Modern Trivia

Round 1
Round 1, Question 1
The belief that a people who
share a common language,
history, and culture should
constitute an independent
nation, free of foreign
Round 1, Question 2
The geopolitical practice of
using capitalism, business
globalization, and cultural
imperialism to influence a
country (in lieu of either direct
military control or indirect
political control)
Round 1, Question 3
Jewish nationalist movement
that has had as its goal the
creation and support of a
Jewish national state in
Round 1, Question 4
A policy of extending a
country’s power and
influence through diplomacy
or military force
Round 1, Question 5
The theory used to support
laissez-faire capitalism,
political conservatism, class
stratification, imperialist,
colonialist, and racist
Round 1
Round 1, Question 1
The belief that a people who
share a common language,
history, and culture should
constitute an independent
nation, free of foreign
Round 1, Question 1
Round 1, Question 2
The geopolitical practice of
using capitalism, business
globalization, and cultural
imperialism to influence a
country (in lieu of either direct
military control or indirect
political control)
Round 1, Question 2
Round 1, Question 3
Jewish nationalist movement
that has had as its goal the
creation and support of a
Jewish national state in
Round 1, Question 3
Round 1, Question 4
A policy of extending a
country’s power and
influence through diplomacy
or military force
Round 1, Question 4
Round 1, Question 5
The theory used to support
laissez-faire capitalism,
political conservatism, class
stratification, imperialist,
colonialist, and racist
Round 1, Question 5
Social Darwinism
Round 2
Round 2, Question 1
Founder of the dynasty that
ruled Egypt from the
beginning of the 19th century
to the middle of the 20th. He
encouraged the emergence of
the modern Egyptian state.
Round 2, Question 2
Leader of the Haitian
independence movement
during the French
Round 2, Question 3
Scottish philosopher, wrote
what is considered the first
comprehensive system of
political authority, The
Wealth of Nations
Round 2, Question 4
Austrian statesman, a
champion of conservatism,
helped form the victorious
alliance against Napoleon I,
hosted and influenced the
Congress of Vienna
Round 2, Question 4
Their intellectual work was geared
towards a global understanding of
the socio-economic problems
which seemed to originate within
the human nature and organized
societies and would later influence
political leaders such as Vladimir
Round 2
Round 2, Question 1
Founder of the dynasty that
ruled Egypt from the
beginning of the 19th century
to the middle of the 20th. He
encouraged the emergence of
the modern Egyptian state.
Round 2, Question 1
Muhammad Ali
Round 2, Question 2
Leader of the Haitian
independence movement
during the French
Round 2, Question 2
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Round 2, Question 3
Scottish philosopher, wrote
what is considered the first
comprehensive system of
political authority, The
Wealth of Nations
Round 2, Question 3
Adam Smith
Round 2, Question 4
Austrian statesman, a
champion of conservatism,
helped form the victorious
alliance against Napoleon I,
hosted and influenced the
Congress of Vienna
Round 2, Question 4
Prince von Metternich
Round 2, Question 5
Their intellectual work was geared
towards a global understanding of
the socio-economic problems
which seemed to originate within
the human nature and organized
societies and would later influence
political leaders such as Vladimir
Round 2, Question 5
Karl Marx
Frederich Engles
Round 3
Round 3, Question 1
Which traditional world
powers from the last era
weakened in this one?
(4 points possible)
Round 3, Question 2
By 1900, Europe controlled
how much of the Earth’s
Round 3, Question 3
Name the three canals built
during this Era.
(Bonus points for dates!)
Round 3, Question 4
The Berlin Conference
(1884) is an example of
obtaining colonies through
what method?
Round 3, Question 5
Give examples of settler
1 point for each answer.
7 mentioned in class
Round 3, Question 6
Name of the idea that
Europeans used to justify their
racial policies exemplified by
saying: “We are better because
of science.”
Round 3, Question 7
The Enlightenment attempted
to reform society using
_______, ________, and
(1 point for each answer)
Round 3, Question 8
Industrialization, Imperialism,
and the rise of global capitalist
economy increase the amount
of ______ in this era.
Round 3, Question 9
What new world powers rose
during the modern era?
(3 mentioned in class, 1 point
for each answer)
Round 3, Question 10
European nations acquired
territory for two purposes
related to industrialization.
What were those purposes?
(1 point for each answer)
Round 3
Round 3, Question 1
Which traditional world
powers from the last era
weakened in this one?
(4 points possible)
Round 3, Question 1
Qing China
Round 3, Question 2
By 1900, Europe controlled
how much of the Earth’s
Round 3, Question 2
Round 3, Question 3
Name the three canals built
during this Era.
(Bonus points for dates!)
Round 3, Question 3
Erie (1825)
Suez (1869)
Panama (1914)
Round 3, Question 4
The Berlin Conference
(1884) is an example of
obtaining colonies through
what method?
Round 3, Question 4
Round 3, Question 5
Give examples of settler
1 point for each answer.
7 mentioned in class
Round 3, Question 5
South Africa
American Frontier
Round 3, Question 6
Name of the idea that
Europeans used to justify their
racial policies exemplified by
saying: “We are better because
of science.”
Round 3, Question 6
Social Darwinism
Round 3, Question 7
The Enlightenment attempted
to reform society using
_______, ________, and
(1 point for each answer)
Round 3, Question 7
Round 3, Question 8
Industrialization, Imperialism,
and the rise of global capitalist
economy increase the amount
of ______ in this era.
Round 3, Question 8
Round 3, Question 9
What new world powers rose
during the modern era?
(3 mentioned in class, 1 point
for each answer)
Round 3, Question 9
Round 3, Question 10
European nations acquired
territory for two purposes
related to industrialization.
What were those purposes?
(1 point for each answer)
Round 3, Question 10
Raw Materials
Round 4
Round 4, Question 1
In what year was Haitian
independence achieved?
Round 4, Question 2
The Berlin Conference
divides Africa in what year?
Round 4, Question 3
The Industrial Revolution
began in what year?
Round 4, Question 4
The Meiji Restoration, ending
of Japanese feudalism, and
start of industrialization
happened in what year?
Round 4, Question 5
Marx’s Communist
Manifesto was published in
what year?
Round 4, Question 6
The region with the greatest
number of colonial and
commercial competitors in the
Early Modern Era (1450-1750)
Round 4, Question 7
The Renaissance was a result
of what event(s)?
Round 4, Question 8
What was Japan’s greatest
challenge to
Round 4, Question 9
Marxism sees history as a series
of what type of struggle?
Bonus: Who is the struggle
Round 4, Question 10
What was the effect of the
break up of the Mughal
Empire on colonialism in
Round 4
Round 4, Question 1
In what year was Haitian
independence achieved?
Round 4, Question 1
Round 4, Question 2
The Berlin Conference
divides Africa in what year?
Round 4, Question 2
Round 4, Question 3
The Industrial Revolution
began in what year?
Round 4, Question 3
Round 4, Question 4
The Meiji Restoration, ending
of Japanese feudalism, and
start of industrialization
happened in what year?
Round 4, Question 4
Round 4, Question 5
Marx’s Communist
Manifesto was published in
what year?
Round 4, Question 5
Round 4, Question 6
The region with the greatest
number of colonial and
commercial competitors in the
Early Modern Era (1450-1750)
Round 4, Question 6
Round 4, Question 7
The Renaissance was a result
of what event(s)?
Round 4, Question 7
The Crusades
Round 4, Question 8
What was Japan’s greatest
challenge to
Round 4, Question 8
Round 4, Question 9
Marxism sees history as a series
of what type of struggle?
Bonus: Who is the struggle
Round 4, Question 9
Class struggles between the
bourgeoisie and proletariat
Round 4, Question 10
What was the effect of the
break up of the Mughal
Empire on colonialism in
Round 4, Question 10
Facilitated the entrance of
Britain into India
Round 5
This day in history.
Round 5, Question 1
In 1916, this rebellion ends
in Ireland with the surrender
of Irish nationalists.
Round 5, Question 2
In 1429, the months-long
siege of the French city of
Orleans is ended by this
Round 5, Question 3
Operation Frequent Wind
begins in 1975 in order to
evacuate what city?
Round 5, Question 4
1945- A wedding in an
underground bunker- who?
2011- A wedding in one of
the world’s most famous
cathedrals- who?
Round 5, Question 5
This infamous location is
liberated by American troops
in 1945.
Round 5
Round 5, Question 1
In 1916, this rebellion ends
in Ireland with the surrender
of Irish nationalists.
Round 5, Question 1
Easter rebellion/rising
Round 5, Question 2
In 1429, the months-long
siege of the French city of
Orleans is ended by this
Round 5, Question 2
Joan of Arc
Round 5, Question 3
Operation Frequent Wind
begins in 1975 in order to
evacuate what city?
Round 5, Question 3
Saigon, South Vietnam
Round 5, Question 4
1945- A wedding in an
underground bunker- who?
2011- A wedding in one of
the world’s most famous
cathedrals- who?
Round 5, Question 4
1945- A wedding in an
underground bunker- Adolph
Hitler & Eva Braun
2011- A wedding in one of the
world’s most famous cathedralsPrince William & Catherine
Round 5, Question 5
This infamous location is
liberated by American troops in
Round 5, Question 5
Dachau concentration camp