Crash Course US History; the Progressive Presidents

Crash Course US History; the Progressive Presidents
The rise of a national government’s power was important because…
TR believed it was his job to do what to the economy and big businesses? Regulate them or leave
them alone?
What did TR use the Sherman Act for?
What did TR do for the national parks and conservation? Did he help or hurt?
Who was TR’s “hand picked successor” (he became POTUS in the election of 1908)
What did the 16th amendment establish?
Because Taft was too conservative, what happened to TR’s approval of him?
What did TR do in 1912? What was the name of his new “Progressive” political party?
In modern day society, how would Taft, Roosevelt, Debs, and Wilson be seen politically? Liberal or
New Freedom belonged to ___________________ (which candidate in the election of 1912?)
New Nationalism belonged to __________________(which candidate?)
Who won the election of 1912?
Define the following laws…
The Clayton Anti-trust Act:
The Keating Owen Act:
How did the Government’s power increase under Wilson’s administration?
In Latin America, how did the US treat the people and their governments? As equal and
progressive as Americans had become or the opposite, abused?
What did the Roosevelt Corollary allow the US government to do in Latin America?
What was the name of TR’s diplomacy? ________________________ Diplomacy.
What was the name of Taft’s diplomacy? _______________________ Diplomacy.
Pancho Villa was Wilson’s enemy in Mexico; what did Pancho Villa do, why did he do it, and what
did Wilson do?
Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson are considered to be America’s first three __________________presidents.