2. Statement of Objectives:

2. Statement of Objectives:
Today we will learn about the Leading Causes of Death in the US. We will determine how
common behaviors affect individual’s health. Before we start lets talk about Health Literacy.
What does that term mean? It’s the ability to obtain, communicate, process, and
understand basic health information and services to make appropriate health
decisions. Part of that skill is knowing valid, reliable sources of online health information.
Look for .edu, .org, and look for when the information was last updated.
3. Lets start using our Cornell Notes by defining Health literacy in your own words.
4. Teacher Input:
As you read these articles, take notes using the Cornell method. I have started the headings
for the first 3 paragraphs for you. Read the paragraph and determine the most important
facts. You will bullet, not write sentences. Think of it as chunking information into bite size
Lets do the first 3 paragraphs together. Can I have a volunteer to read the first paragraph?
Thank you. Who would volunteer to point out information they think is the most important?
Unit 1 Cornell Notes: How Common Behaviors Effect Health
This side is for: cues, headings,
vocabulary, questions
This side is for: definitions, notes or drawings
Health Literacy
Pg. 1
Key Risk
Factors for Death
Pg. 2
Most Common Causes
of Death
Pg. 3
tobacco use
unbalanced nutrition
Lack of exercise
Pg. 4
Pg. 5
Summary: at least 3 sentences. (Write it like you are explaining the notes to someone who was absent.)
7. Closure:
In 1900, the top three causes of death were due to infectious disease.
Communicable Diseases- spread from one person to another or from an animal to
a person, via air, blood, or other body fluids.
Today, the leading causes of death in the U.S. can be prevented, to a large extent, by
improving personal health choices. The majority of health risk facing students at this
time in their lives is directly related to the choices they make every day. These
choices become Lifestyle Factors.
Negative lifestyle factors are contributing to Chronic Diseases- persist for 3 or
more months and generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication,
nor do they just disappear. (Diabetes, heart disease, obesity etc) they are the most
common, costly, and preventable of all health problems in the US.