U.S. History Goal 9 Study Guide

U.S. History Goal 9 Study Guide
In addition to knowing the key terms, be able to answer the following questions:
1. What era did Harding’s election end?
2. What was wrong with Harding’s administration?
3. What happened in the Teapot Dome Scandal?
4. Why was Calvin Coolidge so popular?
5. What is isolationism?
6. What were the purpose and the terms of the Dawes Plan?
7. What were the purpose and the terms of the Washington Conference?
8. What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact do?
9. What did the assembly line do?
10. How did the assembly line transform American life?
11. How did the car change American life?
12. What was the biggest aspect of the economic boom of the 1920s (hint: making
13. What was the “lost generation”?
14. What did people do with free time?
15. What was the first “talkie” movie?
16. What was the popular music of the 1920s?
17. Who were the most famous athletes of the 1920s?
18. What is mass media, and how did it affect American culture?
19. What happened in the Sacco-Vanzetti case?
20. How did the KKK change in the 1920s?
21. How did women challenge traditional roles?
22. What was a flapper?
23. How did cars create a “new morality”?
24. What was fundamentalism?
25. What happened in the Scopes Trial?
26. What did the 18th Amendment do? What did the Volstead Act do?
27. Why was Prohibition difficult to enforce?
28. What were speakeasies? What was bootlegging?
29. What was the role of organized crime during Prohibition?
30. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
31. What ideas did Marcus Garvey promote, and what movement did it conclude
32. Name and describe the four causes of the Great Depression:
a. Ob. Bc. Od. E33. How did people buy stock they couldn’t afford?
34. What was a margin call, and what would make a stockbroker issue one?
35. What is speculation? Overspeculation?
36. What was Black Tuesday?
37. What is a bank run?
38. What did bank runs do to banks, and how?
39. Why were businesses overproducing?
40. What happened when people stopped buying as many goods from companies?
41. What was the purpose of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?
42. What was the RESULT of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?
43. What did the RFC do?
44. What was the Bonus Army? What happened when the marched on Washington?
45. What did hungry people do to get food?
46. What were Hoovervilles? Name other “Hoover stuff”.
47. What made matters worse for farmers in the Midwest?
48. What caused the Dust Bowl?
49. What famous movies were made during the Great Depression?
50. Who was elected in 1932, and what did he say in his inauguration speech?
51. What was the first part of FDR’s presidency called?
52. What was the New Deal?
53. What did FDR do in his first week in office, and how?
54. What were fireside chats?
55. Name each organization and know what it did:
b. SEC
c. AAA
d. NRA
e. CCC
f. TVA
g. PWA
h. WPA
56. What did the Wagner Act do?
57. What did the Social Security Act do?
58. Why did FDR try to “pack” the Supreme Court?
59. What was the public reaction to FDR’s “court packing plan”?
60. What did the Fair Labor Standards Act do?
61. What was the legacy of the New Deal?