 The light from the stars we see at night travel great distances to reach Earth.
 Other than the sun, Proxima Centauri is the next closest star.
 The light that we see from it takes over 4 years to reach our eyes.
 Other light from stars has taken thousands, millions, or even billions of years to reach Earth.
Units we use to measure distances on Earth are way too small for the extremely large distances in space.
 The distance between the Earth and the Sun for example is 150,000,000 km or 93,000,000 mi.
 1AU (Astronomical Unit) = 93 million miles = the distance from the Earth to the Sun
 Our closest star, Proxima Centauri is 24.8 trillion miles or 260,000 AU
o Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light years away.
What is a Light Year?
A unit that measures the distance light travels in one year
Light travels 9.5 trillion km in one year (5.8 trillion miles)
Light travels 300,000 kilometers every second
 Sunlight reaches Earth in 8 minutes
 Sunlight reaches Pluto: 4 hours
Light from Proxima Centauri reaches Earth: 4.2 years
How do astronomers measure the distance to stars?
 One method astronomers use to measure distances to stars is called parallax.
 Stars that are close to Earth show parallax as Earth moves from one side of the sun to the other.
 Astronomers can then determine the distance using geometry!