AP World History Name _____________________________ The Shift to Land Empire in Asia

AP World History
Name _____________________________
The Shift to Land Empire in Asia
Chapter 24 part 1
The Shift to Land Empires in Asia.
Early colonization _____________________________
More interested in ______________ than in _______________
Traders drawn into ____________________________
Lack of __________________________ gave merchants and traders huge control over their colonies
Prototype: The Dutch Advance on Java.
The Dutch in Java at first ________________________ to the ruler of ______________________
Worked to secure a _______________________ over _____________________ trade
1670s: the Dutch drawn into conflicts among rivals for the _________________________________. 
By supporting _______________________ Dutch gain territories around _____________________ 
_______________ took sides in succession wars in Mataram. 
By ______________ they controlled most of _________________________
Pivot of World Empire: The Rise of the British Rule in India.
______________________________________ drawn into local wars as Mughal empire falls apart 
Relied on ____________
Gained territory by __________________________ during local conflicts
Competition with the _______________ pushed their _________________
Five major wars were fought during the ______________________. 
_______________ defeats ________________ in the Battle of _______________, 1757 drives
French out of India 
The Consolidation of British Rule.
British East India Co. gains more power as _______________________________
Company directly governs presidencies, at ______________________________________________ 
Other regions _____________________ by agents at Indian rulers' courts. (____________________)
By 19th century, India was becoming Britain's __________________________ (Jewel in the crown)
Contained Britain’s ____________________ colonized population 
Sepoy served in British-led armies  _________________________
Indian ports help Britain _________________________
India becomes _____________________ for British manufactured _____________, overseas
______________, and is a major supplier of ____________________________. 
Early Colonial Society in India and Java.
At first Europeans leave Asian ______________________________ alone
Formed a _____________________ on top of existing systems
 _______________________ governed territories
Europeans adapt to _________________ in order to survive. 
local styles of dress, food, housing, work habits, and even married indigenous women. 
Social Reform in the Colonies.
The British and Dutch not interested in changing local ______________________________ life
until the early 19th C 
Corruption among __________________________________ officials from the 1770s force reform
Company more __________________ to the British government. 
Reduced local British officials' _____________________
Reduced _____________________ in the administration
Evangelical religious revival works to end ______________________ and Indian _______________
Utilitarian philosophers hope to end _________________________. 
Both want 
Western __________________ in the English ____________________
Ending of the ritual immolation (__________________) 
Elements of _________________________ were introduced
Start to_________________________ India in their own image
Big Ideas
Compare and Contrast the role of the British and Dutch in Asia
How did the role of the British change in India between 1750 and 1914?