Español I Class Information

Español I Class Information
for Spanish I
Materials to
have with you
on a DAILY
Mrs. Kim Fox, Spanish teacher. You may reach me at or 704-876-4191
We will study the Standard Course of Study for foreign languages. This will involve using the
language to communicate, read, listen, write and speak as well as learning the culture
surrounding the Spanish countries and people.
These are the essentials we will cover. These will involve vocabulary, grammar and cultural
items that go along with each topic.
1. Alphabet
2. Greetings and Courtesy
3. Numbers
6.Personal Descriptions
7.Family and Relationships
9.School Day
11.Places in the community
1. A notebook of your choice (spiral or binder). One section specifically used for daily
culture notes.
2. A folder or part of your binder to keep handouts and vocabulary lists. We do not have
a “book” that I will issue, so keeping all of your notes and vocabulary lists in your
notebook will be VERY important. We do have an e-book that you will have access to.
3. Pens/Pencils/highlighters
4. Ear buds for your MacBook
5. Flash drive for saving on your MacBook. (You do not need a separate one for Spanish
class, just have one with a Spanish folder to save to)
6. Log-in info/Passwords for Schoolnet, Voces,, your school email etc.
7. A fully charged MacBook
Tests and Projects count as 60% of grade. Some major tests/projects/etc. will be
weighted more heavily as needed within the 60% category.
Class work / Homework/ Participation count as 40% of grade
Final grade is calculated using 3rd 9 weeks avg (40%), 4th 9 weeks avg (40%), and the
final exam (20%). This is ISS district policy.
Re-test policy: Any student that fails a test will be given the opportunity to re-take the test
within 5 school days. They may come for re-teach if they need to or may re-test if they know
what they did wrong the 1st time.
Re-testing will be on the student’s own time, not during class. I am available after school for
this on most days. Re-testing is not available on open note tests or pop quizzes.
The highest grade available on a re-test will be an 80.
Late Work
ine translation
sites/ Spanish
apps/ other
At the pace that we move, we do not have time for slackness on the part of the student!
Therefore all work is expected to be turned in when due! Most of the time we will go over
an assignment in class so they will able to ask questions, etc. If you have not completed the
assignment, then you will be behind and not have the necessary practice to cover the
objective at hand. Assignments that are turned in late will only be able to score a maximum
grade of 50. If you are absent, you have 5 days to complete work/tests from when you were
out. After 5 days, the highest you can make is a 50.
Yes and I can tell, and yes you will NOT receive any credit for work done using them. They
are fine to use as a resource for a dictionary, but once you start using them for sentences
they don’t work and I will give you a zero on the assignment. This includes having google
translate, etc open while doing an assignment. Any words that you need will be on your
vocabulary lists provided in class.
Make-Up Work
or Time
Students are responsible for asking for, completing, and returning all make up work. If a
test has been scheduled, and you are present, you are expected to take it. All make up work
due to an absence is due within 5 days of your return. If you need to make up time(any
absences over 3 requires time), you may do that with me after school , in ASD or Saturday
school. There is a tray on the front table in the classroom where you can find your class
work you missed while absent. Check powerschool often to keep up with your assignments
and what you are missing!
Cheating includes copying another student’s work, plagiarism, and communication between
students during a testing session. Student(s) will receive a zero on the assignment with no
opportunity to make it up. This includes the student copying and the student who willingly
gives their work to be copied! Any student who has their MacBook or phone out during a
test (that is not online) or an assignment that we are not using the computer will
automatically be guilty of cheating and will receive a zero on the test.
Remind texting
Students are expected to be in the room ready to begin when the tardy bell rings. (3
tardies/early dismissals = 1 absence!)
Students are expected to listen, participate, and learn the material covered each
Students are not to disrupt the classroom or prevent others from learning.
Remember that all school rules apply.(includes cell phones!! If I see or hear, I will
Also, if you are doing something other than the assignment for our class on your
MacBook consider this your warning. If this happens in class you will be written
up. This includes games, social media, other websites, etc. If we not using the
MacBook in class it should be kept in your bookbag.
Tutoring is available most days after school. See me to schedule a time. There are also
flashcards for all the vocabulary at and other useful websites are listed
on my teacher webpage under “student resources”. Try studying vocabulary EVERY night,
if only for 10-15 minutes. Practice spelling the words! Try studying with someone, have
someone call out words to you.
This is a free, safe, educational texting service. If you sign up to receive remind texts from
me I will send out reminders of when you have tests and other important dates you need to
remember. Parents may also sign up to get the messages. Text the message @nihs1 to
81010. You may also download the app on your smart phone and enter the class code
Spanish I Agreement
I have read and understand the course overview for Mrs. Fox’s Spanish 1 class, and
will do my best to meet or surpass all goals expected of me this school year.
Signed: ____________________________________________________
Student name (printed) _______________________________________________
I like to be called: ________________________
Parent Info
Parent names (print please): _________________________________
Parent’s email: ____________________________________________(please give your
preferred email for my contacts)
Parent’s phone (best number to be reached during school): ___________________
I have read the course info brought home today. Please sign:
For The
Please ask any questions or express any concerns about our class here:
For The
Please ask any questions or express any concerns about our class here: (please
include any special information I may need to know about the student (ex. needs to
sit towards the front, etc)
Please return this form to Mrs. Fox TOMORROW for your first grade!