Parent Information s. Karandikar’s Biology Class Mr

Parent Information
Mrs. Karandikar’s Biology Class
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
I am your child’s biology teacher. I have a Masters degree in Microbiology and
teach Honors and AP Biology. This is my eighth year teaching Biology at Stone
Bridge High School and I look forward to working with the students and you.
I am very excited about the upcoming year and hope that you are as well. I have
many interesting things planned in biology class and I look forward to sharing
them with you. I welcome you to visit my website and my classroom any time
you wish.
If you have questions regarding your child’s progress or grades, please feel free
to contact me. You can reach me at school at 571-252-2200 or email me. Please
keep in mind that I cannot take calls during class times.
Please sign and return the attached contact information sheet. The students have
also been provided with a copy of the classroom policies and procedures,
science (lab) safety contract and Biology course syllabus. Please review these
documents and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns.
Please encourage your child to do his or her best, attend school and class daily,
maintain his or her agenda book and keep a positive attitude! I hope to see you
at our back to school night on Sept 22nd, 2014!
Mrs. Karandikar
Please complete the following information and return it to Mrs. Karandikar via
your student. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Assignment #2 (worth 10 points)
Due by Sept 4th 2014 (A day) and Sept 5th 2014 (B day)
Student’s name________________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and numbers: (include first and last names)
1. ________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ____________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________ ext.__________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ____________________________________________________
Phone Number: ______________________________________ ext._________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________
What times are best for me to call you?
Is there anything specific you would like for me to be aware of regarding your
Is there anything you would like to ask etc?
I DO / DO NOT give permission for Ms. Karandikar to email my child’s grade to
Parent/Guardian signature