I, _______________________________________, holding the office of


I, _______________________________________, holding the office of

____________________________________ have received a copy of the


BWHS Constitution. I acknowledge all requirements to hold office including good citizenship, academic eligibility, and participation.

Furthermore, I understand that being a member of the BWHS SCA is a privilege which can be revoked.

By serving as a member of SCA, I agree to support the decisions of the

SCA and will refrain from any negativity. I also agree to serve actively and engage in the betterment of the Briar Woods High School student body and community.




BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015


The Constitution of

The Student Council Association of Briar Woods High School

Article I: Name

The name of the organization for which this constitution shall serve as supreme law shall be known as the Student Council Association (SCA) of Briar Woods High School.

Article II: Purpose/Mission

Mission: The SCA is committed to enhancing and serving our school community for the betterment of all stakeholders by:

 encouraging and creating school spirit, pride, morale, and enthusiasm

 celebrating the achievements of our diverse student body

 building and maintaining a tradition of excellence

 continuing to be a voice in our school

Article III: Affiliation

The Student Council Association shall hold affiliation with the National Association of Student


Article IV: Members

A. Student Council Association

Section 1: An Executive Board shall be composed of the president, vice president, secretary, social chair, an at large representative, a representative from each class, and the SCA advisor(s).

Section 2: An Executive Council shall be composed of the members of the Executive Board,

Class Officers, and class advisors. Cabinet members will serve as advisors to the Executive

Council with voting privileges.

Section 4: Each member of the Executive Council will: a.

Have one vote in all legislative matters. b.

Be a member of at least one committee throughout the school year. c.

Attend the Regular Meetings of the Student Council Association.


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Article V. Qualifications

Section 1: Good Citizenship a.

In order to qualify for a position within the Executive Council, a student must maintain a good citizenship record on or off campus and through social media during the school year of his/her running for office. b.

If a representative or officer is suspended from school during his/her term, he/she may be removed from office. c.

All members of the Executive Council are to abide by all school rules for student conduct; they are to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that brings credit to themselves as students and representatives of Briar Woods High School by following all school rules, policies, expectations, including the Honor Code, and demonstrating respect for authority. Failure to comply with these expectations may result in removal from office. d.

Any member of the Executive Council who becomes involved in a situation on or off campus or through social media which is detrimental to the SCA and/or school, can expect disciplinary action in accordance with school rules for behavior of students and deemed appropriate by the faculty advisor and the administration. The student may be removed from office at the determination of the principal and SCA Advisor or Class

Advisor. e.

Lack of leadership hours or an accrual of demerits in any quarter will result in suspension or removal from office by the faculty advisor and the administration. f.

Any member of the Executive Council who uses or possesses tobacco, drugs, or alcohol during their elected term may be removed from office by the administration.

Section 2: Academic Eligibility a.

In order to qualify for a position within the Executive Council, a student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5. b.

Any member of the Executive Council who fails to maintain his or her academic eligibility shall be placed on probation for one grading period. During this time they will complete weekly grade reports with their teachers and submit these to their direct sponsor. c.

Reinstatement shall occur at the end of the grading period if academic eligibility is achieved. d.

Failure to restore academic eligibility may result in removal from office.

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015


Section 3: Class Membership and Executive Offices a.

The President of the SCA must be a member of the rising junior or senior class b.

The Vice-President of the SCA must be a member of the rising junior or senior class. c.

The Secretary of the SCA must be a member of the rising sophomore, junior, or senior class. d.

The Social chair must be a member of the rising sophomore, junior, or senior class. e.

The SCA Representative must be a member of the rising sophomore, junior, or senior class. f.

The SCA Cabinet will be proposed by the SCA Advisor and elected by the Executive


Article VI: Elections

Section 1: Term of Office a.

The Executive Council (SCA Executive Officers and SCA Class officers) shall be elected for a term of one year and shall serve until their successors are elected. b.

The SCA Cabinet is a part of the Executive Council and will serve by appointment. i.

Cabinet members will be proposed by the SCA Advisor ii.

Cabinet members will be instated into the Executive Council by two thirds majority vote by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Eligibility a.

Officers are eligible for re-election provided they gain more votes than any other candidate. b.

Members of the Executive Board shall not be eligible to run for class officer during the same term.

Section 3: Election Procedures a.

Election of Executive Council officers shall be held before the end of the second semester of each school year. b.

Except in the case of freshman class officers, in which elections shall take place during the first semester of the school year. c.

Students must signify in writing their desire to run for office to the SCA Advisor. This notification will take the form of an application packet. The packet must also include the signatures of two teachers, verification of good citizenship from the administration via signature, and verification of academic eligibility from the guidance department via signature. d.

Candidates shall be granted at least five school days of campaigning, which is to be followed by an opportunity for the candidates to address the entire student body.

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015


The election shall take place in the form of secret ballot. f.

The candidate receiving the most votes cast for each office shall fill said office. g.

A committee of the faculty and staff members at the school will oversee counting of ballots.

Section 4: Vacancies a.

Any vacancy that remains after elections are held shall be filled by a special election authorized by the SCA Advisor. b.

Any vacancy resulting from an elected officer resignation, or removal from office, shall remain vacant for the remainder of the school year. c.

Sponsors will delegate the responsibilities of the vacant office to other elected officers.

Article VII: Duties of Executive and Class Officers a.

The SCA Secretary shall prepare the agenda for each meeting of the SCA working the

SCA Executive President and Class Presidents. b.

The SCA Secretary and the Class Secretaries will divide the responsibilities of recording the minutes of each SCA Executive Council Meeting.

Section 1: The President

6 a.

The President shall preside at the meetings of the SCA. b.

There will be no fewer than one formal meeting per month. c.

He/she shall exercise one vote on each point before the SCA d.

The President will insure that parliamentary laws be followed at all meetings of the SCA. e.

In the event of a tie vote on a point at issue before such committees, the President shall cast the deciding vote. f.

The President may appoint committee heads with approval of the faculty advisor. g.

The President shall have no power to veto or retard in any manner action on a bill. h.

The President shall have the power to call special meetings of the SCA, with the approval of the faculty advisor. i.

Any representative who cannot attend a scheduled SCA meeting, must notify the SCA advisor prior to the meeting date. This notification can be in the form of a face-to-face meeting, or an email or letter describing the reason for missing the meeting. During this time, the SCA advisor will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. The SCA advisor will notify the secretary during attendance at the SCA meeting.

Section 2: Vice-President a.

The Vice-President shall preside at meetings of the SCA in the absence of the president. b.

The Vice-President shall exercise one vote on each point before the SCA.

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015


The Vice-President, when serving in the capacity of the President of the SCA, shall exercise all powers and authority of the office of president and shall be under all restraints of said office. d.

The Vice President shall serve as consultant to the president about parliamentary procedure and shall ensure that parliamentary laws be followed at all meetings of the

SCA. e.

The Vice-President shall function in any capacity as directed by the President. f.

Any representative who cannot attend a scheduled SCA meeting, must notify the SCA advisor prior to the meeting date. This notification can be in the form of a face-to-face meeting, or an email or letter describing the reason for missing the meeting. During this time, the SCA advisor will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. The SCA advisor will notify the secretary during attendance at the SCA meeting.

Section 3: The Secretary – SCA Secretary working with the Class Secretaries

7 a.

The Secretary shall make reports, in the form of minutes, for business carried on during the previous SCA meetings and shall present such minutes for approval at the next scheduled meeting of the SCA. b.

The Secretary shall exercise one vote on each point at issue before the SCA. c.

The Secretary shall be in charge of publishing bills that are to be voted upon by the SCA. d.

The Secretary shall prepare all necessary correspondence between the SCA and other organizations within the school, county, state, or nation. The Secretary shall maintain a file of such correspondence, which will be available to all members of the SCA. e.

The Secretary shall work with the class secretaries and other officers to report business and upcoming events by the form of newsletters/flyers that will be posted around the school. f.

The Secretary shall function in any capacity as directed by the President. g.

Any representative who cannot attend a scheduled SCA meeting, must notify the SCA advisor prior to the meeting date. This notification can be in the form of a face-to-face meeting, or an email or letter describing the reason for missing the meeting. During this time, the SCA advisor will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. The SCA advisor will notify the secretary during attendance at the SCA meeting.

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015

Section 4: The Social Chair a.

The Social Chair shall exercise one vote on each matter before the SCA. b.

The Social Chair shall work with the Secretary to report business and upcoming events by the form of newsletters/flyers that will be posted around the school and to work the

Leadership Team for social media publication of SCA Events. c.

The Social Chair shall function in any capacity as directed by the President.

Section 6: The SCA Representative

8 a.

The SCA Representative shall maintain an accurate attendance record of representatives/officers attending the SCA meetings as well as reasons for any absences and shall assist the president in tracking representatives/officers continued eligibility to serve on the SCA. b.

The SCA Representative shall serve as consultant to the president about parliamentary procedure and shall ensure that parliamentary laws be followed at all meetings of the

SCA. c.

The SCA Representative shall exercise one vote on each matter before the SCA.

Section 7: Class Officers d.

Each Class Officer shall attend all meetings of the SCA, have one vote in all legislative matters of the SCA, and serve on at least one committee during the school year including attending a PTSO meeting. e.

Any representative who cannot attend a scheduled SCA meeting, must notify the SCA advisor prior to the meeting date. This notification can be in the form of a face-to-face meeting, or an email or letter describing the reason for missing the meeting. During this time, the SCA advisor will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. The SCA advisor will notify the secretary during attendance at the SCA meeting. f.

Duties of officers in classes shall be as follows: a.

Senior Class Officers shall participate in homecoming planning and execution; graduation planning including submitting ideas for a graduation speaker prior to

March 31 of the graduating year; senior trip planning and execution; and other assignments as dictated by the Executive Council and Class Advisors. b.

Junior Class Officers shall participate in homecoming planning and execution; prom planning including decorating the event site; powder puff football competition planning including recruiting coaches, cheerleaders, players for both the senior and junior teams, ticket sales, and chaperones; in addition, the junior class shall be responsible for the design and ordering of powder puff shirts; and other assignments as dictated by the Executive Council and Class Advisors c.

Sophomore Class Officers shall participate in homecoming planning and execution; decorating and clean up for the homecoming dance; winter dance

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015

planning including decorating and clean up of the event site; and other assignments as dictated by the Executive Council and Class Advisors d.

Freshman Class Officers shall participate in homecoming planning and execution; decorating and clean up for the homecoming dance; and other assignments as dictated by the Executive Council and Class Advisors.

VIII. Removal from Office


Section 1: Reasons for Removal from Office (See Article V, Sections 1 and 2) a.

Failure to perform his/her duties b.

Failure to maintain academic eligibility c.

Failure to maintain good citizenship d.

Display of any action which would reflect in a detrimental manner upon the office, organization, or student body e.

Failure to report to scheduled SCA meetings f.

Failure to earn the minimum number of Leadership Points per quarter g.

Accrual of demerits in any quarter

Section 2: Procedures for Removal from Office a.

For an elected member or cabinet member to be removed from office, the SCA shall compose and pass by two-thirds vote, the specific articles of impeachment (or at the discretion of the principal). b.

An Impeachment Committee shall be convened by the faculty advisor and the principal.

The committee will consist of the members of the Faculty Council as well as one administrator appointed by the principal, and the faculty advisor of the SCA in a nonvoting capacity. c.

The Impeachment Committee must meet within two weeks of the Articles of

Impeachment at which time, the impeached member may make a presentation to the committee and/or submit his/her resignation. d.

A two-thirds vote of the Impeachment Committee is required for the removal of the impeached member. e.

The removed member shall be ineligible to be an SCA member or hold any other office in the SCA for the current school year.

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015


IX. Meetings of the SCA

Section 1: Regular Meetings a.

Regular meetings will take place during the SCA Study Hall. b.

A quorum of a least two-thirds of the SCA must be present in order to transact business.

A majority vote of officers/representatives present is necessary for the passage of bills. c.

The faculty advisor or a substitute must be present at all meetings. The Faculty advisor will arrange for any substitute advisors. d.

Regular meetings of the SCA shall be conducted according to the following format: call to order, roll call, reading of the minutes, reports of officers and committees, old business, new business, miscellaneous, and adjournment.

Section 2: Special Meetings a.

The President, faculty advisor, or the principal may call Special Meetings of the SCA. b.

The president of the SCA shall call meetings only with the approval of the SCA advisor. If a meeting called by the president is scheduled during regular school hours, the SCA advisor must be present.

Section 3: Postponed or Cancelled Meetings

Meetings, which have been postponed or cancelled, may be rescheduled by the president with the approval of the faculty advisor.

Section 4: Parliamentary Authority

Parliamentary authority of all meetings of the SCA shall be Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article X. Limitations of Power

Any action taken by the SCA is subject to the approval of the faculty advisor and the principal.

Article XI. Amendment Process a.

The proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the SCA by a member of the

Executive Council. If the amendment is passed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive

Council, it shall be forwarded to the student body for consideration. b.

If the amendment passes by a two-thirds vote of the student body, it shall be made part of the constitution.

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015


Article XII: Cabinet Members a.

The Cabinet is a branch of the SCA.


Eligibility for membership in the SCA cabinet includes: i.

Applying and campaigning for Executive or Class offices ii.

Demonstrated leadership and citizenship iii.

Names are proposed by the faculty advisor and voted on by the Executive Board.


Cabinet members are under the same citizenship and academic requirements for SCA

Class and Executive officers in order to remain members of the SCA.


This branch of the SCA will serve as ambassadors to the student body to unite all student body members and clubs, organizations, and activities for school improvement in areas dictated by the student body.


The Cabinet will advise the SCA of upcoming events outside of SCA events to coordinate and maintain a student activities calendar.

Article XIV. Ratification

This constitution shall be ratified by the principal, faculty advisor, and by a two-thirds vote of the Executive



Principal: ______________________________ _________________________________

SCA Advisor:

SCA President:

______________________________ _________________________________

______________________________ _________________________________

SCA Vice President: ______________________________ _________________________________

SCA Secretary: ______________________________ _________________________________

BWHS SCA 2014 – 2015

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