ENGLISH I CLOSE READING & ANNOTATION GUIDE LEFT MARGIN: Put paragraph in your words for better understanding (this is not in complete sentences) Within Text: _________put star beside main idea (this is usually in first paragraph) What is this text about as a whole? _________highlight at least 5 details that support the main idea (Ask yourself how the author PROVES the main idea) __________circle 3 words you don’t know __________put question marks over 2 sentences or passages that you don’t understand or are confusing RIGHT MARGIN: ___________draw a star and write PURPOSE of article (Why did the author write this?) 1) inform: describe, explain, give facts, tell what something looks like 2) instruct: to tell the reader how to do something; outline a process 3) persuade: to influence the reader to take action or take author’s opinion 4) narrate: tells sequence of events into the life of a human, life form, or situation 5) respond: to express ideas about a topic; to engage in critical, evaluative thinking; may include a specific prompt or format ______________put definitions of 3 words you circled ______________put a + sign beside a section where you learned something new