_________9. In Egyptian mythology, the ____________was an enemy to Isis
a. wolf
b. dog
c. hippopotamus
Choose the correct translation for each sentence.
_______1. pompa splendida per viās Alexandriae procēdit.
A. A splendid procession proceeds through the Alexandrian
B. A procession proceeds through the splendid streets of
C. A splendid procession proceeded through the streets of Alexandria.
______2. postquam ad mediam palūdem navigāvimus, Barbillus
Phormionī signum dedit.
A. After he sailed to the middle of the swamp, Barbillus gave Phormio
the signal.
B. After they sailed to the middle of the swamp, Barbillus gave a signal to
C. After we sailed to the middle of the swamp, Barbillus gave Phormio
the signal.
______3. ubi crocodilōs depulimus, Barbillum et unum servum servāre
A. When we drove off the crocodiles, Barbillus and one slave were able
to be saved.
B. When we drove off the crocodiles, we were able to save Barbillus and
one slave.
C. When Barbillus and one slave drove off the crocodiles, we were able
to be saved.
______4. hasta, quam servus emiserat, umerum Barbillī percusserat.
A. The spear, which the slave had sent forth, had struck Barbillus’
B. The spear, which the slave sent forth, struck Barbillus’ shoulder.
C. The spear, which the slave was sending forth, struck Barbillus’
______5. Barbillus ā servō suō graviter vulneratus erat.
A. A slave gravely wounded Barbillus himself.
B. Barbillus had been very gravely wounded by his own slave.
C. Barbillus was gravely wounded by his own slave.
List the genitive singular and plural endings for each declension below.
1st Declension
Sing. – Plural
2nd Declension
Sing. – Plural
3rd Declension
Sing. – Plural
______ - ________
______ - _______
______ - _______
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