Graphic Organizer Quiz

Graphic Organizer Quiz
1. What crisis did FDR’s first fireside chat
2. What did the AAA pay farmers to do?
3. What did the TVA provide to people in rural
4. What act gave money (a pension) to older
retired citizens?
5. What did the Fair Labor Standards Act outlaw?
Bonus: What action by FDR was very unpopular
with the American people?
The Second New Deal and
Goal 9
Essential Idea
Many people were critical of the New Deal
program, including Supreme Court justices.
Problems of The New Deal
Problem #1:
Although the New Deal created 2 million
jobs, 10 million people were still
Deficit Spending
Problem #2:
FDR had used deficit spending to pay for New Deal programs
Deficit spending – borrowing money instead of balancing the budget
to pay for the New Deal
Deficit spending caused the national debt to grow
Opposition to the New Deal
While some people _____________ the
______________ because they felt it gave
too much ___________ to the
__________________________, others
opposed it because they felt it did not
Who is the
old man
What is
being given
to him?
What is the
message of
Huey Long
Who: Huey Long
What he called for:
He was a senator from
Louisiana, nicknamed the
He wanted to raise the
income tax
He wanted the wealth to
be distributed from the rich
to the poor (a “chicken in
every pot”)
Father Coughlin
Who: Father Coughlin
He was a Catholic priest
who called for bimetallism
(like the Populists) to raise
This would help farmers
and businesses
He wanted the government
to nationalize the banks
Townsend Plan
Who: Francis Townsend
He introduced the Townsend Plan
This plan would make citizens over 60
Retirees would draw a pension of $200 that
they would have to spend
FDR “stole” this idea by creating Social
The Second New Deal
1. WPA
Stands for: Works Progress
What it did:
Similar to the PWA, it was the biggest
public works program
Spent $11 billion, hired 8.5 million
workers, built 650,000 miles of
highway and 125,000 buildings
Controversial because it also paid
artists to create art
The WPA was funded using deficit
Where were most WPA projects done?
Why do you think they were concentrated in
the Northeast?
Wagner Act
2. Wagner Act
What it did:
Guaranteed the right of workers to form
Guaranteed the right of unions to collective
Fair Labor Standards Act
3. Fair Labor
Standards Act
What it did:
Outlawed child labor
Limited the work
week to 44 hours
Set a minimum wage
of 25 cents an hour
Social Security Act
4. Social Security Act
What it did:
Created a pension program for seniors
Money was taxed from worker’s pay and given to people who retired after age
This helped families with older members
Was the New Deal Unconstitutional?
Problem for the New Deal:
Although the New Deal was
popular with many
Americans, it was not as
popular with the Supreme
FDR vs. the Supreme Court
Actions of the Supreme Court:
The Supreme Court had ruled the AAA to be
The Supreme Court was reviewing Social
Security and the Wagner Act
FDR fights back:
To keep the Supreme Court from killing the New
Deal, FDR tried to implement a “Court Packing Plan”
The “Court Packing Plan”:
The plan would force older Supreme Court justices
to retire
The plan would expand the Supreme Court from 9
members to 15
FDR would be able to appoint new justices who
supported the New Deal
Public Reaction:
This was one of
FDR’s biggest
mistakes, and the
American people felt
that the executive
branch was trying to
gain too much
Legacy of the New Deal/War on the
Legacy #1: The New Deal was a “safety net” for
Legacy #2: the New Deal put in safeguards and
relief programs for economic disasters
Legacy #3: the New Deal expanded the power
of the federal government
The Great Depression did not really end until the
U.S. entered World War II