Your team is responsible for bringing a new baked good product to the market. You will be developing and marketing a cookie, cupcake or other baked good product of your choice to the student body. NOTHING can contain peanuts. You will sell your product on __________ during 7th block in room 403. You will need to complete all the areas listed below: Step One: Company Organization Your team needs to determine its roles and establish a corporate image. You will decide on a company name (not a product name) and elect your officers. Your officer positions are: President, Market Research Director, Product Development Manager, Promotions and Sales Manager. Assignments: Create a poster that represents your business including your company name. (10 points) Submit your officer team names and offices held. (5 points) Step Two: Brainstorming Your team should brainstorm possibilities for products that could be developed and sold by your team for this contest. List all the products and possible ingredients your team came up with during the brainstorming activity. Narrow down your list to five or six possibilities that your team believes to be realistic options. Assignments: Submit brainstorming list including products and ingredients (5 points) Submit your top five or six possible options (10 points) Step Three: Market Research Your team needs to develop a written survey instrument to question students about their cookie and/or other baked goods product preferences. To make it a valid survey instrument, include demographic information such as grade level, gender, the number of times they purchase cookies or other food at school each week, rank ingredient preferences, how much they would be willing to pay, etc. 1 Assignments: Create a written survey (10 points) Distribute your survey, tally results, and submit final results summary (10 points) Step Four: Product Development After you evaluate your market research results, you will need to decide what type of cookie or other baked good product you will make. You should bring in a “secret” recipe, list all your needed ingredients, and determine the costs involved in the production of your cookie or other baked good product. You will set your own price; therefore, your ingredient costs should not be greater than the selling price. Your goal is to make a profit – not just cover expenses and break even. Determine your production method(s). Will you make the product yourself or outsource your production (parent, grandparent, another business, etc.)? These costs all have to be taken into consideration. Assignments: Write out ingredient list and determine cost for 2 dozen of your product. (10 points) - 1 dozen will be needed for your test market and 1 dozen for the final sale Step Five: Product Test Market Your team will now conduct a trial run of your cookies and/or other baked good product to see how your recipe works and if your product will be liked by your “market”. You will be provided another class to be your test market designated by me. You will test market your product, prepare enough product for that class, have them eat the product and complete a written evaluation of the product. Your written evaluation should include demographic information such as grade level, gender, and how often they purchase food products at school. It should also ask specific questions about what they liked or disliked about the product. Texture, combination of ingredients, overall appearance, flavor, how could the product be improved, etc. You also want to ask them if they would purchase your product on sale day. Assignments: Create a written evaluation tool for your test market (10 points) Prepare enough product for your test market and arrange a test market taste test (20 points) Submit a summary of your feedback from your test market (10 points) 2 Step Six: Promotion Your next step is to develop a promotional plan to market your cupcakes or baked goods to the students in CTE classes. Your group will need to be creative in your promotional strategies. Your promotional strategies should include a product name, slogan, price, location, type of product, and any other promotional ideas. You may only post signs in the CTE classrooms for your product. Be creative and use your imagination! What will draw your customers to your product and place of business over that of your competitor’s? Assignment: Promotional plan (25 points) Store Sign on poster board (10 points) Step Seven: Final Product Development For the formal bake sale day, you will need to have 1 dozen cookies/cupcakes or other baked good product ready to sell. You will be given a starting change fund. The starting change fund must be returned to me at the conclusion of the sale. All other proceeds belong to the business. You will conduct a cost analysis to determine whether or not your company made money. The team that sells out first should raise their hands to let me know their product is gone. Location in the room 403 will be on a first come, first serve basis. Assignments: Prepare product and conduct final sale (25 points) Conduct a cost analysis of the project (10 points) Complete a final evaluation of the project (25 points) First Place Team – 20 points extra Second Place Team – 10 points extra Third Place– 5 points extra Total Points for Project – 200 points 3 RUBRIC Step 1 Group Name____________________________ Total points 15 Total earned____________ Create a poster that represents your business including your company name. (10 points) Submit your officer team names and offices held. (5 points) Step 2 Total points 15 Total earned____________ Submit brainstorming list including products and ingredients (5 points) Submit your five or six possible options (10 points) Step 3 Total points 20 Total earned____________ Create a written survey (10 points) Distribute your survey, tally results, and submit final results summary (10 points) Step 4 Total points 15 Total earned____________ Write out ingredient list and determine cost for 2 dozen of your product. (15 points) - 1 dozen will be needed for your test market and 1 dozen for the final sale Step 5 Total points 40 Total earned____________ Create a written evaluation tool for your test market (10 points) Prepare enough product for your test market and arrange a test market taste test (20 points) Submit a summary of your feedback from your test market (10 points) Step 6 Total points 35 Total earned____________ Promotional plan (25 points) Store Sign on poster board (10 points) Step 7 Total points 60 Total earned____________ Prepare product and conduct final sale (25 points) Conduct a cost analysis of the project (10 points) Complete a final evaluation of the project (25 points) Total Point value = 200 Grand total ____________ 4